This is my current drive. For the ping g425 max and i've loved having this in the bag you know why because i hit fairways with it i know it's not the longest drive i've ever had in the bag but what it lacks in distance it makes up with forgiveness i've been a big fan of it now this driver you might have seen this so far this year the taylormade stealth plus now this on a launch monitor statistically goes longer than my current driver but what does that relate to in a real world scenario when there's trouble when there's fairways to be missed with outbounds water is that extra distance potentially worth it well in this video we're gonna find out now most people know the first tee is quite a nerve-wracking shot in golf. And let's say hypothetically i've just been through my fitting and i'm getting more distance with the tailor-made yes. But when i now stand on the golf course certainly here on the first half of jcp there's a huge amount of water i've got to carry there's trouble up the left it's no good going right there's a bunker there that i might even get into as well how is it going to perform. So i'm going to test it against the ping we need five shots with each. So all the golf balls i'm hitting are pro v1s. But to identify from the taylormade driver shots i'm hitting the ping i put a t on the golf balls i'm gonna hit with the taylormade and the p on the golf balls i'm gonna do it with the ping that's to make this fair i'm gonna hit alternate shots as well in my pocket i've got one of each of the golf balls who is going to go first this one the ping i'm going to hit first which again just from my experience. And the shots have been held in the driving range this is the one that i would want to be hitting off the first tee here because it fills me with. So much more confidence i'm gonna hit an okay tee shot. So my target line here is a bunker that's about 300 yards to get to. Or so i think on a cold day today.

I don't i'm not going to reach that i want to be slightly left of it because that opens up the green line the more left i go it brings the water into play right real world first tee ping vs taylormade that is perfect absolutely ideal middle of the fairway felt confident head shape everything just fills me with that confidence that that's a shot i'm gonna do. So one safely and play with the ping taylormade up next.

Head shape as much as i love it i do it doesn't fill me with as much confidence. And on drive range i can kind of look past that because there's not as much consequence. But i must admit getting out here now onto a first tee oh i'm just a little bit less sure that i'm gonna hit a really nice shot oh it's really nice yeah that's good that felt as similar straight to the ping it's in the fairway what will be interesting is whether it's longer. Or not we'll find out in a minute exactly the same as the first shot that's one of those shots i can guarantee if i was hitting on the launch monitor on the simulator it wouldn't have been my best distance wise. But on a first t in a real game scenario i am taking that shot every day of the week okay turn the mate up again [Music] wow goes back to my point that's in the water i didn't carry it over the water i hit it a little bit toei it turned more left on me if i was hitting on the first t-shirt i mean that is a disastrous way to start around oh now on there i'm not blaming the golf club i can hit bad shots with either golf club it's just how punished potentially i get as much as my first one i think is longer than the pings my bad shot was considerably worse oh oh oh it's not always perfect. And that's exactly why i chose this hole to do this test because my bad one i can do that i can hit it a little bit toward. And it can curve too far left i must admit that felt uncharacteristic from the pink. But the evidence is there still wet in the water it's still wet [Music] okay two more with each [Music] yeah similar to shot one. And two oh it's safe but it's up the right this time does seem to be going a bit longer though you know what i'm enjoying this test again that's why if you can test the golf club on the golf course because there's a lot more consequence being able to just whack it in a studio. Or a simulator you don't have that consequence there's no fear sometimes when your heart's just beating a little bit faster. And you see a problematic golf shot that you might face you definitely rediscover the importance of a driver that suits your game four of the ping drivers honestly when we get down there i think we're almost gonna be right next.

To each other four really good one bad one with the ping not my best strike i mean actually that's an okay result again one of those ones you'd want off a first tee all right let's get down there. And have a quick look at where all those balls have actually finished i'm intrigued to see if there's much difference in distance okay this is interesting coming down to the fairway now i've hit from this left-hand side over that massive amount of water which by the way looks phenomenal from here. And i can see. So far uh one two three four five six seven eight golf balls and obviously there's two in the water so out of the 10 i've had an 80 fairway hit ratio which is good not sure if i've quite got a conclusion. Yet i've come to the eighth hole because i think this is a real test if i hit it right i'm in the trees if i hit it left i'm in a bunker i once hit it straight. And ideally it's not an easy hole it's still long ideally i still want to hit it long we have a five retailer made also five with pink let's see where they finish oh it's just just clung on the fairway oh that was finished in the bunker that is a shot i hate. And i hit it a little bit towie and the spin just drops off it and it nose dives left and they're the little ones that maybe are fitting you might overlook. Or you might just delete it but on a golf course i mean it's just put me in. So much danger it's a horrible shot [Music] straight down the fairway [Music] again bunker yeah it should be good i'm starting to uh come up with much more of a summary now certainly behind the golf ball when you've got to try. And feed it down a tight fairway this does not fill me with confidence this stealth driver i'm taking that every day of the week last one with the tailor-made struggle to find the fairway with this. So far [Music] still might cling on the right hand side ah cling on it's just stayed right on side of that bunker okay. So we've got two in the bunker i think it's one of each yeah that's a ping. And that's a taylormade two bad shots yep granted deserve to find the bunker on those two as we spin round look at this there's one two three four five six in the fairway in fact seven in the fairway one short and then.

There's definitely one in the trees let's have a very quick look at these that was the last ping shot i hit which i thought was gonna be borderline bunker. But it's past it tailor-made fairway not the longest but it's a driver accept there's four more down here i mean one's an absolute monster middle of fairway ping again middle of the fairway ping okay middle of fairway taylormade. So then.

I think the one that i'm missing is the tail made in the trees the actual longest one it might have taken a generous bounce straight down the middle of fairway was the ping. So let me summarize this for me on a launch monitor when i'm just smashing it this is along the driver no question lower spin. And it bombs it however. out in the golf course when you don't just look for distance this driver for me definitely suits my game more what was interesting on the last shot is that when you are hitting it straighter you saw that with the ping that i could actually get more distance out of it anyway because you're landing it on the shorter grass it's rolling. For further i just think it's worth noting. And this isn't just against the stealth or ping it's talking about lower spinning drivers drivers that might suit a launch monitor don't always translate into more distance and speed and better suited to your game on the golf course something to bear in mind when you're looking for new drivers thanks for watching stay tuned what's good we'll see.