There you go guys on youtube here's a video i've done with a new promising young goal for today.

This is uh sienna smallman who is a daughter of one of the clients that i teach. And she's super excited because she got some new golf clubs. For christmas and this is their first ever lesson. And i just wanted to show it because i just wanted to highlight the importance of lessons early on uh because she's had some good guidance from her dad so far but we've managed to transform a game in one lesson got hit in the ball as far as she'd ever hit the ball ever right we are hitting the new nike uh these vrs vrs mini golf clubs which are just the best um this was her swing at the start today.

Says sienna's 10 um very very uh pleasant young girl she did really well today.

Obviously oh a christmas outfit um only swinging it back halfway. But amazing straight left arm position but kind of struggled to transfer away and would get a bit scoopy as most kids do most kids get a little bit behind as almost trying to lift the golf ball up in the air. And would hit the ball maybe 20 30 yards tops now this is what we've changed this only we've had 20 minutes of a dad's lesson. And this is what we've changed today.

The first thing we did was just take the ball position got it with an alignment stick here making sure the ball position's right i think. For a new goal for kid goal for that is one of the most important aspects to get right the ball position make sure if you're if you're looking at helping your young golfer get better make sure they've got the ball position correct first with a relatively good grip. And steve uh her dad has done a great job here with the grip she's done it's already got it pretty much perfect which is great um. But what we've enhanced today.

Is i've got to swing the club further today.

So we did lots of practice swings first with this extra rotation in the swing. So we took the ball away for a minute in fact let me show you that let me show you what we actually changed so we completely took the ball away got hit in the teepee and all we talked about was rotating the body. And then.

Turning through into a full finish which we i showed her how to do first. And then.

We got the feeling for it and made sure she could control the bottom of her swing and again i believe this is one of the most important things. For a new junior golfer to learn where the bottom of their swing sits and anyway enough of that let's talk about the best shot that we hit the best shot by a mile actually so once we've learned how to turn the shoulders and get to the top of the backswing sienna was just clipping the floor here. So all we talked about is how do we hit the floor the tpeg better how do we make sure we strike it cleaner. And we came up to the conclusion of making sure that we shift the weight to the left which we did. So so well made sure we got the bottom of the swing to hit the tpeg which we did amazingly massive rotation the follow-through. And her best shot which i'm going to show you on the simulator software in a minute completely smashed all of siena's previous best shots this was the shot that she hit it landed at 80 yards. And rolled to 112 100 no sorry further 100 no 112 yeah i don't like kept going further. So landed at 80 and rolled all the way to 112 which i think is really good. For a 10 year old with the first ever golf lesson down here at trafford gold center with a new nike vrs mini club which i love but it just shows guys the importance of getting lessons early on with the junior to make sure they don't fall into bad habits steve's done a great job with her so far just getting her into the right settings the right kind of grip making sure she does the right swing. But now because she swings it better than dad dad's a bit jealous that's just him sorry a bit a bit gutted now and there's sienna gives santa give him a wave so she ended amazing say great session in a christmas gear guys if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do subscribe click the link down below let us know what you think of sienna's swing here i think it's amazing considering it's the first lesson. And we're going to continue the development i've got working on the same swing as lydia co. So hopefully could be the next.

Lydia co guys thanks for watching we'll see you all soon.