All right guys so we're gonna do a what's in the bag with simon dice natural live what's in the bag with european tour players just actually got off the golf course. So we appreciate your time guys you can check simon out on twitter as well what's the the tag it is we've got it on the back simon dyson 77. right go. And check it out guys do check that out right we're going to do very quick what's in the bag because uh you've had a mega long day. And i'm sure you're ready to chill out and relax so talk us through what we've got currently starting which is a really really good driver you like this i uh roll the shaft doors what we've got yeah the chef i've got the oh nike stiff flex 60 grand one flex yeah nice good driver. And you're loving that put it in last year and um straight away ball and driver again like 16 yards straight away so all of a sudden i started playing on courses and i was doing out decent on them a little bit further perfect i've got the x hot 2 in 3 wood same shaft. But in an x okay let's have a quick close of that are we next.

Yeah this one is this the x2 heart 3 wood yeah uh strong one. Or is it normal it's pretty strong it's about 14. And a half okay i've got the x because i'd like to try. And get a little cut with that one all right because i remember when i've tested these in the past they are mega long yeah they are meg. And megan and um i've heard the new ones are uh equally as the alpha knots yeah i've tested them already same with the five wood nice. But that's just the x-hop okay in the five wood it just shot you know it's it's. So witches interesting really good club actually you like the five i just put it in the last couple of weeks and it's performing really good amazing nicely and again it's not really shallow-facing so yeah because i'm guessing that the raw effects actually well maybe not this fluff this week get it going forward. And then.

We've got a little bit of a mixture going on yeah four five six i've just got the apex okay the colorway is a little bit more offset which i quite like the longer islands nice. And shaft in there again just is the kbs. But with black again it's just like it's more like a visual i like the black shaft yeah. So it's not shiny getting anywhere and then.

Seven eight nine wedge we've got the forged oh nice you can see literally right straight off the golf course even got the yeah the grass is on it that's off the last shot as well was it yeah which is fine it's good it just shows what what works. For you and then.

Going into the wedges wedges at the minute i've got the callaways which i used last year very nice this is the fourth one. But then.

The uh rtx siren that's what we're talking about that's actually really like i've just put it in this week let's put it in this week around the green the apparently the grippiest face on grooves yeah well they're amazing it's brilliant out there yeah yeah uh just around the greens it seems to come out exactly how you think it's going to come out all the way from last toy not with him anymore. And it goes straight but uh now it's it's good it reminds me of my old pink darby which is nice to use. So and that's got a big handle on it as well yeah it has it's quite a bit longer waits it up there's heavy lighting pretty heavy oh my god. And then.

Look at that and then.

The whole shebang with the background shots on board on board and which is performing brilliant what ball is it which one do you use the new one ah this is exclusive. But i've never seen this before yeah it's nice it's really nice this is the harder version isn't it yeah the do the black the one i think him. And his uses the black version uh but that's the red version shane lowe is on it this week. So it's working well for him fantastic simon honestly appreciate your time so much i really do guys don't check him out on twitter make sure you do that straight away we'll get the bag in quickly twitter guys do subscribe to the channel. And play well tomorrow enjoy thank you for your time thanks mate.