So you go guys on youtube here's a video of a fairly new client of mine this is alan uh only second lesson in. And we've made some incredible changes uh iron allen is a compulsive slicer you know he sliced everything slightly to drive we'll say a softer slice with the irons uh more controlled kind of power fade really um. And we've managed to fix that today.

And we've managed to get it into a position where he can actually draw the golf ball not that the drawer is a particularly better golf shot. But the characteristics of hitting the draw are more reliable. And will get him hitting more fairways. And and more greens because he can control that curvature rather than letting everything leak off to the right. So we've got the screen at the moment before and after i'm going to show you before first let's say we've done did a little bit of work with alan last week on his uh grip. And his uh forearm extension and release through the golf ball which i'll show you from the front view in a moment but what we found is that alan actually got into the top of the backswing relatively nice i really like the top of the backswing position come straight through his hands club face is nice it's a little bit close. But it's not the end of the world but from here his club like a lot of golfers who sliced the golf ball started to come over the top started to throw the club out in front of him and what you'll see here is that the shaft angle as it starts to come down is very upright. And steep so you can see that the green line there on the left screen is representing his shaft angle. And it's right in the middle of his chest that's really high that would encourage very much an outside to end path and would create a curvature that would move from some degree to the right okay he's a little semi-learned to control it. But it's still not perfect um the the why we've got that little kind of clock wheel around the golf ball is just to highlight that the golf club was almost entering the golf ball from this digit here now you can you can read that as whatever you wish we we called it uh two o'clock today.

Pretending this one at the bottom is three. So we're hitting it from two o'clock and almost swinging it out to eight that's what we were doing as we came in to hit the shot. And that's where that curvature was coming about right. So how we how we amended it so what we first discovered is that the the club face. And the path were very separate. So the club face was going in one direction. And the path was going in the other like many um kind of slices of golf ball there's that there's that difference between the two. And what we got alan to do first was allow his his arms to extend. And cross over and it's his forearms we never talk about wrists or hands we always talk about forearms extending and crossing that way his club face married up to his path so he was hitting the golf ball straight left perfect from that point i've just put a alignment rod down here on the side of the mat in more of what we called a four o'clock position. So entering the golf ball that's what we wanted to enter the golf ball from this kind of four o'clock position and out all the way to ten watch this this is an awesome improvement. So just like say just to recap we were currently at this stage hitting the golf ball straight left. So what i said to alan was from the top of the golf swing i want you to enter the golf ball from four o'clock don't do anything different with the club face apart from extending let your forearms cross. And just look at this look at that downswing i mean it's just amazing. And we hit some gorgeous golf shots we started golf shots that moved started to the right in the air and then.

Moved back towards left in a really controlled fashion and that way his golf club was coming in from behind him more from the inside more from four o'clock entrance into the golf ball out more towards ten not quite. But that was the feeling in his head. And because his forearms were extending. And crossing his club face was just a little bit open to his target. But close to his path that's how he created these lovely little drawers guys hopefully you've enjoyed the video if you've learned a little bit from it you know different uh angle on how to hit the golf ball uh with more of a draw please do feel free to like the video uh comment down below uh allen's avid youtuber. So we'll be on here i'm sure commenting and trying to answer any feedback you guys have got of how we achieve that because that's an incredible improvement i love that on that left hand side guys if you enjoyed it as well do subscribe. And i look forward to seeing you all soon thanks for watching you.