In this video i'm going to show you how to hit the ball first. And then.

The turf after when you're hitting your iron it's the best way to get consistency power and the best strike what you don't want to be doing is hitting the ground first you just lose. So much power i'm going to show you three very simple ways to help you strike ball. And then.

Turf every time so i'm going to do first is i'm going to draw a line on the grass here now this is the athlete's foot powder spray that i actually use as well as spraying on the club face to show your strike it's definitely worth picking up some. And what i'm going to do i'm going to draw move the ball out the way. For a second a straight line here in the grass give that a second to go super white because that'll give us a great point of reference for where we're actually striking the ground in relation to the ball so after a few seconds the line goes super white that's going to give us a really good point of reference to where the club's actually making contact in relation to our golf ball it's good this line because even on the golf course here it'll kind of just wash away ideally on the practice ground maybe even on a driving range mat uh because it just kind of wipes off it's just powder really. And what we're gonna do is put the ball on the line because what our goal would be is to hit the ball first. And then.

The only type of divot you're going to see is actually this side of the line we do not want to be hitting anywhere in this section if you're hitting this section you're hitting too far behind the ball. And as i mentioned that's where you're gonna lose distance and strike hitting the ball first and the turf after is key. So once we've got this set up then.

The next.

Thing we're gonna look at is number one making sure that our body through impact is moving towards the golf ball if our body is leaning back as we come in to hit it again this is where you're going to hit behind the golf ball. So i've got a mid-iron in my hand here and eight iron so as i set up this golf ball i like to see ball position with eight iron just in front of center and what i really look out for is making sure my sternum is over the top of the golf ball now. For a lot of people that might feel like you've actually got a little bit more weight on your front leg but as you see here as i set up i've got my sternum absolutely over the top of the golf ball because in my backswing i want to make sure that this sternum the middle of my chest doesn't move too far to the right but we do want it moving left coming down into the shot. So if i do my backswing here i'm focusing my attention on keeping my center of my body absolutely over the golf ball. And absolutely over that line so backswing it's really important to stay centered but turn the body but then.

Downswing it's imperative that we get the body moving towards the target it's important that we get the body to move around this front leg because that is going to help you to strike the ball first. And then.

The turf after if you're holding your body weight too far on your right leg as i mentioned it's not going to be a good result. So what we need to focus on and you can do it next.

To the golf ball. But in line with the line that we've drawn on the floor is practice a few motions like that. So staying centered in the backswing but making sure as you come down in the golf swing that you're pushing weight onto your front leg as you rotate the hips and as you rotate the body and as you can see there as i do this even in slow motion the bottom of my golf swing is going to take place much further beyond that line than if i kept my weight too far back. So i'm gonna do a practice swing here staying nice. And central rotating around that front leg on the way down and as you see in my finished position i have fully rotated around that left hand side and obviously that was just a practice swing. But come have a look at this the divot that i took is comfortably past that line. So what we've got to do now is do that on the golf ball. So same rules apply i'm going to stay centered going back. But on my way down i'm going to rotate i'm going to push weight into this front leg as i twist my hips. And my shoulders and you will see that my strike will take place past that line [Music] that's where my golf ball was i've exaggerated it a little bit. So i've hit ball first and then.

I've taken that divot past the golf ball that is going to stop you from ever hitting it fat that's number one making sure you stay centered going back make sure you get that weight moving left on the way through let's talk about simple tip number two. So the second thing we need to look for is how we deliver the shaft angle into the golf ball. So if for any reason we end up leaning the golf club backwards as we come in to hit the shot so we use the wrist in this manner again this is where you're gonna be catching the ground behind the golf ball it's not what we want. So all i've done is i've replaced the golf ball. For a minute with a t-peg and let me just show you this so i've just took a t-peg in the ground and an angle about 45 degree angle just post line and what i want to practice and visualize is this feeling that as you're going to come into impact you're having the club leaning forward in a manner to feel like you're trying to hit that tpeg more into the ground. So it's this feeling that you're trying to get the handle of the golf club forward and you're trying to get the club head to hit the tpeg down into the ground if you were to have a hammer. And you were trying to hit that t-pick in the ground you'd hit down on it you wouldn't particularly try. And hit up on the t-peg because that would that would incline you're going to try. And hit the t-peg out of the ground so have a few visuals and practice ideas of feeling like you're trying to come into the golf ball with the shaft leaning forward and the club's going to hit more down into that t-peg because again that's going to really encourage you to strike the ball first. And the turf after so number two make sure as you're coming to hit the ball the club is leaning forward get this feeling that you're going to try. And hit the ball lower in flight but you won't because you're going to hit it better you'll actually hit it much higher. So number two make sure you lean that golf club forward that way you're going to strike the ball first. And then.

The turf after and again i've taken that divot past that line i'm getting that good strike i'm exaggerating those feelings to make sure i hit the ball first and then.

The ground after let's move on to tip number three so before we come on to this last point that's really going to help you hit ball first. And turf after if you enjoy this video make sure you smash like subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on any videos to help you play better golf the final tip is talking about what we do with this trail shoulder what we do with this. For me is a right in the goal. For my right shoulder this is where a lot of golfers again will just unfortunately make the shoulder go more downwards. And as it's going downwards into the golf ball that again is where you're gonna end up hitting behind this white line that we've drawn now it's where you're gonna hit the ball the ground first. And then.

The ball after what you want to be doing with this back shoulder is getting this feeling as you're coming through the golf ball that this back shoulder is rotating beyond the golf ball. And then.

Turning into a really high finish position as you can see i'm letting that right arm go almost past the golf ball as i come in to hit it. And then.

Rotate into a really high finish position if you do a recording of yourself. Or record your vid your swing or have a mate do it if you're noticing your shoulders dropping downwards this way that's when you're going to hit the ground behind the ball. And then.

Sorry you're going to hit the ground first. And then.

The ball after so as a feeling i want you to get the sensation that your right shoulder is rotating beyond the golf ball. And then.

Finishing in a high position as the ball is flying towards the target that is how you're going to strike the ball first. And then.

The turf after every single time guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
