I am going to show you how to get into the perfect takeaway position every time with your irons. And your driver now the takeaway this area of the golf swing as the club moves away from the golf ball to about halfway back is important because if we get into a incorrect position it can make an effect. And a change to your overall golf swing which then.

Can result to inconsistent shots. Or bad direction getting that takeaway together and consistent is going to be a game changer. For a lot of people watching the takeaway as we move this club away from the golf ball this halfway position that's what we're looking for i've got a couple of simple things to think about first thing we want to move everything back together in unison we want everything to be connected we don't particularly want the club to move on its own. Or the hands to move on their own or the body to move without everything else so here's a very simple way of achieving unison in your takeaway take the excess clothing of your jumper or your t-shirt presumably you've got one on and take that and just tuck it underneath your armpit and then.

Squeeze your arm so it stays connected to your chest this is a great drill. But actually you see some players even doing this when they play excess material tuck it underneath your armpit so that stays nice and together now if i just now focusing on this connection between my arm and my chest if i now just turn my body already we can see that takeaway is in the perfect position. And what is the perfect position well what we're aiming. For is that club to be parallel with the club i've placed down on the floor which is parallel with my feet going towards the target that's the goal we don't particularly want the club over here we don't want the club out there. And to get in those two positions from there notice what i have to change i have to change my wrist and again that could lead to inconsistencies we don't want that so keeping that excess of clothing underneath the armpit then.

Turning the body and the hips and allowing that club to follow together is how we're gonna achieve that perfect takeaway every time [Music] if my arm became disconnected that's where we change the takeaway my arm starts to go out there that excess has now become loose that's where we get into that misplacement in that takeaway. So that's number one try that drill keep that arm tucked in and work everything back together that's vital next.

Thing is the club face if we are going back. And keeping everything nice and uniformed if that club face then.

Is changing location if it's aiming too much down to the ground. Or it's up to the sky it means we would have manipulated the wrists too much the perfect position is in that takeaway when that club is level with the ground is. For the toe just to be in front of the heel so it's the same angle pretty much as my spine that's the goal that's where the club face is super super square. And a dead simple way of doing this imagine this for a minute imagine your club face is a mirror on that club face is a mirror. And what i want you to do is as you keep that arm connected to your chest. And as you start to move the body and turn the shoulders and the hips imagine that club face and the mirror that's on that club face is always gonna be pointing back to the golf ball that mirror is back at the golf ball that mirror is back at the golf ball. And i'm trying to achieve that up until halfway back that's when the wrist will start to hinge that's where the body will start to turn you can complete your backswings let me show you that excess clothing underneath my arm club face is a mirror. And i'm going to keep that club face aiming at the golf ball. And i'm going to turn everything back together. And that way i can get into that perfect textbook takeaway position [Music]. And with the driver nothing much changes the driver it can be very very similar in the fats you want to use your excess clothing on your jump-free shirt tuck it underneath your arm you want to keep everything together on this side. So that as you take the club away everything stays in uniform and together that is going to make a massive difference to the consistency of your golf swing. And again like the iron imagine there's a mirror on your driver face this time and as you take that club away that mirror is going to stay pointing at the golf ball till halfway back then.

You can start hinging your wrist. And turning into the top of the backswing tuck the excess under my arm mirror on the club face and that way you can guarantee you're getting that perfect takeaway every time guys if you enjoyed the video make sure you smash like make sure you subscribe to the channel if you want more advice to help you play better golf typical england it's just started raining we'll see you next.

Time thanks. So much for watching.