So we're on the eighth hole at the marriott yeah water challenge skimming it across three shots. So you've got the gopro up on the green rick's gonna demonstrate here exactly how it's done i'm going to get it nice. And close closest to it closest to it to the flag to the flag full stop right okay we can do this go on he's got his skimming lovely just didn't pop up there you go i have three in one go just a little bit harder. So skimming across there is this get up there oh just grabbed into reeds at the end it's good it's very good skimming power i'm going to hit this one harder. For one bouncer one bounce one bouncing in oh no it's still low you've got beautiful skin action all the way through there thank you it's a big ass to get all the way over that i must admit it's a big ask gone pete okay that's that's missed the water closest to the pitch you're not having that you actually missed the water listen years of training doing that okay. So that was we'll call that we'll call that one's a practice one that's better oh it's not going to get over the bank though very good skin had a little bit of draw skin on that as well we're rolling our skins okay one more thing it's harder much much harder oh that could be good jump jump jump hop skip oh he's just in the bank if you had the right hop it would have hopped onto the green. So draw no you didn't hit the water it got closer you've got to hit the water. So that was the skin challenge guys that that's that bank on the other side might have just been a little bit too hard we thought i'd give it a go a bit of an experiment. But just to show nice bit of skimming action just didn't quite get it up on the green the gopro saw nothing there guys thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up a little bit of a silly challenge just towards the end you've not seen the proper challenge go and check that out on our channel um and you can see what we actually did on the proper challenge that was just us messing about having a little skimming competition down here at the marriott where's the park.