So here we go guys we're down today.

At flixton golf club this is a new golf course that we've not played before in manchester i've got mr finch on the camera. So new camera new cameras on camera i can't really show you the camera can i bring your mirror with you it's a new fancy camera. So hopefully it should be a bit better um this used to be one of the longest nine hole golf course in the uk i think it actually used to be the longest the longest i think now it's one of the one of the longest uh we're gonna have a little interesting match up here me. And the finch and we've one we've not done yet we're gonna play skins skins big money big money high money one pound of skin one pound one pound of skin i was going to a tempe yeah. So the what's the current state of the rest of the world economy um so it's about 150 euros and about 18 or something at the moment 18 18 a hole something like that um so we're gonna play night because it's only nine holes gonna play all nine holes and here we go so we got him i've played him once many moons ago pete's never played i've never played it so i'm taking into account i'm really i'm really confident um it's like four round the hill dog leg i'm hitting little big three wood so it's just around the corner to the left-hand side kind of want to be there's a bunker just down that right i'm just lines about here hi well sir you too drawing in nicely that's a fair way what's happening yeah take that mini driver love it. So if you're not familiar with skins it's a match up where i thought that's quite to explain it for each hole there's a skin available and if it carries on you keep adding the skins up if it's half you keep adding them up until one hole you might win you might even win three or four skins in one go couldn't you yeah yeah well he keeps that rolling over. So if we don't win any no one wins the first whole second hole's worth two quid effectively two pound i have to say pound not not quit quite pound sorry sterling stir one one english sterling pound pete's got three wood yeah we call it quid quid it's a quick 100 pennies oh it's a little bit further right than mine it's just coming over that bunker yes all right some of the shade of that tree it's safe not the best start. So we're finding pete's ball just off the fairway here we've got how far pete 180. i'm just there in the fairway obviously the mini driver finally doing what it does best how far have you got sorry 180. And 185 sorry 185 and it's a bit down the breeze and it's really firm the ground conditions at the moment um i just saw the pin there it's got a little mckenzie in the middle of the green so it's the pin looks like it's on the back tier of that but it is rock solid the ground at the moment that lies not great either no should have a look at that let's have a look a bit closer at that it's like sat right down it's kind of not working. For you that is it all right what shame feel that money jangling around in your pocket what a shame oh yeah you're gutted. So what are you going with um okay hopefully landed at the front. And chased it up a little bit you need i think you definitely need to easy taste there's a hundred penny sweets already oh it's a bit left oh horrible bounce as well oh bunker i think wasn't much control out that rough no not really not really to be fair i can see what's going to happen here i'm going to start off well win one win one skin. And then.

You're going to win all eight i'm gonna i'm gonna hold you till the ninth pocket switch seven quid. So what we've got left in rick we've got 130 and the pins just over that first just over the first little pop of the mackenzie now are you going to play this because it's big big looks like a fair sized mackenzie. But the green looks baked yeah it's going to be pinehurst baked it's going to be really fun i'm going to land this at 120 ish 125.. So hopefully short enough to the front of mckenzie if it hits the bank up brucey bonus okay. And then.

Get it to start quickly it is a bit downwind as well actually. So i've got a little pitching wedge a little wedge we go one two five it's on it i think i need to sit sit down sit sit sit sit i'll say one two five. Or one four five i don't know what was the orange i gave you it's a lie i'm gonna do my own bushnell it was straight over it i'm not sure you'll be able to see it's right behind the plug actually on the camera it's right behind the flag just off the back of the green oh this camera is well buried you can see that yeah ah good purchaser worth it right. So here's pete just in the bunk has got relatively well i don't know if it's lucky or unlucky because you've you've just about got a stance in the bunker there haven't you pins down there and that's that after the pin it's that big mckenzie are you a bit struggling here yeah it's flexible he's his pants a bit tight mate you see he's splitting this yeah exactly all right good luck. So what what what what'd you were going with i'm just gonna go with a lob okay most lofted yeah i'm just gonna chuck it under hopefully land it just short. And let it bobble on i don't know how it's going to react other bunkers would be bad well i'm just currently just at the back of the green just there. So i've thrown mine too far really so not too much to us so far ah tough from there mate look at your foot position it looks like it's broken really tough shot from there like yeah i suppose it's not an easy one to have on the first hole not really no not when you're playing. For a pound so rick good looking second just drifted a little bit far over it's definitely more downwind than what i entered yeah big time um another foot shorter would have been perfect another foot longer would have been perfect. But i'm right in the middle got a bit of the cut of the ground so i'm going to put it okay just because just because i can't scare the chicken well i don't feel confident off that lie to be able to get you know wedge behind it see how the the grass gets a bit longer. So okay i'm gonna put it um. And hopefully roll it close enough you're just off the greens i'm just off so two pucks in here two puts i think probably will have it it's looking great oh superb very very good awesome really good what do you say you'll take that i'll take that you won't take that you'll put it right pete. So a little chip from here yep hopefully gonna land it about here just off or just on the green that means the shot's going to depend you'll see how the shot figures out first um. So i'm just just passing see my ball marker down there so pete's gotta really gotta hold this i would say it was just off nice chip beautiful chip well done yeah good shot sir very fast they look gorgeous right. And pete all right that was you know that was really rapid that chip it was it did i ate it i see pretty much where i wanted to. So so for five all right i think it's gonna make much of a difference. But oh ouch wow they give me two putts for it anyway ah good job with skins they i think that's what i'll call a warm-up hole go on then.

Just roll it in be a nice bar nice safe yeah easy in that one pound one pound to richard shields look at it now sorry do i get it now um no well you're gonna owe me eight at the end. So you're just just gonna take it off oh well one pound up well done mate okay second hole par four 379 yards rick's got the uh sldr big out the big boy out uh it looks pretty straightforward. So far i don't i think anywhere right on the planet is safe. But left you can't go yeah pretty much straight down like too much there. So it's pretty much straight suits your draw this one right there yeah a little bit right very little push very little push i was hoping that would draw back slightly more than that. But it's it's safe enough it just started a bit too far right and didn't turn back in are you going driver as well pete yeah i need to try this new uh new shaft oh new shaft day in response to your uh aerial bombardment last night we played at the marriott last night not on video actually. But there was some biggies down there weren't the pete. So pete's now opted to go extra stiff shaft which i 100 will suit him agree will suit him definitely because he does spin the ball too much with his normal stiff shaft. So he's got an extra stiff um and this is the first shot with it yeah it is really you've not even hit it you just swapped it in the car parked any not many men can find a shaft in the back of the car an extra stiff shaft all right it's too stiff here it's left. But it's safe we said don't go too far left. But i think you've just clung on there that's all right i struck you all right that quick it was a better ball fight much better a little bit just less spinny isn't it yeah yeah. So halfway down the second rick how far we got in i've got one twelve left in one twelve uh pin looks like it's pretty much in the middle yeah it doesn't look too hazardous. But i think it's still going to be rock hard. So i'm going to land this a couple of yards short maybe land at about 110. i've got my sand wedge. And it's a bit of breeze into yeah i think that'll should help check it up a little bit yeah i mean semi-rough. So it's going to almost cancel each other out it's going to go left hand side of the pin left hand side of the pin oh he's on it oh roll out roll that roll out zoom in on that bad boy can we see much of the zoom yes we can yeah that's on it i'd say that's i don't know it looks a little bit further away than it might appear that's what i'm hoping that's oh he's on the fairway. So level up when he gets down there so there's mine just slightly better angle from this side of the fairway so you can just see it pete is fairway bound very man high five you got in yeah proper tiger line that tiger line i knew all about the tiger line the course management that you've never played here before ever did one of your clients tell you about that tiger i studied this on google maps last night did you do a walk over this morning. So he's got 99 left in you've just seen the the flag with my golf ball guarding the entrance to it uh what you're hearing uh just a little gap which same dude just gonna try and land it a bit shorten yeah hopefully kick on a little bit we'll see from this side there's a fraction more breeze into rather than a cross. But if anything that's definitely gonna help it's down it oh it's just a bit left side pin eye but left it did seem to just drift a little bit didn't it it did i think the wind once it gets high it just turns like crazy respect it's respectable give yourself a chance right. And pete so i think you've got a much it's like a much flatter putt to the whole great deal no it doesn't like it's a great deal of slope uh i'm just here from where we hit from you look close. But i love that how gorgeous is this awesome hey this is manchester uk weather um if they're not from the north west they won't understand how amazing this is oh this is this is ridiculous yeah if you're in florida this is just like no this is just this is a standard november day. For you right for you birdie pete do you read much into this no not really i'm just gonna go pretty much straight at it i can't see a great deal of break. So just try and get the pace right and hope it goes in oh you got the pace well a bit short actually sure yeah a little bit short it rolled nice i wasn't dead i'm still not quite sure surfaces are gorgeous hey can you is it do you have gimmies in skins uh we could knock them all in if you want i might as well knock him in yeah i'll keep stats not sure the double on the first is going to keep my stats in much good order. But let me just walk over your line just shows that you're human yeah. But i don't want to appear human right mate so about 13 14 foot yeah good approach yeah spot unwanted straight down it i'm not reading a great deal into this maybe a fraction off the left fraction off the left um just just learning to be more aggressive with a putt okay let's see what happens learning to be learning to be more aggressive with the pot you're probably the most unaggressive person i know should have had a pint of stella before we came around oh seriously i need more club every time i put right how hard. So two skins available on the two skins available on the next.

Oh unlucky annoying it's very annoying so we're on the third slash 12. so just a nine hole here looking good so far i'm pretty impressed actually it's interesting it's got obviously two separate markers you're not at least you don't feel like you're playing some of the some of the markers are very different yeah we're on a par three here. So it's not a massive mad difference but the the marks on the last hole is a good 50 60 yards difference in between two we played off the second the proper second. But the the tougher one the 11th not the 11th is much tougher don't say that. So we've got 182 where you got it i've got six iron pin looks like it's at the back a little bit in debris so i'm gonna try and hit it a touch lower keep it lower than the wind okay see how we go just held it off just a little bit short left i think yeah that wasn't great it was all right not the best strike was it yeah right out of the top pins here in between trees he's just finished left side just bunker though it's safe enough yeah i probably need it well i won't tell you. But i probably need a little bit more club i'll be honest with you so what we're going with i'm going to punch you five okay i definitely think that's the right choice just hold it well bring it in left to right a little bit okay i say we've just got into breeze down here pin if you can see it it's just there right little not down five pete come with me oh it's cutting back it's cut him back well we're both short. And right yeah i'm shorter. And sorry not short right short and left i'm shorter and lefter didn't quite grow older no we didn't we're both in here great there that's right chip. And comp yeah two skins oh god yes. For two skins two pounds right then.

So we are both a little short. And a little left yes another great shot a little bit rubbish i'll be honest. But not in any danger no. So we've got avoided this bunker um still quite a fast firm green so i'm going to pop it over there with a 58 uh just like roll down a little bit hopefully a couple of bounces. And then.

Let it run out okay chip it down there give it again whoa that is fast really fast i don't even think you played that that badly didn't oh played that nice i didn't get that the elevation granted. But that is rapid. So mr green gonna be worried for mine then.

Great well you're put you're all right you might be putting that's true putting sure skins on this big money on this so i could make a million executed up for my shot but i can't it was just dreadful he's currently rubbing his hands together um he's got a put here now i'm guessing you're putting it yeah it's a safe option uh just just. So fast the greens really nice i mean i pin these at the back. So i've only just run it past but not particularly great go go go go go go go go yeah it's all right from there certainly close to the mine anyway. So rick not the uh best chip i've ever seen you do in my life i've got to be honest. But you've got a chance you still got a chance to make par yeah i mean i'm not horrendously far away. But this this kind of has to drop with you being so close um i just don't know about the speed on this because obviously i've got to go through a little bit of fairway run it on yeah just have to be aggressive be aggressive come on leave this short just turn off turn off now you talk to me. Or everyone everyone on youtube oh sorry i did as well i thought i had it as well yeah don't turn off thank you right p. For par two two skins going into part two two pound richer if this goes in well actually only one pound richer yes. For two skins how golf can be a cruel game. And a wonderful game at the same time what's up guys that was the end of part two down here at flixton golf club playing a little skins match with pete finch check pete out on his channel by clicking his face click his face check out his channel do some great stuff you can also subscribe to my channel by clicking the link just below also check me out on facebook. And twitter in the window here we're gonna head over now to the fourth hole um where we're gonna continue our epic skins match with pete currently profit of one pound so far hey i'm gonna go mental in the clubs tonight it's cheap round here in manchester two nights certainly where peop goes actually those places are quite expensive.