There you go guys this is part two down here at flixton golf club in manchester playing a skins match with finch big money peter big money finch hello i don't know any money celebrations no i don't want it. So he's currently uh two skins to one up so he's a profit of one one english pounds um if you've not seen part one go and check it out in the window or honestly the most amazing day down here in manchester uh flixton golf club is a nine hole loss we're gonna play all nine holes uh used to be one of us to be the longest nine hole in the country. And now it's one of the longest this is a par four slight dog leg to the right um. And it's back on one skin one for this whole skin yeah. So you're going driver because you've got this new shaft in it. And you want to test it let's test it out i don't blame you i'm going to go mini dog wee dog right well i'm too far away if i catch this i think you'll be i mean it's 380 yards off the whites yeah you'd be. Or you'd be miles away you'd be at least 150 away that guy being that guy i'm leaving that one all right go on pete yeah great golf shot it's a miles better shaft. For you that you know yeah great shot right super say that well actually i'm going to hit it high. And watch it fly with the 14 degree mini so i think downwind it's got a good chance of carrying down there yeah there's a big telegraph pole just in the distance i'm just going to aim at that okay a little bit right to left it's pretty much straight down dog leg rick's aiming just about there a bit blocky come on i think he should be right. But it looks it off the tr by the looks of it rick's just gone yeah a little bit that way. But it looks like there's a bit of a gap in the trees down probably where he's pitching it so should be all right yeah it shouldn't be too far in anyway. So rick's found not a bad lie in the trees yeah i didn't that great. But it's safe enough i think if i'd have it anymore i'd have been i should have it big stick really yeah just gone. For it well it's always easy to say that i didn't really know um i've got one three seven but it's quite a bit kind of downhill it's quite a big flag that so i'm gonna i'm gonna hit a gap wedge quite a strong gap wedge because it's downwind from 50 degrees and just kind of pop it up in space really pretty much straight over the corner of those trees there i think with this wind moving the ball um i didn't catch that guys you'll have to uh you have to be my witness slow motion sending a letter of complaints the ball actually moved right just to the right that flags it looks a bit windy up there okay pop it up. And away that looked great to start with i can't see it though let's try and judge by rick's reaction to see how close it is it landed closer it's just run another six foot on. So it's safe oh gutted it's all right it's a great shot though it's on it anyway i'm happy with that yeah good shot. So here's pete he's actually just with his mammoth risers just out over run the fairway here um how far pete yeah just 80. 80 left. So 300 yard drive to 383 this whole i don't count quite oh there's the top of the flag there it's a slightly blind entrance i'm going to head down to the green. So we can see how this shot fares from that point i don't think it's going to stop super quick uh yes front front. And run i think yeah it's not gonna be anything spectacular is it. So here we have pete just on the other side of that hill only 80 yards left into this pin sorry gets on he's only got to be hitting a little sand wedge actually so it's just coming up on the front edge one bounce two bounce oh it's so fast see it run on that's what we're contending with at the moment super super hard firm greens mine's just here at the back you just see it there so i've i flew mine from where my angle was straight over the top of the flag it's just run a bit big. And pete knowing that he's going to run big did the best he could possibly do from where he was slightly downwind. So he's left we've got two outside birdie chances from here so we're up on the green not super impressed with mine but not the worst we needed to be on the fairway there didn't we yeah i think. So to get all the control that we should have fairway was definitely needed it's not bad though chance. For a birdie what are you seeing in this one i'm seeing an outside birdie chance um no side verdict left left side my mission is just not to hit another puck short okay. So just outside left yeah okay roll it huh whoa big movement big movement big that's a little big move big move left right sorry give me left to me right sir i didn't give it enough left. But right finch so you've got a closer range than me we're just absolutely 100 needed to be on fairway there to get to stop anywhere near quick enough hole's just here um now you're coming up and over that kind of left slope aren't you i think i'm pretty much down. But i think you were downhill there. So you should come in slightly from the right i think okay well we'll see what we're gonna see this is. For another skin fill your bank balance up it's tracking oh shame uh you can have that if you want it you can roll in whatever you want to do it wimped out a lot of it you did a little bit yeah it's quite scary because it seems. So yeah it seemed really quick. But i wasn't quite as i just wasn't confident enough i knew the line just didn't commit so this to move the skin on to the next.

Hole no worries no issues okay skin's available on the next.

Two skins available on the next.

My next.

Finch here. So we've got this actually looks like a mammoth hole it looks longer than what it says on the scorecard or on the board anyway um three seven eight you can just see the blue flag there. So we've got left side fairway is good enough um you going driver yeah i think over that bunker's tiger line isn't it yeah i think down that line is perfect yeah that bunker that's just in the fair would be perfect i'm loving this chef. So yeah this new extra stiff shaft is definitely giving you a better flight just trust you to find it in your car just as we're going out on the golf course. And thank god you've not had it for a while yeah a nice little fade beautiful straight over the bunker shot mate nice little face that's a great shot nice massively all right okay see that folks he's determined to do me down now now he's got a bit of shaft envy why are you. So envious about my shaft right i thought we'd left all this behind us in prague but no it's followed you home oh focus tactics right do you feel with just your stiff shaft the thing is though i'm i'm growing as i get along i'm a grower i'm not are you i'm not sure i grow in length you're growing like as i bomb this down the farm i'm just all out there from work go on ah now this is why you shouldn't rile rick up because that looks like it's gone into the bunker before the green i had to prove something then.

Now if that's going in the bunker on the green that's a 360 drive i'd be a bit gutted because i've short-sided myself if that off. But we'll take it i don't even know what to say anymore shut me up shut you and your shaft up shoot me in my shaft up right pete phenomenal drive who puts a bunker a green side bunker at 345 yards um so what are my 320 your 320 drive off the tee you're three something three abs of 30. Or something um so we've i must admit we've absolutely bombed it down here um poor guy who's just actually played through us has just taken three to get to us but we've got a little pitch in now pete yeah how far i don't do these finesse shots anymore from the tee this looks a massive hole. But it looks huge it looks huge but we've obviously hit some good fair some good drives and we're down there so we've got what 450 yards uh almost 60. almost 60 okay pins at the back we know how firm these greens are. So we've got to anticipate that a little bit just pitching in front and hopefully so what loft are you going with just sand 56 okay 56 degrees hopefully it's very raw looks like it's going to come in yeah it does does a bit. So we're playing for two skins on here skins in a protein shake apparently on this one yeah it looks good oh you didn't quite pitch it left enough uh simmer yeah you knew it was going to move. But we just just didn't quite trust it didn't quite trust you can go that far to the right probably an uphill putter thing from there yeah you give yourself good chance. So we'll just we'll just wander down here i might have to speed this up not that long of a wonder it's a short short stroll it's a richard's ball where is god it's like under the rake is that pitch last pitch look there's a pitch mark. And it's run underneath the rake so i've got a little short shot in quite glad i'm in the bunker because my short game has not been phenomenal at the moment so pass you over to pete while i get ready for this assuming i've left myself probably about a 15 footer up the hill but to be honest shot of the day so far i think's probably this drive well there's just been that little bit left it could have been yeah it could have that's true if it actually got left to the left of the bunker that could have been on the green which would have been uh pretty incredible to be fair. But right so hopefully she'll stop a tiny bit quicker inside the bunker it's like i found a spot that's not got a great little book sanding actually either look a bit a little bit unraked so you know which way this is going to come into the hole yeah i'm going to pop it on that right edge if it kicks on come on go around that's very unlikely it's safe enough that's unlucky that to be fair we yeah it's where you. And i would have both said hit that lengthwise he's absolutely bang on. But he just didn't seem to come in off that slope but overall right so i'm just this side of the gopro pete's just outside when we say gopro we mean hole it's just hiding it there um both putting. For birdie i'm not sure i think i might i prefer to be where i am yeah i think you're a much more flatter uphill put than i've got. So the contour of this green generally is a little bit up as we go up the slope here um you can't see a grey amount in here really no not loads maybe slightly that way. So pretty straight i'm just gonna go with straight straight and hope so to put some put some pressure on the two skinner oh not hit it again sure come on it's up the hill though deceiving trying to roll that one in i wanted to roll the first one in yeah good bar okay. So you give me a small window yeah i'm annoyed at them i've got a bit of the rick shorts at the moment he just started getting up to the owl. So rick has i thought he looked a little bit more downhill but it seems to be a little bit flatter from this side well i'm so glad i've just watched from yours because it is definitely downhill from here you know i think from here it doesn't look downhill. But it is just slightly yeah okay just off the right just off the right down the hill no no go go i don't know why i was cheering that in to be honest i was going to leave i thought you're going to leave me short i felt sure i thought i'd have to deal with grumpy rick. For the rest of the round if that image dollar dollar two two skins so i'm to three you're two three skins to two yeah. So i've gone one one pound profit rubbish might be able to afford this housing oh flagging the way flexton so we are up on the sixth hole path three one five seven to the pin weirdly play it feels like he's playing a lot shorter than that we're a little bit down breeze you see the flag yeah down breeze. But downwind and rock hard firm so i'm gonna go i'm actually gonna hit a 50 degree wedge into this 50. um try and probably land at about 130. this is guaranteed to be the one that checks up now isn't it yeah it's always the case just to the right of the flag okay am i kicking kick in no no no no no no deserve that that's just gone right trap it looked like he was going to come in. But i think the wind kind of knocked it down then.

That way that way yeah oh the right club though i think it was the spartan club um right well that was incredibly disappointing pete what we're going with um i'm gonna go. For a wedge get a little pitching wedge yeah just hopefully land it middle later all of it on it's encouraging to draw okay don't think you i don't think there's loads. And loads of room back so you've kind of gotta pitch it front middle get it to stop and avoid the bunker it's just aiming down the right fraction which is the safe side that's is it coming back is it not coming back i can't quite tell just. Yet oh no oh wow you know. For such a nice sunny day we thought we'd go both go on the beach yeah. For such a nice sunny days is this thing chill in the air now pete's on pete's on south beach i'm on north beach i'm on the hard beach as well i think that was a pull you shouldn't pull your wedge 30 yards you shouldn't push it well i hit mine where i aimed. But the wind hit it but yeah in the uh in the traps playing. For one skin is it worth it. For a pound that's not if it is let's go pierre in the uh the side trap i say this this landed just kind of where pete's baggies. And kicked to the left mine landed on the hill and kicked to the right another couple of bounces we're making massive amount of excuses here but we could have played them quite nicely we weren't that far off we were really no i mean we might not have sounded like it on the team. But we were almost perfect well i i almost think these are like equivalent to holding on pretty much yeah either in the hole. Or in the bunker just look bad look terrible okay. So um bunker competition yeah it's mine is just downhill as soon as he gets on the green. And then.

He seems to plateau at the actual hole so hopefully just going to land it halfway there get a lob wedge on it. And actually roll out of it and i've got a similar shot i think i've probably got even a bit more slope to contend with yeah i think i think from the t yours looks worse. But i think it's better yeah. So what is this 56 uh no 60 60 degree just gonna pop it out let it roll down yeah it's a delightful shot great touch yeah good touch not bad all right all right i'm just gonna go that way um. So yeah similar bunk shot today.

I think yours is a little actually i think that's relatively similar to me i've just got to go way way to the right use that slope just roll it down. So i'm going to go 58 58. So and kind of just splash it to the right just maybe on the front edge and let it let it roll and run down to the flag okay i'll come up here rick's got to go over this on to the green. And round just gonna pop a quick mark on my ball and let's see what the maestro can do that looks very good excellent shot thank you very very good mate that right then.

Pete. So yours looks like a decent shot it was a decent shot oh i'm looking at a leaf sorry this is yours the t-peg sorry i'm looking at a leaf down there you're much further away right um there's only one skin in it anyway yeah i'm going to hold this i'm going to hold this now you've riled me now i've wound you up now yeah. So slightly what we're saying pete i'm going to let you call it just right to left uphill just got a bit more positive i've been a little bit a little bit weak. So far yeah me too on the putting. But well one putt that's let me down right roller solid well done mate great pot quack i'll see that in please rick thanks precious situation here but he rises to it that was no that was no there was no real issue there was all right end of oh. And part two and part two and so we're currently um three skins up pete's got two so i'm one pound profit at the moment three hours left to play par five a really hard par four and i think another par five drama time i think guys do subscribe by clicking the link down below also check out my friend sorry down there check out the horses well the horse is more interested in them let's talk about you first shall we okay what do you want to know uh i don't know the nation um okay let's look at the horses guys you can check out pete's channel by clicking on the horse i'm going to put the annotation on the white. And black horse that suits your best you got mixed personality yeah. So click on that for pete uh you can check out the window to the side. For my facebook and youtube facebook and twitter channels and also click on the i've run out of places to click click somewhere for part two at part three sorry where we're gonna go down the last three to see who can take who can take the the money the pot the skins oh.