So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

With myself rick shields down here at traffic golf center with ian wright who has come to me. For two lessons now complaining of a massive slice was very tempted to change drive i've actually got ian sat here with me today.

I'm also going to get him to speak on the video just to give you guys a bit of a perspective of how we actually changed ian's golf swing today.

And how we've turned from a huge slice chronic slicer to someone who can draw the golf ball. And i think the phase was that i'd get a kiss off a man if if i got him to draw it. So thankfully he's not kissing me yet but we have gotten to draw it um so actually i've got in there next.

To me i'm going to ask him some questions that i'm doing this. So when we started ian what was your you were looking at getting a new driver really more than anything weren't you absolutely absolutely i was fighting a slice. And was looking. For a driver that i could adjust to give me a ball flight make it go right to left the more i tried to adjust the driver just the worse the slice became to be honest so ian's currently using an r1 set at ultimate left everything is left. But the big problem was the fat. And you didn't know this last lesson was the fact that you were hitting the heel a lot yeah yeah no idea of that no idea. So we used some strike tape and we showed ian that the hitting the heel causes that action of a slice and suddenly we started to realize hold on we need to do some math this was last week's lesson. And we worked on this is his downswing from last week here on the left-hand side. And we use this box to try and keep his hips back naren's practice bloody hard on this and the improvement is scary good his hips have stayed. So much further back which is probably not something you thought you were going to be doing in the first lesson was it absolutely no idea that level of hip movement was going on in my swing i just didn't recognize it at all totally shortly on the video. So when when we see iana here now his club is still outside. So as he comes through the ball his club would easily swing outside to in now ian had a very good understanding of how a slice is hit with a closed face. So a face that would start to the left but a swing path that would be more to the left than that yet we just couldn't fix it and i remember i mean this is the slice here you can see on screen on that left-hand side a big huge. And that's actually better than what it was last week yeah this was a this was a good this was a fade this is a baby fade. So what we worked on first today.

Is squaring the face up to the path. So we talked about how we could change the path first or get the feeling of squaring the face up to the path and we gave a couple of drills um to get the face squaring up to the path first this is on the left hand side here i don't know where we're in that fat let me just bring in the first one again. So on the way through ian's arms weren't exactly crossing over and extending on the way through so his face would be very much left open to the path so that's where that fade was coming from. So the first thing that we did the first journey that we went down was getting the forearms to cross over. And straight away the ball started to go much further to the left so what was really good about that is that we could see that the difference between face. And path had massively massively improved massively improved then.

Brings us to this on the right hand side this is after now this is after on the right hand side. So we went flight so from that big slice golf swing outside golf swing and what i said to ian is feel like now you're sending the ball further to the right. So the feeling of swinging it out there and if you just watch this back down swing now and he could not believe the shot oops just jumped there she got to the top brought it the club behind him so much better i mean he's just amazing that is such a good position. And ian said he struggled to get on the inside in the past hits it smack bang from the inside. And what shot did you eat it was a draw piece it was a perfect draw. And uh it's either going to be a kiss. Or a bottle of champagne that i'd get i think. So it was an awesome improvement. And and ian is like say he sat here with me. And he's still kind of in shock because after that we just hit draw after draw after draw and even if it wasn't a draw it had draw credentials so it was either a little push. Or it was a little bit too much overturn. But every time his path was from the inside. So much better so guys thanks very much for watching hope you've enjoyed the video um please do like say i want to reward. And congratulate him for the work he's done as well but he's just done awesome so playing off what was handicapped again 11 11 hopefully coming down to single figures this year. And after swinging it like that i can definitely see him do that. And it just proves that the equipment doesn't fix we've just put your driver back to neutral everything neutral completely neutral so we just did everything back to neutral with his driver to get him hitting the ball now perfectly straight with a little draw that guys thanks. So much for watching if you enjoyed the video and like the kind of commentary interaction this is the first time i've ever done this give it a thumbs up hopefully it gives you a bit more of an insight of what i've been working on with my clients. And if you do like it do subscribe to the channel check out my facebook. And twitter and thanks so much for watching you.