In this very simple easy to understand video i'm going to show you how to fix your slice a slice of the shot that plagues many golfers it's a shot that curves viciously to the right. And we'll show you three simple ways how to fix it forever so the first thing we're going to do is fix the club face when the face is open to the path that's when the ball starts curving to the right. So to fix that we're going to do two things first off tweak the grip if we have a grip that's not helping our club face we are going to slice it. So what we're looking for here on the certainly on the top and the left hand get the feeling that you're almost seeing more of the back of the hand seeing one two and maybe three knuckles on your left hand the advantage of that it helps you control and turn that club face much more to the left much more closed and if you can get that club face closed you're halfway to the journey of fixing that slice another really important aspect with the club face is how we take the club back. And how we go through the golf shot so i want you to get this sensation as you're taking the club back the face is pointing slightly more down to the ground that's going to help you with your wrist angles. And again it's going to stop that face from opening get to the top of your swing as you would do normally. And get the feeling on the way through again the face is pointing more down to the ground now notice what i'm doing here certainly with my left arm i'm almost allowing it to rotate the back of my left hand is pointing more down to the ground if you're a slicer you're probably not going to be seeing that if you slice the ball you'd be more likely to have the glove up to the sky face too far open ball curves to the right. So grip get it a little bit stronger club face going back closed club face on the way through again pointing down to the ground this is stage one now the shot you may encounter is a shot that goes way more to the left. But do not worry about that to start things off you can get that ball going more to the left again you are halfway to fixing that slice number two is the arc of your swing if you're a slice of the golf ball typically once you get to the top of your golf swing the club's going to be going more over. And towards the left hand side that's causing that out to win swing path and because of that that's creating the curvature if the face is too far to the right we've now fixed the face great we've now got to fix the path you to try this little drill. For me just forget the golf ball for a minute and imagine that the golf swing is much more round much more around the bodies they're supposed to go in up. And chopping down and left get the feeling that the swing is almost going to be more around the body really good drill bring the club to waist height again this is just a practice drill. And get the sensation that you're going to swing more around the body on the way back. And through it feels almost more like a baseball swing the club's not going to be swinging to the left it's much more baseball swing if you can also implement what we talked about in stage one into this perfect with the face being more closed. And swinging more around the body that's gonna really really get rid of some bad slice habits once you've practiced that a while try and implement that same feeling but when hitting a golf shot so obviously set up to the golf ball we're going to come on to set up in the final point in a second. But get the feeling the swing is more around the body. And slightly more going towards the right hand side that's going to help you hit more from the inside. And again eliminate that slice club face closed swing more around the body and you'll get the feeling that you're not going across it you're not hitting downwards you've got a better contact a better ball flight. And again you'll see better results no more slices last point. And it's really important point number three is set up if we implementing all those changes we've done. So far tweaking the setup could be the final little ingredient to help you fix that slice forever now i put a club on the ground here just going towards my fairway straight down the middle of the fairway now again if you're a slicer you've probably got some bad habits of starting to aim too far to the left your feet are going left your body's going left because you're scared of hitting it right. So it's natural we've got to change that idea when we step to the golf ball this time let's do a few things with your driver first off ball position looking to be inside left heel when we take our right foot back i want it to feel like it's almost set backwards more. So in theory your feet alignment is actually going slightly more to the right side of the fairway match that up with your hips match that up with your shoulders. And the last little point is just have a little bit of tilt in the upper body just notice from this angle here from my belt buckle to my sternum there's a little bit of tilt going on if we can implement those very simple changes you will absolutely fix your slice forever guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed the video and we shall see you next.
