In golf this is the type of lie we dream of when it's nice. And flat nothing to interfere with our shot the ball sat up a little bit absolutely perfectly [Music] but as we know in golf that's not the case as we know golf courses are undulating there's hills there's mounds. So in this video i'm going to show you how to play certain shots when the ball is above your feet below your feet when you're on an uphill lie. And what i would consider as being the hardest one to play and one that you need to be able to play is when the ball is on a down hill lie let's get to the first shot. So the first shot we're going to talk about is this when the ball is above your feet. For many golfers they actually don't mind this type of shot and actually for some slicers this actually gets players to hit it a little bit straighter but let me show you what you need to do to be able to play this shot efficiently now i'm hitting an a time from this shot onto that green down there. But i want to show you something i think is very very important the loft plays a massive factor on how much the ball is going to move to the left. So on a lie like this when the ball is above your feet it's more than likely the ball is gonna have a tendency of moving more to the left. But it does depend on what loft you play. So for example this is me about eight iron in my hand. And i'm going to use this golf club to show the loft of the golf club now that lie angle right now is perfect. For where it should be as i start to tilt this line goal the golf club that's sticking out of the face it's starting to go much further to the left that plays a big influence on where the ball is going now that gets more severe when i do that with a pitching wedge when there's more loft on the face as i start to tilt the lie angle of the golf club because of the hill the loft goes even further to the left now it's not severe when you go with a flatter faced club. So to make that very simple the more loft you are using the more likely it's going to pull towards that left-hand side take that into consideration that's why a lot of players will pull their wedges more to the left because of the loft. And the way that the angle is sat. So take that into consideration but by that how do we set up. And how do we hit this shot well setup wise we need to adapt ourselves to the slope. So when setting up to a ball above your feet here it's important that we in our address position stand taller so it's not a chance now to sit really low in your legs it's a chance to stand much taller and also to grip down slightly on the golf club to adapt to that slope so i'm standing taller i'm going to grip down a little bit more. And i know this ball is going to go slightly to the left because of the loft. So i'm going to aim on the right hand side of this hole that's going to allow the curvature of the ball to come back to our center. And the last thing i think this is very very important when hitting off any slope. But this one in particular is don't become static don't just swing your arms at it make sure you turn your body. So from this position i'm going to still turn my body through the shot as you can see i've finished in a very very full way. And that golf shot has drawn because of the loft because of the way i've set up drawn back towards the flag that's number one by the way let me show you this apparently it's super close so if we have a little oh wow have a little zoom in on that flag you'll see it has gone just past the hole now i'm not going to promise you that on every single shot that's ball above your feet let's move on to the other side of the tee. And play ball below your feet so the next.

Position is going to be bore below the feet now this one. For a lot of golfers is slightly more challenging because it upsets your balance much more what i want to talk about first is what i mentioned on the other shot when the ball's above your feet about this lie angle now what's really interesting now with the ball below your feet the club's going to be more lifted upwards now believe it. Or not the actual loft doesn't move as far to the right on the other shot if i lower that handle the loft aims way further to the left but on the other side it actually because you can't go past the point of the club being perfectly parallel pointing upwards so the furthest right it's going to go isn't that far right it's worth taking that into consideration. So on a shot like this yes i am probably going to aim slightly left of target. But not too much next.

Thing is how do we set up this golf ball because the ball's below our feet now we have to again adapt our body to get low a couple of things we've got to get into a slightly more kind of lower position i want you to feel like you're bending your knees more you're sticking your bum out. And you're allowing your upper body to lean over more the mistake i'll see players make is they just lean over more the problem with that it massively upsets your balance. And therefore. you're gonna lose your balance on your shot and hit a terrible shot so make sure you lower your knees so you're getting your center of balance you're leaning forward again you're maintaining balance you're going to feel much more weight in towards the front of your foot. And that's fine just make sure you are in a good stable position. And just like the ball above your feet make sure you turn through the shot don't get static so i'm going to aim just left of the flag only just i'm making sure i'm holding my balance. And i'm going to turn through the shot now i'm gonna be super super honest with you there because i think this is important i didn't strike that great. And if anything i probably didn't get quite low enough to hit the bottom of the ball make sure you do get nice. And low but what we did see is that curvature off to the right which i kind of somewhat expected that's ball below your feet next.

One is probably most people's favorite one when it's an uphill lie. And then.

We're going to come on to most people's worst shot when the ball is downhill let's go uphill next.

[music] the next.

Lie is this one the uphill lie actually a lot of golfers quite like this lie because it helps launch the golf ball up in the air there's three things we need to take into consideration how we set up to the golf ball the loft change. And then.

How we swing let's talk about how we set up to the golf ball first it they're an old cliche but it's very important you've got to try and adjust your body shape to the hill so we're on a hill roughly around about that kind of angle at the moment so as i set up to the golf ball i'm going to make sure that i set my body up. So that i am parallel to the ground so if we were to straighten the ground up i would look like i'm stood correctly. So i'm tilting my body back a little bit i'm allowing my right leg to straighten a fraction and my left leg to bend a bit more so my hips are at the correct angle. And my shoulders are at the correct angle we want to match up to the slope as opposed to fighting against the slope a lot of golfers will get into a bit of a habit of trying to fight against the slope. And that's no good. For us so first thing set up to the slope next.

Thing is the loft this is super important when i'm hitting from here i would be hitting my a tine into this flag i'm about 155 yards away i'd be hitting my a-town the problem is on a slope like this as you set up to the golf ball. And set up to the slope more loft will be added to your golf club. So suddenly this eight iron has now turned into a nine iron because the ball is gonna launch much higher. So if i hit this shot my eight iron it's gonna come out much more like a nine iron and as a result oh my goodness that's come out like a lob wedge as a result it will not reach the green that will come up short you got to take that into consideration you got to change your club you got to go one more because my seven iron that i'm gonna hit now is gonna turn into more like an eight iron in loft. So i'm gonna play that shot again and then.

Talk about the final thing in the swing very similar to the ball above feet ball below feet you've got to still turn your body don't just let your arms do the work. So set up to the slope i've taken one more club because i know it's going to come out higher. And i'm going to turn my body through the golf shot. And that's come out much higher than a normal seven iron more like an eight iron we have landed on the green just have a quick zoom in on that one pin high to the right because i've taken the correct precautions to hit a good shot final one downhill lie [Music] before we come to the final shot if you've enjoyed this video make sure you hit like leave a comment down below and also share it share it to a friend who struggles on awkward lies and finally subscribe to the channel it's free to do. So you don't miss out on any of the videos right downhill lie this one's a bit of a nasty one a lot of golfers get caught out with this shot and again because they don't make the right adaptions three things three things again we need to change set up to the golf ball loft and how we swing it very similar to the other side of the hill but this time we're on the downhill now they're sloping away so first off let's talk about set up we've got to set our body up so we are parallel to the hill again. So this hill is on an angle somewhat like this. So this time i'm going to set my body up a little bit more tilted. So that i am parallel to the floor so this time my left leg is bent a little bit more my right leg is a fraction straighter my hip is up more my shoulders up more. So again if we were to straighten the slope out i would look flat that's number one number two how much it changes the loft. So from this location i would be normally hitting my seven iron now the problem with the downhill lie is it starts to subtract loft you're starting to take less you start starting to take loft off the head. And that's why some players will struggle with the shot like this if you change the club it'll become a lot easier. So because this now seven iron because i'm on this slope it's probably going to turn into a six iron it's going to launch much lower now if you need a shot that launches lower great carry on playing that shot. But often you don't want it to launch that low so if i hit my seven iron from here again i'm keeping my weight more on my left hand side i'm gonna still turn my body through the shot but the shot will come out much much lower i mean that has literally come out like an absolute bullet it has landed on the green in fairness. But because it's come out so low it skipped and ran all the way through so that's no good. For us what we've got to do is change the club. So now i'm gonna add more loft i'm going to hit my a tie in. But because of the slope this is going to turn into a seven iron in loft. And the important factor this is. So important don't force the golf ball up in the air it's not your job to do that it's the club's job change the loft not the way you swing i would say the biggest fault golfers make on a lie like this is they're taking too little loft as i mentioned. And they'll try and lean back here to try and lift it up in the air the problem with that you've now got the earth you're going to hit here first before you hit the ball. So take more loft that way the ball's going to come out a little bit higher still turn the body through the shot. So don't let the body stop and you'll make the correct adaptions so when you do hit it it comes out at more the correct loft gotta be honest we went slightly a bit right. But either way i'm showing you the good shots and the bad shots awkward lies and sloping lies are tricky. But this video is gonna arm you with the skills. And the tools you need to navigate those awkward situations guys hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did make sure you share it like i mentioned before stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
