So here you go guys on youtube here's a swing today.

A video i've done with joe chen who uh quite nicely travels all the way from coventry to come. And have lessons with myself um and the improvement he's made is is vast it's huge he's come to the third lesson i think this is now joe. And the improvement he's making is absolutely massive. But i wanted to share with you a little drill that we did together today.

Um. And he found it incredibly beneficial so i wanted to share with you all as well on screen at the moment there's two swings going there's left hand side. And right side left hand side is a drill i've got joe to do where i said to him to feel like you're swinging in slow motion literally swinging in slow motion. And the idea was that he would put the club in the correct positions that we've been talking about to improve his game. So we've been mainly working on getting a club head coming back in a slightly outside line so perfect there get to top of the golf club now normally the transition becomes a little bit loose here and the club would generally slightly come over the top on the way down what i said at the very top was to feel like the handle in slow motion again was dropping behind you. And then.

Let the hips turn through you can see here all these locations. And positions are just unbelievably good. And i just said to joe just pop it out there about a hundred yards down the fairway in very very much a slow-motion manner now we must have done about 10 to 20 shots of this to get him to get the hang of it we did quite a lot of slow motion drills. And got him working a lot of aspects of this then.

I said on the right side i didn't want you to go out full out at it i said double the speed. So that's what we did. And this is the final product i'm sorry it's a bit jumpy there in the middle smoothing up on this next.

One. So the final product is a much much improved golf swing a better golf swing a technically more advanced golf swing. And the result was marvellous 230 yard carry distance straight down the middle of the fairway. So you can see his takeaway not quite as good as what it is on the on the left hand side. But it's something for him to practice that but the very top the handle now drops behind him the club comes in from much more of an inside shallow path and he will control his hips to hit turn. And get him hitting the ball really well so guys that was a little drill today.

The slow motion drill which works really well with joe i do think it will work very well if you are working on something technical to break it down do it in a very slow motion manner. And then.

Build it up into a full swing guys thanks for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do subscribe down below. And also check out my other videos on my channel by subscribing thanks for watching you.