[music] so you've seen the title and the thumbnail of this video yes these clubs are actually tiny tiny club heads they're designed. For training aid to help you hit the middle of the club face well today.

I'm going to take them out on the golf course. And have some fun with them i've got an a tie-in a gap wedge and i've got a tiny headed driver which i can't wait to test but first i've just arrived to the golf course i'm going to play a normal hole just to loosen up. And then.

We're going to take the tiny clubs out. And see if i can even hit these at all i'm excited [Music] okay. So that's the warm-up hole done i needed that just to get ready for this little challenge um how good was that driver off the deck by the way that was absolutely rip that might be the best driver off the deck i've ever hit. But now it's time to switch it up so these are the clubs i'm going to play golf with we've got a tiny headed driver an a tie-in which is a 36 degree. And a gat wedge which is the 52 degree. And i put my own putter in the bag i brought with me as well the driver a tiny gap wedge on my own set just to get a size comparison this is the size comparison of these clubs how ridiculous [Music] the uh the driver is especially very very small face not only am i gonna use these clubs with the very small heads. But they're the only clubs i'm going to use. So i have to be creative so i'm going to play the par 3 here 14th at marriott woodsy park the 17th. And then.

The 18th the par 5 last hole i can't wait to test out this driver i'm so intrigued right let's start off i think it's going to be distance wise 150 yards. So perfect eight irons to kick things off so this is what i'm faced with look at that the golf ball pretty much only just fits on the club face it's about the same width if i hit anything that's close to the toe it's going to be a horrendous shot. But hit anywhere close to the heel i'm going to basically shank it this is going to be a real tough test right par-3 to kick things off [Music] oh my goodness behind the ball it honestly makes the golf ball look gigantic the ball ends up looking like a tennis ball wow it's a regular length golf club. But it's just got the smallest of heads right let's see if i can hit a good one oh no that is gone miles left wow i only just missed center then.

I honestly just missed centre of the golf club. And that has missed green massively left it's in a horrible situation now i'm gonna have to use the little 52 degree i have to bump it up and hopefully run on the green and stop it quick right i got played derek come on i've got to strike the middle it's slightly sat down well there you go right third shot [Music] that's better but it's not great you just have to be so accurate like as soon as you don't strike the middle i mean things like i'm obviously looking at focusing. So much on the strike i'm forgetting the turf interaction all sorts we've got a long range bogey put now [Music] so that is a double bogey to start things off. But i think this might be the first time. And the only time i can actually blame my golf clubs like these clubs are. So difficult to hit i think my objective today.

Is to try. And make a par which is definitely there's no guarantee with these clubs the next.

Hole i'm on is the drivable par four. And i've normally hit my own driver lots of forgiveness massive head and will easily get me to hit that green. But today.

I'm not using that i'm using this it's just ridiculous i cannot believe the difference i don't know the size of the head no idea. But it's very very small right let's see how we're going with this this could be a this could be our total disasters again it's just a little bit shorter than the driver length oh it just doesn't look right like the head is it's not even it's not even comparable to like a fairway wood. Or a hybrid because the shape of it is. So different it's a shrunken down version of a driver right here we go oh no that has played a big hook around the corner i hit it maybe three dimples away from the center of the face you can just just see the outline of the ball there. And it's massively hooked to the left oh that was really hard to hit. So here we go second shot on this uh short path four i'm still 100 yards left to go so i'm gonna hit a little 52. now a lot of you're watching will know the importance of hitting the middle hitting the middle of the club face gives you the right ball speed the correct amount of loft the desired amount of spin even dictates flight. And direction and that's why this is. So hard with such a small head the margin for error is tiny that's why golf clubs have become more forgiving easier to hit to some degree because you can have their heads bigger to some extent right let's uh let's pitch one into here it's sat down in the rough the clubhead has basically vanished because it is. So small oh hit that right in the middle get down now lift it too far right i'm faced with possibly the hardest shot i've ever had to play here i'm over the green i've short-sided myself to a flag there i've got nowhere near enough loft i've only got 52 degree and i've got this tiny head this is going to be one of those ones where it's going to go down in history. For one reason either it's going to be phenomenal. Or it's going to be horrendous oh that's pretty good oh it's a bit long i must admit i can't complain with that okay the last hole i'm gonna play. And i'm gonna cheat because i'm gonna hit five shots with this driver and choose the best one i've got to be able to crack this i've got to be able to hit a good one surely [Music] this is the hardest driver i have ever tried to hit the least forgiving driver it's ridiculous five shots five terrible results that is gone i need my normal driver back i'm gonna hit this one now this seems oh i've missed this big head this looks absolutely gigantic now let's hit a shot. And compare it this is going to be. So easy so i'm going to finish the hole with one of the five shots i hit with the micro driver. But i just want to hit this just because i feel like i need a confidence boost oh my goodness that looks absolutely massive behind the ball now oh yes i mean the positive thing it definitely made me more confident with my actual driver this looked. So much bigger i suppose that's the idea of these clubs they are train aids. So that when you go back to your normal club they do seem easier to hit they've definitely done the job there right let's go. And find uh one of the bad balls and finish the hole with that [Music] so there's two things i've realized number one maybe i'm not as good at hitting the middle as i thought i was something i need to definitely work on number two this club is consistent even though i've hit those dreadful three of them have ended up in this bunker one of them was short. And one of them is over the bunker which is the one i'm going to play okay i'm quite nice in the rough here i've got an option i'm around about 260 yards away. So i could i could go a little mini driver small driver and hopefully hit it pure or i could try and hit the a tine and play it down there let's be honest this is youtube of course i'm gonna eat driver oh my goodness that is ridiculous i've gotta strike it well [Music] oh i've got away with it that's actually gonna play out incredibly well car is definitely on. And who knows it could even be a birdie so you know what that's been a fun challenge trying to play golf with these clubs is not easy i'll tell you what be a fun video having a match with those clubs against somebody who do you think i should challenge. And have a game with those because like i say you got me a ball striker so you have to be someone pretty decent leave a comment down below right finish this off i've got chip into the green and a port hopefully it sets up a birdie opportunity if not it's a chip and two putts for a par guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like and i think it's only right if i get if i make a par you gotta like this video okay it's gonna have to go it is. So hard to use it's the last chance for a chipping birdie on this last hole the par five still don't fancy my chances with this club go on go on set me up for a nice gimme park guys thanks for watching and we'll see you next.
