Right guys so i've got a very exciting video today.

Incredibly excited because i've got mr peter finch who has obviously been on his quest. For 350 yards now if you've not seen the video on pete's channel that he posted last week go and check it out because we had some good news yes we did. So i didn't do 350. And then.

I skipped 360 which was uh a lovely a lovely monday. And 60 yards of golf ball travelness that's total distance how how do you carry it that day three two four scary three two. So what i thought we'd do well we thought we'd do together is one test it on a different unit because when pete was doing it was doing on flight scope. So let's double measure let's do it on gc2 with the hmt measurements we're getting real golf balls. And i've got the sim software as well on and we're just going to hit until we accomplish hopefully that feet again yeah hopefully do it again it's one thing if you are testing something you want to double test it you want a double blind test just just to make sure yeah that is kind of there. So i just wanted to give it a go with uh with a gt2 as well it's very closed data so it doesn't know about the temperature it doesn't know about the wind conditions so if anything it's a little bit even more closed and flights got flight scope tracks the actual golf ball which has its massive advantage as well because it's very good for distance control are you ready yeah let's give it a go shall we i wonder how long how many balls it'll take you i don't know comment down below how many golf balls is it going to take pete to hit it over 350. strap yourself in folks yeah. So hopefully you enjoyed the video guys there'll be lots of slow-mo footage lots of uh simulated software and let's see how far it goes direction is not important i might have a brew you guys enjoyed the video. And let's see how he gets on hi toei slice to begin with that wasn't quite solid i'm gonna make myself a coffee yeah maybe one of them another one started off like this yesterday as well you started like the other day yeah hi toys is that good oh all right i thought i'd go let's have a quick coffee if i'm waiting i've made you one as well pete might want a bit of that let's get up there not there. Yet folks three balls in three balls in and no sign no no sign of a driver yeah anywhere near the middle i can't see it once it takes off pushy that could be they could it that could be big oh we're getting there guys we're in uh i think we're six shots down. And so far three four five is best distance three four five. And six shots say that so i was only only did it take you to the day 25 okay. So i was like i was gonna say i'm gonna sit down ah almost almost getting it just a bit bottoming a little bit spinny yeah tour velocity there we go ah that's going to be big yeah is it big pete says it's going to be big is it going to stay on the driver you're pushing the driving range boundaries quite a lot though hey listen with all that range. And i'm going to use it all all right i don't blame you. So very quickly because a lot of people might not have seen every part of the quest for 350 videos well i would disagree with that well you shouldn't if you've not what are the what are the main factors what are you trying apart from finding the hardest golf ball you can find right now what's the what's the main factors um it's been a it's been a combination of things really all i've been looking at i've been looking at different players swings you hit the wall a long way. So mcelroy and everyone else i'm just trying to implement different parts of it into my game which i've done so far i've obviously got massive turn which is important to build up power i've got a lot of lag trying to be built up i'm trying to move into my left side quite quite aggressively really before really extending my hips up. And through there you go by the end of the day it's just it's smack it as i just thinking you're trying to trying to control those movements at this kind of pace speed's 127 miles per hour at the moment i'll get it faster it's warming up not with a big skyline up though seem quite smooth i thought it looked quite bad if i didn't get a few on the phone yeah okay. So let's pick up the club i speed a bit are you consistently carrying it over 300. yeah consistently getting up there average carry at the moment's 285. you've had a couple of sky ones in there still our longest is three four five three four five it's just not good enough anymore i got such higher expectations of myself oh yeah that'd been all right not long ago yeah four days ago ah really damn it that looked fast that was fast i reckon most of long drive guys drink coffee while they're doing long drive stuff i'd say. So 14 shots down this is the 15th shot 25 was last time we did it. So 14th shot 15 shots sorry this is good that looks big get up there is it good i was trying isn't it it's really drying three three two three three two okay that was that was a slower swing speed how fast was that one two six one sorry one point five one two five point nine. So you've been getting up to one two sevens so i think that one two seven was big yeah you just tried to add a little bit more a little more lagging to them you got this explode it was lagging. And explode if i'm going to fade it 350 i'll be impressed well i'm incredibly impressed yeah no not quite. And i had quite quite that tea as well ah sir how's the family great thanks me i might get seen one day when you finish this move our lessons back cancel everything come on pete sixteenth shot now to demolish the team well i say i hit the i hit the t out the middle of the face on that one well yeah the ball hits somewhere that's probably the best way of describing that that seemed good that seemed good carry carry carry carry carry it's not staying up in the air no i'm just not quite getting the same carry one two eight get the speed up getting the speedo i need to get the carry because that was the big difference between kind of my shots the other day actually managed to carry 120. For just 125. that was you better when your best one i think it was one two one that's gotta carry more look good oh just over 300 i'm not going to decide left here speed speed one two four yeah i felt a bit lower yeah not your best. But it controlled it all right come on stop being so controlled yeah i'm just called snapping on your back come on snap that might be shot twenty twenty freshers there seven up just very bottomed okay i'm just disturbing here probably the one where i've got most things in order that looks good i should do it i've done it what a shot two five eight you knew it wasn't yeah yeah that's the first time i've actually managed to get it kind of inside. And actually managed to get it was up on it wow look at that guys there there's your stats yes on screen seven in seven into out seven up seven in seven up uh we started it right which is fine high enough high. And on the face one two seven point seven club head speed very very very good numbers let's replay that shot it's the first one you kind of started down that right side a little bit and just yeah it's the first one i've actually managed to get kind of set on target that's a 333 carry three two three all right you know what i didn't actually feel i swung that hard at that wow the edge of the driving range is 270. should we give it a flag do you give it five more yeah well two five eight you're done you've completed your target i don't like cheers matt you just knew you had that one then.

Didn't you yeah it i kind of got into the position a little bit more. So we'll go so two five eight is a record let's see if we can beat 260 now 260 360. unbelievable i'm talking about me 360. come on pierre that could be good as well i think i'm thinking you're on something now is it staying up in the air no i don't think not as much anywhere near as much of anything a little bit short i'm a short okay take that carry again i'm getting some good i'm gonna warm these eggs up. For you okay let's go three more. And warm some balls up for pete yes that carries stay up in the air stay open oh not quite yeah i found a little slot again there's a warm egg a walmart cry there you go that's the trick three more there none of this none of this uh squatting. And exploding well that's all that warm eggs ah damn it damn it damn it damn it i just wasted a warm egg you did got another one got on cooking right two more two more two more two more two off. And we are on it by the way that um that long one you hit was only 21 yards offline which considering considering it's nearly 400 that's pretty impressive. And he's used this swing consistently i would have to just play the first and eighteenth at the same andrews in a continuous loop you'd do great that's all i've been allowed to drive the 18.. And you'd probably stick it you have to do it iron off the first off all right come on two more come on really smash these now ah damn it ah it's okay no one's disappointed in your part from yourself last one just let everyone down you know what i mean y'all know they can feel that traveling at some speed that's the measure i know i'm sure he's supposed to pick it up i've got to be honest all right last one i've turned it into a red line just. For the dramatic effect of the 370 drive the drone pro v1 sneaker around there earlier i doubt it i think they've all been hit god damn it god damn it right there probably longest nah i think one of these hard eggs will be good we've got callaway rule 35 wow i remember these came out these were the nuts got a monitor in there right you ready compete this is as hard nothing behind seven in seven up oh he's got it as well is that good well it might be good not quite three twenty three you know what you've done your work there bud two five eight we we've clarified three five eight why are you always dragging me down with three jobs five eight three five seven yeah just said that that's it two five eight sorry you're always dragging me he's always like this you've been like this is day one on this challenge. So three five seven it rounded two which is incredibly impressive seven up seven in 127.7 miles per hour on a different launch monitor i don't know yeah it's just done that's well i'm gonna do a i'm gonna do like a round-up video of stuff i've actually learned from this. And then.

It's gonna be a case of actually trying to take the best things and actually just trying to move those into a game because as you can see there although i can get just aim right yes i mean i can get a couple i mean out of out of 20 shots at the moment i'd say five went on the fairway yeah i'd say that'd be all right. So i i need to kind of get my game back and i mean you know kind of be playing with me i can it quite a long way now. But just it's just i think my fairway stats are higher than yours. So guys thanks very much for watching hopefully you've enjoyed that little insight it was a it was a way of just showing showcasing what pete's been working on with his quest to 350 it is ticked done um next.

Quest will be coming off i'm very sure she'll soon go. And subscribe to pete finch on his channel uh i've done some fantastic uh videos content so go and check that out do subscribe to them. And also check them out on twitter facebook instagram and all that jazz um guys hopefully you enjoyed the video it's nice to clarify it and if you have something from peach channel then.

You're over to mine just seeing the comparisons feel free to click that subscribe button as well guys thanks for watching and we'll see you next.

Time thank you for checking out well done quest quest for quest for lying down for a bit yes.