Ryan guys so that was big that was that was really good right new strix. And driver this is the zed 545 driver uh trixin haven't been in the driver game. For a while now and they've brought a new one out and in initial testing just before the video i'm excited about this review very excited. And and even from the first shot to give you a bit of an insight that just carried it 284 ball speed 167 miles per hour that's fast that's really fast compared to taylormade compared to pings normal ball speed would be about one six four one six five so it's a bit into one six seven that's really fast um it's got a bit adjustability which i'll mention in a minute let's say another one right well that one now that was the one that felt amazing 167 ball speed again that is really really fast that one's coming up a little tiny bit higher the first one two. And a half thousand spin now this is this has been a little bit spectrum you're not fully fully custom fit um talking about a bit of adjustability on it this is i would say the first time you can shift the center of gravity front. And back in the driver that i've seen obviously people have moved it side to side you can adjust the neck you can make it go further to the right further to the left what they've done they've got two weights they've got one in the middle seven gram one in the back three grab that is going to change the central gravity in the head you can move it forward. Or you can move it back. So we're seven in the middle that's quite forward really that should be a little bit lower spinning than that i would imagine i've got this set in 10 and a half degree when it's in the weight forward position when i go weight back i drop the weight slightly i drop the loft slightly to maximize the distance and comes in some awesome shafts which i'll throw up on screen for you there as well guys love looking head black finish silver face grooves which are interesting on the driver face don't see that very often anymore grooves normally there's no real grooves on a driver face to try. And eliminate the spin really so let's set a few more on gc2 we're down here at the grove today.

Actually in london which some nice facilities really really nice facilities oh it's just awesome it feels phenomenal right new record 168 ball speed that is mega fast that really is fast 293 carry an 1800 spin hello welcome to the game trixon what is this that was really nice. And to top it off only five yards offline this might be coming on me oh it just feels awesome feels really really good 288 yards carry distance another ball speed record 171 ball speed that isn't that is really really really fast i'm not gonna lie to you i hit that one hard i'm enjoying hitting it to be fair this video might take half an hour i might keep hitting it 171 ball speed which is mega mega fast feels good. And i'm gonna toy about with the weight in a minute i'm gonna switch it the opposite way and again eight yards offline eight yards right let's go one more seeing if it can break that ball speed record 171 that is mega fast just a very very fast face that felt amazing wow knocking on the door of 300 yards carrie two nine seven two nine seven i don't think i don't know if i want to change the weight now i'll be honest with you. But let's do it just because. So so far so good join me a sec when i've changed the weight and we're hitting the different option right guys and as if by magic i am back in manchester um we had a little bit of a problem there we switched the weights around and unfortunately between that and actually hitting the next.

Shot the audio corrupts completely it was horrendous i don't know why technical issues there unfortunately. So i still wanted to give you the data because the data that we got from the stricten z545 driver was incredibly good um. So i'll talk through what was happening in the first six shots. Or first five shots of that video because the ones that you saw first off you could tell how impressed i was with the distance of the driver. And the ball speed the ball speed seemed very very very fast i'm going to talk through these shots here straight away. So ball speed 169 miles per hour ball speed that is fast really really fast uh launch angle is 11.2 now this was when i had the weight the heavier weight in the middle of the driver. And the lighter weight in the back so it should have reduced really low spinning figures and it did it did produce pretty low spinning figures 2 400 that's okay had one big one in there at 3 200. So you know get rid of that and that that spin rate really does drop down the average carry distance. So i was getting out there with this driver was 288 yards carry distance which is good um. So i'm happy with that that was really good. So what i did then.

I said what you just saw at the end of the video i changed the weight round. So i put the heavier weight in the back and the lightweight in the middle now i must admit changing it wasn't super easy i don't know if the mechanism is quite perfect just. Yet but trivial thing you know it doesn't take long to actually get used to that and change it pretty quickly right data after the weight had been changed around um ball speed identical 170 miles per hour you know not much difference in it so coincidentally this should have been now the slightly higher spinning option slightly higher spinning option i then.

Decreased the loft because of that i went down 1.3 degrees so it was 9.2 degree launching at 12 degrees. So it actually launched a tiny bit higher and spun even less it spun less now this was just me hitting it in a different setting i'm not saying either one was tailored to me perfectly. And it's something that i would definitely recommend getting if you've got this driver is to get it custom fit because there are options in loft as options in where the central gravity goes where the face orientation points there's all the options on that the backspin was like say 2100 incredibly good the carry distance was a couple of yards less eight eight six. So 286 so it's two yards it's nothing but still massive hitting that's big that that's what i'm happy with those driving numbers i really am um and you know it's a forgiving driver it felt easy to hit it looks great it's got options to adjust it's the shrieks and drive they've not been in the driver game for a long time and they've brought out this driver that that performs well on gc2 you're seeing the numbers right now guys thanks very much for watching the video sorry that the ending wasn't quite as good as i wanted it to be i wanted it to be obviously down at the grove and my reactions on some of the shots were just ridiculously good. But i said the audio was just dreadful um guys do subscribe to this channel by clicking the link down here below i really appreciate that thumb up the video give it some thumbs. And comment down below let us know what you think guys let us know what you think about this driver whether it's one that you would pitch up against the weller known brands in driver manufacturers. And whether it's a driver that you think can perform. And help your game guys thanks for watching and we'll see you all soon.