Hi guys my name is rickshaws down here at the grove today.

Uh grove golf club in north london. So we've been invited down here by srixon and cleveland to test their new gear their latest gear that's currently on the market we're going to start off with the strix. And irons now the trickster brought out three sets of irons they brought out the five four fives seven four fives and nine four fives five four five is the one that we're gonna be hitting today.

And this is the bigger head more forgiving um it's got a bit more kind of real estate around the ball when you're looking down at it. And it's got kind of that look of i don't know almost more like a confidence club you then.

Have your slightly less um cavity club slightly more bladed in the seven four five and then.

You have your real blade and the 945 so stay tuned for all of those uh videos i've got gc2 down here we're gonna be hitting some uh taylormade golf balls down on the range here which are very nice. So let's get some data and talk about the golf clubs these are the first day i've just taken them out the wrapper okay. So feel good feels solid easy to hit very forgiving i didn't particularly hit that one right in the middle of the golf club then.

And yeah it gave unbelievable distances this is a six iron i'm hitting. And that's just carried 198 198 for a six iron okay. So i wasn't expecting that sort of distance it's got a little tiny bit to the left oh they feel really really easy to hit easy tip got a great look about them as well very sleek in its design trixin are kind of always done quite a sleek looking iron they're quite that's a good description. For them they look very modern high-tech and they are this is a forged line actually as well. So for a forgiving iron it's not very often you get a forged iron with forgiveness 198 again exactly the same carry distance as the last one that was really nice right that would be an interesting one i didn't hit that one well at all that wasn't a great golf shot i was right off the bottom of the club let's see what distances we got that. So still 187 considering i didn't particularly hit that great at all that was right off the bottom of the golf club that time. But still very very healthy distances you don't lose that much distance for a forgiving iron you know for a 190 yard hitting six iron that's pretty solid i'm pretty impressed with that that was the best one that fit that was the best one that felt awesome 195 that was an awesome hit that felt just gorgeous off the face. And it's got quite a unusual design towards the toe it's almost cut down towards it so it gives the toe quite a an almost um triangular shape towards the toe which is nice gives it a good solid look hit one more over yesterday oh wow wow that's travelled 198. i've hit 398 there exactly on the nose they're perfect um right i'm going to throw some of that data up on screen. For you so you can have a look right. So these are the forgiving irons these are the five four five the strixing z545 we've got five shots creating phenomenal club at ball speed 135. For a sick line is pretty good carry distance on average 195 yards that's big. For six iron that's massive actually they're a little bit left by whether i've not quite aligned this up perfectly a little bit left but consistently left you know the flights you can see they're all turned to that left corner. But very good solid hits very good connections so for the forgiving iron for the tricks in there that's got a fantastic that started really really really well it's got this v sole on it as well so it's more versatile it cuts through different types of surfaces a lot better and just looks just the bomb looks really really good so what i'm going to do next.

I'm going to test in the the middle kind of set to these ions now. So the 745s which are the slightly more bladed version slightly more not as forgiving. And then.

I'm gonna go into the nine four fives the blade the blades the real blades also guys go and check out peter finch's channel he's gonna do some reviews on here. So a different opinion on it he's not gonna be getting any data but we'll be talking more about the feel of the golf club so go and check out his channel for that uh but what a great start for the srix and zed five four five looks fantastic hits incredibly well let's see if i can hit this one over 200 to finish that felt awesome i don't know if there's just a little bit offset that makes it go it's a little bit top left corner. But very very very solid hitting club let's get a distance on that last one 197 incredibly accurate with the distances as well which is great. So guys subscribe if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and there's a lot of things going on a lot of people trying golf club down here today.

At the grove. And stay tuned for the rest of the videos regarding tricks and cleveland that we've done down here today.

We've got loads. And loads and loads of golf clubs to test to stay tuned for that guys and let's get on to the seven four fives next.
