Okay. So we've got restriction Zed seven four five iron this is the kind of the mid cavity item if you've seen the other two irons I've got the kind of oversize the more forgiving iron which is the five four five. And the super blade which is the named four. Or five go and check those out my channel guys have not already released but this is the the mid iron now this is the one that in my opinion would suit the mass market of golfers this is the one that's right in the middle of the range it's not too hot it's not super super easy it's got forgiveness in abundance with its muscle back. And it's it's big big chunk behind the golf ball which is great. And it's in a forged head all of the ions are enforced as which is really unique really it's not it's not normally in a forged head the ions. But these are the three series that have come out. For the Strix and not Bryan's out for a while and after hitting the other two this one now gives us a little bit more look behind the golf ball what I would see is that kind of middle gap between the blade. And the oversize I really would we're going to hit on GT to hit some real tailor-made golf balls down here. And seeing what the flights are. And what the figures are on it. So let's get here in a few oh well straight away after hitting the 945 this is that it just gives me out a little bit of breathing space it feels comfier to hit it gives me a little bit of forgiveness that I probably need is not a full-time playing pro. But if you're a phenomenal player you're looking at the nines if you're a higher handicapper who wants more forgiveness you're looking at the fives and if you're in that middle step I would predict so far the sevens would be the greatest the best of seven four five one ninety carry distance there for the six which is a good hit. So I'm going wrong that's some nice hit I wasn't going after that yeah feels really nice got some it's got a little tiny bit of offset. So I'm just drawing those a little bit too much at the moment it's my normal shape anyway I'm just drawing those a little bit and just for that bit of offset that'll that'll slightly encourage that but nothing much you know it's not a big forgiving it's not a big obvious offset the bottom of the club has also got the V sole on it so it's more versatile for different ground conditions wet firm etc and like saying that forehead when it hits out the middle it feels just ridiculously good yeah yeah yeah that feels amazing 192 carry distance. So it's in that 190 carry distance for a six wet that's that's decent hitting that's right up there with your really forgiving Callaway G TaylorMade's that iron is right up there in a forged head. So it doesn't only offer distance it offers that a little bit more of a feel of the head as well which is great I said I've got it in six times that decent hits all carry distances there that's it couple more all of them these are the ones. For me that likes that mass more I'm more suited to the most of the golfers 191 and how consistent are those numbers by the way 191 eighty six one nine two one nine one all very very good hitting slight over draws. But still all right that's much Thunder you've hit in that shape anyway I say we're down here at the Grove today.

In London which is a phenomenal facility that's it one more little tiny bit off the bottom scene it was off the bottom it still carried 194. So is interesting I put that in not the best lie because obviously I'm starting to take a few more divots here now I was in the best lie. But the V sole didn't feel like it was going to dig felt like it was going to give a little bit up off the surface. So it wasn't going to dig straight into the service yeah it wasn't going to bounce too heavily. And that's the design of that that Club it's got kind of a Down angler than a back angle as well so it gives that a little bit more versatility off off bad lies guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up tricks and Zed seven four five irons if you've not seen the five four five and nine four fives go and check out my channels up here you can check out the video reviews they're also whizzed over to Pete Finch's channel he's been doing some videos on this as these clubs as well just to get a different opinion on it I think you've done a big group video on on all of the clubs to give them a bit more kind of a food issue a little bit more right let's go one more I'm going to try. And smash this one none of them yet have hit to over 200 yards for six let's see if it's wrong will Oh Lord cop go.