All right guys so we are down here at the grove with strickland cleveland loads of testing going on the new products the latest. And greatest products and we've got some new strix and irons there's three irons that we can hit if you've not checked out the other ones go. And check them out there's the seven four five the five four five which is the more forgiving. And then.

These bad boys the nine four fives these are stricks. And zed nine four fives these are the bladed ones i'm glad i've warmed up i didn't hit this one first on purpose because these are phenomenally good thank you phenomenally good golf clubs look sleek very very tiny. And they've got they've got a club face i mean they're all they're all fours as well all they've done is they've used the same style. But kind of condensed and condensed they made it smaller from the five four five being that nice forgiving iron down to slightly more cavity iron in the uh seven four five and then.

The 945 is the blade of the blade right let's get hit some i've got gc2 got taylormade golf balls down here at um the grove which is pretty awesome nice range right straight away the first thing i noticed behind the ball it's just it's tidy it's neat it's tidy it is small it is small it's not a golf club that's going to suit a golfer that doesn't hit the middle of the club very often. So if you if you're a golfer that doesn't find the middle up very often maybe these ones might not be the ones to try but let's get hitting some of the gt2 oh wow that's just a considerably different ball flight that's much much lower than the the irons i was hitting before this is the six iron. And it's a straight away a great carry distance 191 yards of carry so phenomenal start there really nice penetrating good flight good hit easy to hit well so far it is anyway as long as i uh as long as i can find the middle every time oh now that's the one that's the one you're gonna get punished with this club that wasn't a particularly great hit at all. And i've been punished big style it's not i'm going to actually hit another one on that one because that wasn't particularly good that's actually carried 170 bad hit early mornings long drive down here bad hit right let's go straight into the next.

One that was really nice i don't think it was quite as good as the first one i think with this club you've got to be finding the meat of the meat you've got to be finding smack bang in the middle of it if you don't you get a little bit punished i'm honest with you you do you don't get the full forgiveness level. So like i said this is a bladed golf club one that suits the lower handicaps it's got a little bit of muscle back along the back edge. But still super super bladed but when you hit it wow when you hit it it is phenomenal it is awesome that feels like no blade i've hit before. And i'm genuinely being honest that felt amazing but you've got to be fine in the middle of it that is definitely the key ingredient to this golf club if you don't quite find the middle of this you do get punished without question 188 yards of carry distance just felt awesome. For a six iron that's very good for a player's golf club oh yes oh wow 191 love it love it. So guys the shrixen zed 945 the bladed one the small one the teeny tiny one when you hit it in the middle the screws of the screws it is an excellent performing golf club we see the stats there 190 odd yards. For a six and i'm not really trying to smash those ones when you don't get it in the middle you get punished you get punished if you don't quite catch in the middle but that's that's a bladed iron so the market for this would be yellow golfer as every blade is your logo. For your single figure golfer who's after an iron that looks it looks quite unique it's got it's got a really slim top edge but it's still quite chunky down at the bottom it's got a bit of a v soul bounce angle on this as well so that helps with versatility of different conditions lovely iron if you've not checked out the other irons that i've done the 545's the cavity and then.

The slightly less cavity back 745 go and check those out my channel but this is the 945 blade that feels unbelievable when you hit it also guys i'm down here with peter finch a different opinion on this go. And check out his channel um he's going to be giving more about the feel also it's nice to get a second opinion 188 yards carry if you enjoyed the video guys do subscribe by clicking the link down below uh do like the video comment i tricks haven't made irons. For a long time and i think they've come out into the market all guns blazing with these series of irons thanks. For watching guys and we'll see you all soon.