Alright guys here we are send UNH's old links golf course in Blackpool with this lightly lock we smiley faces we're on the 9th oh we're gonna fly the back 9 9 9 to 18 a few challenge in the middle to me in fryer against these two gentlemen beautiful golf swinging fincher here. So lately Blackpool is you might not real see it there's the big one there's Blackpool Tower we're obviously going this way par-3 under don't you walk 153 jockeys to go well we play match by boy wait. For my poorly breakfast 5 finds a guy Pilon breakfast full english in a poem a little par 3 protected by bonkers yeah. And this rips it right greenie rec greens off fairways grandfather so mr. Fryar thrower Malkin's Bank you can check out his channel by just clicking this link fairly new on the tube shut partner good shot sir yeah obviously it's absolutely chuck it down it Blackpool. For you I'm just a little bit stiff might just catch a bunker that oh it might just call a bunker bench it's magical golf swing be shy today.

All your comments on the refresh tempo come Finch my Amish green right miss green right beautiful ninth hole here at San hunts old links in Blackpool got two on the green I think mr. Finch in the bunker down there next.

To the rake I think one of those there's one there. And one there for me and mr. Fryar partner we're doing well to my beautiful grass down here obviously you can see the rain really really tipping down right okay say well Finch just greenside bunker just missed the green here got Carter up on the hill me. And mr. Frye dog on the green gone Finch shows a bit of Bunker magic this is this is tipping it down by the way it doesn't wear in the cover we all right shut sir are you fire that nice good hit having cancer off we go it would have been yeah it's a tricky one this is really probably right not even be able to tell on the hill on the camera here. But it's very very yeah there you go Sal's more dramatic Al's better we definitely don't get this to the driving range honey about halfway. Or wet wet greens phenomenal greens but wet just a little bit short there right if I've got a good chance here I miss the Matt frier pardner what we're seeing here little left or right half an inch outside done deal done deal yeah the troch good stroke right on the edge alright alright. So I've gotta be ever free Renata what so you need yours for the wind me or Finch your mate he's wrong with inch you so powerful free poison it'd be a bit more aggressive oh never turn this much shame that's we're threes anyway yeah okay no give me yours with stamina three something fast it's a backstop. For you Oh hold on good up-and-down Oh half the trees yeah yeah it could miss celebrate whole heart in three. So we're gonna go 10 10th is a horrible drivable possible joyful part 4 workouts without beautiful rights are on the 10th guru short par 4 guys 25 35 to start our life just left of the earth give my show can see worthy the terrorists you might just be able to see it alright just go see the towers in line with the tower couple of big bulges out there to protected 3:10 into turn 3 bullet was 310 3 bunkers ties by 10 3000 is ripped just come over it there is this moment recognize it anymore just sure that judge okay just sure the greenside bunker sure just sure yeah 103 10 about 25 power I didn't make you. So yeah we're still two of us using new drivers gamma yeah it's left. But it should be alright that should be fine right then.

Mr. Carter. So I don't this I don't wonder did this very well before. But if Australia where the flag is where the tower is there it's just to the left of the tower at three times okay okay new tie a new demo new demo toy yeah it should be okay that's it little bit left the target which should be okay mr. Finch my stop yeah can't wait to see this majestic Gosling get the tissues guys ready the tissues oh I say I'm gonna put a little I'm gonna put a little slow a little slow motion in there. For you this is the slowest I can make heat swing. So you can all all admire enjoy shots it's a nice Drive feet fairway how far you going 60 yards okay I'm gonna see by the green how close you can get I'm just down there next.

To the Boogie. So he's my friar says I'm the Carter she's got sixty yards in serious into the 10th green beautiful looking conditions here today.

I say it's wet. But of course because it's the Lynx it's still in awesome shape 60 yards picture and the maestro that looks nice hot forward AHA that shot sir you got a little bit luckier that to be fir all right so we've got fryer a little bit off line here at the moment okay it's about 40 yards in I'll see how it plays it in deeper if I must admit it about flying there. For mr. Mike fryer and with Pete so close he's got to do some magic here I'm just there I just on the edge I've got a chance lots of it that's good Wow great girl shot - good hit. So far we'll see our see how far under Scott okay car dog will be playing it back into the woods honey stop no Andy no they little flick in tricky approach though around these greens. So many bunkers so many pop bunkers Oh delay back spin on that I like that so on - Ricky shields best Drive best driver the bunch as well the power of the eight I 25 yeah pop bonkers come over all downhill to the pin I'm exceptionally close not bad nobody's release on that you didn't play a tactical fat like me rights are all point. For birdie under car to first mr. Finch nice fart you dare defy for that he'll go fry car what we got straight greens are great finches nice. And close yeah you've got free one at this. Or broke more than you expected sorry partner I hold up just tear on each other already come roll this in this hole regulation-size the part for the colorful finches car anyway you didn't eat it hey no one's like he's probably. For another mr. poster working as well as the drivers today.

In trouble if s go. For feet good birdie disappointing one down weird celebration we'll get over to your Levin Carter team one up a phenomenal birdie very quiet Sophie you okay I'm focused today.

You're are you switched on Tara how's it quite kicked in this morning all right. So we've got sorry I tell you bout the hole par four relatively straight hole doesn't it yeah it's another it's another is it shortest one peony is about here pin just down that line see without slanted bushes the big ones just over the slanted bushes straight a lot line no no huge emotional huge around trouble car driver drive them up yeah yes should be okay like it's left it should be okay yeah song o 3t shot like. So far oh yeah I believe Peter Finch's swing coach is available. For lessons you're actually self-taught aren't you Pete yeah golf shot good golf shot sir called it I don't think I've ever seen you with me. And feet in the fairway at least I got really this way that you choose to go fast okay fr Sophie not feet right 105 you need name veggies of finish just there just see it I'm at Club gut wedge let's do it go go go go go go is it a finchy yeah. And I shot sir good hit this one off yeah shame I can't a similar position. So we're 92 what club you going with what greens slightly into the breeze finish just they can just about make out from left they're gonna be open yeah it's great distance control yeah today.

The cameras. And broke it is a fair way right. So we're back locking down on Pete now on top of the bunker thank you is about 80 yards to go I'll see what I can do here quite a tight in position as I can see there I've spun off it's looking good yeah oh is that gonna fall just just hanging on there. So now we've got Rick similar position I see what he's got to offer a little big really probably hit that about 95 yards instead of the 80 but got a putt at it if not the greatest golf class I think mr. Finch is closest just about mr. Frey is just off the side yeah a little dinky chief a just a bit of an undulation I'll try. And get some perspective on it yes it's about hip height go go go go go go go ha ha ha that's it not bad it's off think it's just on me this is Boris his right way right. So here we are Rick what fuel got slopes off the sides down here that's where it is fast you've got the floor the road yeah yeah on. So you can have ever on it take a look from behind here while he's looking at need you to break sorry ok always nice. And aggressive when you had the runner either hand a little bit right to left it just slope after the whole book about too bothered about oh I'm not good enough needing more respect than that needed more respect yeah okay Pete just lead in the show here at the moment can this be birdie-birdie back to backers I forgot you've been lucky to stay on the green this is just sloping down that's where Mark was a minute ago I think you'll find I like myself below the pin Richard. So to go to up start and really putting the screws in then.

If I was the case what is your problem man I was in the zone that was going in can I thought he's alright oh yeah just in time that's what I'm saying has he got it oh just on the edge I think some devious breakage going on there. So whole hafting force over to next.

Which is the end of part one. And we're going to have a little challenge. And the part one as well this is pretty straightforward its height par. For this time so we'll see how we go little par 4 see where the Big Dipper is it's just to the right lap I'm sorry the big one the big one Pepsi Max is it up is that any more endorsements. Or copyright say anything that shouldn't write got under way straight shot evil day laughs dad you all right she'll be fine the only say when you place a hands that left is always the best right right we didn't miss the name is the big one it's right it's right right how do you feel like putting your partner off the field I put my partner Freya good very good you feel about going 45 degrees right that's while I'm playing it can't have been the swing-u is definitely the ball yeah agreed I was a birdie birdie wins it's usually pass Oh Rick always going on. But he's awesome three fairways in a row absolutely nailed it's all this time favorite feet super five hey someone's been taking lessons out there diary and practicing no chance I grandma saw this girl from plane yeah set on the left that driver I think wow you. And you and P are gonna be speaking that much hopefully we can find them anyway. So here we have marked in the deep stuff going towards pin over there just where that hot is just the left-hand side of it I five we got mark 150 in it's not that buried no yes it's not it's not amazing I must admit I don't think you're gonna get it all on there on a bit of a mound is what I'm gonna just go down this mouth you can see oh god I nearly fell. So you can see there it's a proper proper mound that's all the way up there right map 150 what club is it going to do much that record you're confident with that why. So we're confident with the like pins from right relatively simple enough entrance inside green Ricky shears on another fairway and come all the way down there Finch is over there in the hinder rough ER off I don't think I want to go over there. And film it and you'll let him just play out shot so Mac I stick it close good advice grip it hard so it doesn't twist it's got to jump and hop and skip jump over that bunker oh it's sure the bunker yeah it's all right from sure. But safe enough from that lie yeah not pretty like that. So we got mr. Finch all the way over there yeah I found this ball with the help of his partner suspicious what's his lie like average lie how FAR's he got 160 in okay. So well sorry get some I'm just down there that's me by the way much just give me a yardage or the fairway can't believe it all right go on Pete is this too hard from that lie that looked very very very difficult oh it's hard to over the bunk he's got fortunate they're the two pot bunkers my 50-yard shot the green is hopped over that right under search your rescues here. For Pete hopefully that's not too noisy guys on the video there is Blackpool Airport just across the way there. So that might be coming in to land over there well our land right and they what forgot very the Howard helicopter 149 I know it's time to come into it just off the just off the fringe but it's good enough it's on it it's on it it is on it nice golf shot great shot welcome right how far the AH trick unless you can see Rick is in the fairway again three in a row three in the fairway we want down. For Miss fairways we go up alright 115 I've got a little gap wedge has actually put our surprisingly closer where it was mmm is it greater looking really nice this needs to go a think she's hit it used a novice now. For this I'm sure nevermind front head to think come on what's the ever go on when we're down there the look of the finches happen again hopped over the bunkers that look buried over there well your partner's put in a awesome position do what do as you wish how far we got don't even know don't even care doesn't even care my instincts of the wolf I compete this is just all natural ever skip. For the hop oh that's gonna get that's gonna get a nice view nice touch I feel the two boys are their carts putting. For birdie finchy point for par we need it close to 100% close tip fairly nice entrance into the green here that bunk shouldn't get in the way it's all chip it nice and close lock it in if you come yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I've got to show you this I thought that was in look at the line you might not get to see it the line I can't quite see it the Jew. And it's rolled how did that go in how did that not go in he's absolutely gutted good par though gives me a run at my birdie chip nice chip all right a little bit short mate yeah you see stairways feet you should be self a bit all that not even straighten up like just yeah I was pretty unlucky too fur is our I fear 50 degree wedge I'm getting the same call. But I just have a shot I might reach if I see if I could they left good pace but right before dafuq the flag never felt threatened Robin Carter for the win for the W for the to walk after part one got a little challenge up this I'm feeling a bunker challenge after this great approach shot from under himself a little downhill from him his side right to left oh I won't read too much of it before that's a right to left left to right for the win for the two op got it as well got it as well two old guys after part one we're gonna do a little challenge now bunker challenge. And you can check out at the end of the video here thanks. For watching.