All right so we've got back on the t 13 t if you've not seen part one out check it out in the corner just there it's andy carter and mr tempo mr fiore mr gold swing peter finch you can check all these guys out on twitter on facebook. And also mr matt fryer who is my partner. And currently we are somehow two down two good birdies to be fair yeah right path three 193 yards it's quite a tricky one this pins tucked bottom right front right uh you might as well check out the video just there it is wet it is cold it is windy scent hands old links finished it in four what do you mean car i've got five five little cut online oh we won't tell our we won't say what we've got just. Yet we'll keep it yeah nice hit stay up yep yeah left himself a long pot. But it's on the green could i yeah go put good shot 60 foot put it's a bigger it's a biggie okay i'm getting instead i'm getting getting what the line is like here yeah my thinking boxing i'm getting in your think box all right go on finch if you've got four did you say yeah one nine three two glorious par three really nice here at san andreas links in blackpool you can see the big one just uh you can just about make it out just there there's the big one just there. But anyway back to the action here's the proper big one that's it again oh miss right missed right big miss right right we're going to change order matt i was captain. But we're not doing we're not doing great on that i've got three fairways and every green and we're two down and i've not every green i missed the last but anyway yeah come out every fairway i'm. So harsh every single fairway i might even hit this one if i'm looking there's a little one and you probably will count it i will count it of course i i've been going on my stats nice hit here stick it close oh. So it's right on the front edge and it's just rolled down the hill i get fired oh a little buttery one oh what a cool little buttercup how do you feel well again hit the pin this one's just. So unfair there's only time before right well if you've got a rick i'm gonna try and hit it hard same as me feel good just the one on the green though did the helicopter put you off at all pretty loud to be fair fry's on the grease it's a big step in the greatest of mckenzie how was it mckenzie yeah oh is it this isn't pretty is it i've been in better situations to be on yeah this is this is not nice this is uh undulating no room after the pins. But if i'm not i'm just past that pin past that bunker there um matt's actually on the green but on the bottom of the mackenzie tear we didn't realize and carter's up on the top so it's going to be interesting this i think parr safely wins this hull well maybe half this whole maybe not win these helicopters are going off now right pete we'll just let this helicopter go past. So we can hear some audio what club have we got talk us through this shot what's going through your head at the moment because this is quite a daunting shot. For the average mere mortal um there's not a lot of room to work with between the edge of the green and the pin maybe about eight foot so it's got a little floaty a little bit of check land it on the edge let it roll out drop into the hole i like it very positive i like that approach heavy editing heavy this is what should happen it's got most lofty club we're gonna throw it all the way on there stop it quick he's almost done what did what he said on the tin just threw it a couple of feet too far right mate you've um got another little funky situation similar to me here in fact that you've got the extra little peril of a cheeky bunker there as well did you not i did can you see it now thanks. For pointing it out can you see that that gaping chasm of doom right anyway i've got my mouth locked at 58 degree throw it on there i've got to land it just on the green just on just on. And open the face just to smidge i just need to smidge it on that green right and he's got it on top tier here he's played pin high but marmoth put mammoth pot holders over here now mammoth man that's good good word matt's actually got incredibly lucky this is where the ball pitched. And then.

This is down down down down down down down down down down down down hill unlucky right granny just on andy at the moment we thought might have missed the green originally. But because it's a big mackenzie he's on the green here at 13th hole at centennial links me and pete after our pitch shots pete's played it nicer than mine he's put himself a good power opportunity i've not unfortunately so i'm i'm a bit dependent here on mr fryer again right carter have hit three fairways six level power it's a great part yeah very good speed very good speed give me that um just stick a mark on at the moment if you don't mind you are too you are too old you are two up. And we all saw four and behold right go up the hill hope the he'll roll it in two foot will be good let's let's get out of this hole as quick as we can not really back here don't go don't go doing anything silly go on great pot halves. And that's the fair halves that they're about the same distance away yeah i'd be happy to take my pick mine up halves yeah halves yeah half south south south half holes hit half right 14. we've got there we go there she is pt 15. gonna hit us about head height head high it's coming out low low my partner's hitting three would well i don't mean finger in the big stick we're not messing about there's two bunkers down there i believe oh buddy there's actually lots of bunkers i've only just looked to the hole there are lots of bunkers yeah that's just the pin just here ever. So slight doughnut to the left oh i can miss the cards got this covered with a little pt3 would suspense in front oh it is live low low you are my absolute hero nice hit sir that was awesome right pete driver i think your partner's fair way smash it smoothly that's right again there pete oh what are you doing who is this it's all right though there's no trees on the lynx course there's a lot of heather it's a little it's safe it's safe. And mr fry is going with a little three-wood as well here not as little as three wood as carter's little three-wood it's a three-wood anyway oh a forward very cosmopolitan yeah good golf shot partner missy nice shot sir 13 wood chuckle brothers over here right rick you're going with the driver. So another fairway i can't do foreign i give this a pipe a little bit left left edge it's okay though yeah it's going to be fine almost fair way that'll do. For me almost there is it good sorry. So you go finch how far off the fairway man matt's over there on the fairway with carter i'm left the fairway i've actually missed one for a change and finch finchy we're back on 97 yards to the pin pins just over that bunker i've come over here so he's probably not first to play but we're over here anyway pins just there a couple little bunkers but fairly straightforward he's actually found a little bit of an opening here which is quite fortunate because that's a long rough. And that's long rough so he's in a good spot he's in a good spot oh it's another finchy fart all right it's a good one as well all right let's drop that all right it's a decent strike i apologize apologize it's just a mound in front okay that's it well done should be on the green part we're gonna get yours carter in the fairway drive back to the fairway can i get a lift 14th missed the fryer. And mr carter in the middle of the fairway three wood for safety nice decisions lads forward so that's why you're just a little bit behind carter's stinging pt finches hit one close actually already so matt we need to do something i'm over those bunkers just in the rough. So we just need to get something going here stick one close why are we 105.. And the rain has just started to really pop down now apologize if the audio's not great just the range really starting to come down looks good distance a little bit left yeah nice distance sure just a bit left there of target right in car to be quick because it's really starting to come down 98 a little bit less great tee shot thank you oh water down the back of my neck feels great oh it looks very nice oh it's a touch long touch big nice clean divot just a touch big believe that. And as always we do replace divots as you can see as always here we are with rick now back to his old ways missing fairways this is what i'll make birdie now because i'm i'm more used to this yeah i've only got 58 degrees i'm about 70 yards away i think she's put a nice one in there. So i've got a sticky clothes it's really starting to lash it not nice keep going right here we go rick shields birdie putt on the green what are you thinking here rick honestly get in before i get too wet yeah this is not this is not nice now is it heat close your pin eye cart is long this is going in. And then.

I'm going in it's got chances i like the ballet move as well not the greatest four. But it's four nevertheless right carter finch he's literally just here he's got a good another good birdie up uh yeah i'll have a hold of an umbrella this is really starting to hammer it down not left yourself too much that's not too bad to do let's see about a little bit downhill right to left checking the speed i don't think the speed changed a great deal i mean these are slick greens anyway. For the birdip with a shot oh they have slowed down they've just slowed down enough to stop that going in right on the edge your partner's pretty close anyway. And take that good work right then.

Sir we need this mate we are currently two down with finch she's got a relatively straightforward birdie. But this is in this map i know you hold these putts this is your range roll it in stay up ah a bit of a miscalculation there from fryer we've made four anyway right don't give him a line straight finch all right anyway no one can hold your brother anyway pete cause i've got the camera the other two lads i've got the brothers oh yeah partners coming in to help him there do you want to do that thing while you hold it over here you're gonna hold it. For him right then.

Look at that look at this double broly for this part to go a mighty three up three up stop raining i don't think. So the umbrella thing guys the three up yes oh they're doing the weird cello sorry about the green yes all right guys three o'clock all right guys team finch. And car three up at the moment sorry we need to do something special here we've got 15 16 17 18 left this is a relatively short part four with loads. And loads of the bunkers of the bunkers the pt's out again little three woods carter me and finch again with the big stick nice birdie there peter now just coming out here doing this it comes out like a bullet that thing doesn't it that's it sir yeah that's it fairway finch with the big stick we're playing aggressive today.

Too carter's got the uh sorry fry's got this forward out as he's just doing something quite rude to me that's the grip sorry are we interrupting me i'm having a moment interrupting something there right yeah good hit fairway again that's it sir should be all right slippy a little bit left right we better do something this is quite a big fair way it says yeah right side bunker flirting flirting hey yeah what's up all right how far we got fairly lucky here decent lie a couple of bunkers to skip over straight over there towards the blackpool theme park pleasure beach a couple of bunkers. So this should be fine it's cold it's wet we're desperately trying to keep everything dry here as we're filming and we've got to win this hole carter's just on the fairway i'm just on the fairway peaks just to the right so let's get this one close matt oh yeah this looks awesome get all over it get all over it yeah great shot that is really close awesome shot yeah good oh they're not even looking yeah great shot really close nice work map fareway friar's really close you might not be able to see it on the video there. But i can see it from this line now fry it is really close right i've got one two seven got a wedge the flag's right in the back. So because it can be aggressive though you can go. For this it should be all right yeah you give yourself a chance there anyway that's it nice hit saw right i think i'm on another fairway pete is that me fairway this one down there's one on the fairway. And one just on the side we're neck and neck with each other anyway you're on fairway oh buggy i've just missed it just off the edge there yeah i thought it was further around i thought i was a bit further. But yard off the fairway we've got great shot into screen mark how far do we have 19. 119. i'm probably about 114 no maybe not far 118 just out drove him right finch first right pete what club uh a little wedge interbreeze stick it close how the hell are you riding a t-shirt hard as nails couple little pop bunkers down there. But nothing too too daunting for this marvelous player it's a little bit off the bottom but it's on it did that hurt the hand slightly yeah that was clean very clean all right. So 118 after that yardage we've got so i'm going to go a little 46 degree 46 score give it a hit i'm going to go straight up pretty close though oh i don't think i'm inside you. But it looks straight on it it's about three inches away yeah flagshag. Or so these are the approaches we've got rick's just here i we thought fry's a bit closer. But neck and neck then.

We've got finch is just here. For birdie and also andy carter just here so at the moment friday we might just be in the driving seat for this hole just oh dirty tactics all right carter you need to stand up to read your pot tell you what these bots under these now we're in serious trouble we'll give you that we'll give you that will give you that give it up fincher also. For the bird if he's not that in that would have really known if he's not that because we would have lost the match right finch match winning put it's on it it's on it ah not quite sir not quite right fry we need one of these preferably yours rather than mine if that's okay i'd rather you roll this one in i've got mine anyway. But just in case for the win oh just on the edge just on the edge right so i've got a whole mine for the win hard look just to avoid going dormie right we have a little challenge on the screen i reckon a really tough rough shot might be in order soon i had one challenge at the end this video you can check out part three you can check out three. And the challenge and we're gonna play down we've got part three and two part fives last year interesting match two down you.