Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic central manchester. And today.

I want to help you start your golf swing better. So how do you start the golf swing it's a question i get asked kind of day in day out from clients from people on on social media saying how do you actually start the golf swing how do you get the club away from the golf ball honestly there's no right. Or wrong answer let's say so that sounds it sounds quite broad but there is no absolute perfect answer i'm going to give you today.

Some ways of being able to do it better. And just give you a bit more of an understanding of it so obviously it's one of those points where you're stood over the golf ball and it's not trigger before we take the club away it's that first almost shotgun start we need to get something that happens before we hit and a lot of players use some type of trigger let's say in the way that they might move the club or they might press the hands forward or they might tap the toe in fact i actually do two of those things i know when i set up to the golf ball once i've got into my address position now you might not see it really clearly on the camera. But i actually tap my toe just two or three times i don't know why i do it i don't know how it's ever come about. But it's something that i've always done so once i've set up well certainly it's always something done as i've remembered i just get my toe tapping into this position here and it seems to just put me in a nice kind of trance almost quite an ease over the golf ball almost like a pre-shot routine more than anything it just helps me get ready to take the shot so once i'm actually setting up i'm just tapping my toe and then.

Have a quick check on my target and the last thing i do you can notice i've never really put the club down behind the ball. Yet the last thing that i do is i push the hands forward of the of the ball that little forward press of the ball. And then.

Take my take away away let's say i don't know where that's kind of come from i don't know how it's happened but it's something that i do almost every single shot. And there's loads of different triggers i've seen so many different ones in the past i've seen players who almost dance over the golf ball with the feet i see a lot of waggling you've got your players like jason duffner for example who takes his takeaway three or three times before he actually takes it hits the golf ball when you're looking for a trigger or something to help you take away it's got to be personal to you i can't tell you right you've got to do this. And this will work it's got to be personal to yourself one of the things though when you are doing it is making sure that you do it all the time every time practice it as much as you can. And get used to that trigger now the only recommendation i would make is make sure you don't stand over the golf ball. For too long while you're making this movement i very i really like to see the club sat behind the golf ball for more than a couple of seconds maximum so once the club goes down behind the golf ball once it sat down try not to wait too long you might be processing some swing thoughts in your head you need to try and get out of those swing thoughts you need to try and let yourself get out your own way basically so once you've got the club down once you've got into your dress position do whatever you need to do a couple of waggles of the golf club keep it loose keep it relaxed. And then.

Once you put the club down have a quick look at your target and pull that trigger and that way you're not going to be stood over the golf ball in a frozen position waiting too long. And struggling to actually make the club move away from the golf ball so that's that's a really easy way to help you start your takeaway the next.

Point on it is what do you start your takeaway with. So it's a question again that i get asked of is it the hands is the club is it the wrists it's kind of a little bit of everything um certainly in your in your arms. And the way that your body will turn. So i would never say that it's only a wrist that move i would never particularly say it's only ever your shoulders that move it's a blend of all these first initial takeaway points all blended into one so things that you need in your takeaway you need to make sure that we've got a takeaway where our arms and our club stay as one unit so as we turn back that's going to stay as one unit. Yet there needs to be an element and only a small element of wrist action just in this takeaway very small element it's not cocking the wrist it's just helping the club guide into the correct position so once you've got into the setup position you're going to turn your body. And allow the wrist just to slightly just to hinge slightly and then.

Turn and hit so it's my body turning it's my arms stretching and it's my wrist slightly talking it's a blend of all three guys if you enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up comment down below i'd love to hear what you think you can subscribe to the channel by clicking the link here. And also you can check out my next.

Video just here that's going to help you start. And know how to start your golf swing better from the vital trigger points that you need at the very start to what actually happens in that first bit of the takeaway guys thanks so much for watching my name has been rick shields down here at traffic girl central manchester you.