Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic garcinia manchester. And today.

We're going to talk about the importance of staying central in our golf swing certainly with our irons. And also kind of a little nifty training aid that i use to help with that as well so first off staying central i kind of always talk about in in lessons video lessons that i do. But don't always massively explain it on a video such as this this is my opportunity to do that. And also show you how you can train it on your own kind of with a useful little practice aid. So when i talk about staying central it generally means that the middle of my body my sternum stays over the top of the golf ball as i rotate and hit the golf ball therefore. i'm not going to move to the side. And hit behind or if i move to the side i've got to move all the way back over there again which makes it very difficult to hit the right spot every time one of the things that most top players all have in common is they all hit the ball first. And then.

The floor after now some of them do that in a way of kind of going one way. And going the other. But they practice hours and hours and hours a day you know for you your joe average golfer that's quite a difficult move to be able to precisely hit the same spot every time so if we can eliminate sideways action lateral movement to the side we can eliminate that we're going to have a better chance of hitting the ball at the right spot every single time which is really really key i would say it's the most important thing when hitting iron shots staying more central with the driver is key. But i generally sit a little bit further behind the golf ball with the driver but then.

Try and stay in a central position to that point it's a little bit different between irons and drivers but generally i mean the the best thing about you know practicing. And hitting golf balls is discovering little ways that you can improve on your own which is key you know that's really important if you can find a little way of perhaps on your own that's massively important. So i've got this this little training aid down here which is an eyeline 360 mirror. So it's just a it's almost like a you get them on roads when there's a blind spot it's a it's a curved mirror which gives it a massive big wide range so i can see all of my old must swing here my body. And just a red line going straight through it now when i set up my kind of mission that when i practice i'll swing a golf i'll do a practice swing just looking at that red line making sure my head never comes off that red line as i do it again. So i'm learning that feeling so when i come in to hit the golf shot i can try. And replicate the same feeling and that way i'm not moving side to side and i hit the ball first and the floor straight after this product is available from strike right dot code uk. And it's just a little just a little nifty product to help you stay more central in your golf swing so i'm looking it over the red line keeping my sternum over the top of the golf ball swinging and hitting and that way i'm always hitting the ball first and the floor after another little nifty um kind of use for this mirror would also be so you can work on a swing change. So let's say for example you're working on widening your stance or you're working on using less wrist hinge in the backswing or using more wrist hinge in the backswing or you're trying to look at reducing the length of your backswing you know this this mirror gives you a direct analysis of what you're doing straight away as you can imagine. So when you're hitting there's not there's no guesswork am i swinging too long am i sliding to the right. Or left you can see it on there if you've got a little camcorder you can video it as well. So that way you know that you're practicing the right thing like i said it's available from strike right dot cod uk guys thank you very much. For watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please subscribe by clicking the link down below and you can check out my next.

Video in the window here. But that was my little kind of talk about staying central. And also how you can use training aids to help you achieve that thanks. For watching and we'll see you all soon.