Foreign here is a video of one of my clients this evening Rob Potter probably the smartest stress client I've had all year not many coming to time. But Rob today.

We've been working on a few aspects of his golf swing to get him more uh stable. And better consistency of strike and a little bit more distance now what we noticed at the very start of today's lesson is I did a video a few weeks ago about consistency. And about how to stay close to this to kind of line this wall and as Rob was moving away he would just move away from this line a bit too much. So now he would then.

Have to get very close to that line again it's not as much as shoulder because obviously his shoulders are going to go thinner there. But if you just watch his head movement he just moves a bit too far onto his right hand side now from the top an issue that Rod's been struggling with for a while it's just this little bit of casting here at the top so the casting is that the angle here with the right wrist gets lost very early on in the swing. So the club starts to flick out and that straight away causes two big problems one we hit too heavy so we hit behind the golf ball and we're lacking power so what we've done today.

Is we've worked hard on first I think increase in that sorry making that Gap smaller between the left shoulder. And the line and also we've done a little drill here that which is called a split grip drill now the idea of this is I also mentioned to Rob about how to GPS watch on my wrist the right wrist a couple of days ago playing I noticed it was dig the bezel was actually digging into the back of my right hand. So it was unconventional scene we put the rocks on his right hand. And said feel like the watch is staying connected to the back of your hand that split grip you'll also pulling it down with the left we managed to maintain the angle. For a lot lot longer in the same process we talked about staying a bit closer to that wall which helps with the strike and then.

We started to get the connectivity as well at the end of today's lesson what then.

We kind of came to the conclusion of is a split grip drill. Or a split grip um a bit on my baseball type grip was more beneficial. For Rob when he was hitting the golf ball a lot better that way. So staying connected to that wall gets to the top very little casting action there so we also talked about a bit more whipping action from there to hold the angle and we started to hit some absolute screamers really nice golf shots towards the end of the session there and it's just holding the angle for as long as we can. And then.

Just ripping straight through it and it took a little bit of time to get used to but once he did it started to hit some really really nice golf shots some bullets straight down the middle of the Fairway well I don't say Rob great session look forward to seeing you again next.

Time if you've enjoyed the video watching it guys please do subscribe to the channel check me out on Facebook. And Twitter and check out that wall drill as well on my channel so you can learn a little bit not yourself [Music] thank you [Music].