All right guys shots that go way off to the left you know missing fairways to the left because that's gone left left with this is the third part of the trilogy that we're going to be talking about stop hitting that shot stop hitting the golf ball to the left we've already covered grip well that would cause you to hit the ball left we've also then.

Covered where the clubface positioning might be during the golf swing which would also cause you to take the ball left the last one we're going to talk about is the swings path. So with the use of gc2 and the hm tag let me show you what that shots characteristics actually was to hit that ball. So far to the left right guys so we we've got the uh the information up on screen now why that shot could have gone to the left and we see a couple of different results to what we saw possibly last time because the the two previous videos this swing path number was much much smaller much smaller i'm going to come back to that in a minute this is still a factor that the club face was closed to my path. But only by 1.1 degree that is nothing that would not cause me to hit the ball viciously to the left like it has done there's two factors on this there's the strike location strike location is key if you're hitting this side of the golf club if you're hitting the toe of the golf club there is every chance that ball is going to go left there's a such thing as called gear effect. And this is why the face actually isn't flat i've done previous videos of that in the past you can check out guys i might do another one in the future just to recap everyone's memory. But if you hit the toe you could you will probably hit the ball to the left. But it's this number my path angle this time my path was severely to the right now this is a problem of mine i know i'd do this too much anyway that shot wasn't particularly hard. For me to hit this why i had these big raking drawers i like to call them overdraws but i'm only kidding myself they're more like hooks and then.

My path is viciously to the right by seven degrees. And that's a number that we need to fix so my club face is still left of my path. But only just one 1.1 degree it's nothing but it's because my path is hitting. So severely this way as if i'm almost kicking the ball that way which would cause that curvature it's also a factor if my club my path is. So severely from the inn that club face that orientation of that sweet spot is really hard to actually control really hard. So if you are a golfer who either hits the ball too far to the left because you hook it. Or because you over turn it or over draw it this is the drill you've got to do you've got to get that club path swinging much much further left you've got to become a slicer basically you've got to become a slicer of the golf ball now what you might have seen in that first clip to help exaggerate my path i actually got my stance a little bit further to the right. So i was almost closed well do the opposite. And i don't see this as being a bad thing this is why i actually coach with a completely blank map everyone's alignment is slightly different everyone's everyone's got a coach even guys on tour alignment are very different because they shape the ball in different ways. So this is what i would that's what i would encourage you guys to do as long as your grip is neutral. And as long as you're confident that club face is no longer severely left of your path the way you can check that is if your club face is severely left of your path your ball would start straight. Or even further left but because my path is. So severe that way my face only a little bit the ball still started down that right side so what i'm going to get you to do is set up much further to the left. So with an open set up my stance is left my hips are left my shoulders are left. And i'm going to encourage much more of a swing across the golf ball like i'm trying to slice it really try. And cut across the ball that way you will stop hitting the ball to the to the left as long as your club face is relatively neutral. So i'm going to swing right across the golf ball this time. And hey presto that ball has definitely not gone to the left not even a little bit now i might have just encouraged my face to aim a little bit that way as well let's have a look at the numbers we'll see we'll see on that didn't didn't feel like a good strike i'll be honest with you so bear in mind this number before my swing path was seven degrees from the in. And now i'm three degrees from the out and that's why that ball is curved viciously viciously to the right my club face is more open. And that's probably a feeling of trying to keep the club face more to the right so i just need to get that path straighter with the club face matching up to it which was the if you if you are a hitter of the ball to the left as soon as you start to try. And swing across the ball you're probably going to keep the clubface to the right because you're scared of hitting it. For us we're scared of hitting it into the ski slope next.

Door so you're probably going to get a feeling of actually leaving the face much further to the right this time i'm going to swing across the golf ball. But keep the club face dead straight but i can promise you you are a hitter of the ball to the left this will fix it it will fix it. So my stance is open my hips are open my shoulders are open. And i'm swinging across the golf ball on the downswing like i'm trying to chop across it and again the ball definitely doesn't go to the left it's curved way off to the right because that's again the feeling of keeping that club face open i'm going to finish on one more where i'm going to be able to marry everything back up. And keep this ball straight but you can see the difference there it's. So much it's so much more well it's not safer it's still going to the right. But it's stopping you hitting it ball to the left and that's what these three videos are all about. And then.

When we time it right we hit a much much straighter golf shot where our path number will be lower our face angle will be straighter we can hit the ball much further let's just have a quick check of that last number. So you can see. And hey presto my path is still inside. But only by 0.4 so me swinging across the golf ball has actually straightened my path up i married my club face up to it correctly i hit somewhere near the middle and we've got a result that only finished seven yards offline rather than 33 yards offline like the first one so guys there was a trilogy of stopping you hitting the golf ball to the left left shots can come in different shapes. And sizes some come straight left some turn to the left the general thing is if the face is left of your path you're going to hit the ball left you need to fix that first once you get that feeling make sure you strike in the middle of the face. And not towards the toe and you will be hitting that ball much straighter. And stop you're hitting it to the left it's it's a terrible shot on the golf course and the more you hit it left the more you try and swing it to the right and liking that last clip the more you're gonna curve it to the left guys thanks for watching if you've enjoyed the trilogy please do subscribe clicking the link down below thumb up the video comment down below let us know what you think if you've not seen the shots that you hit to the right if you are a right hitter come check those out hopefully these don't make you hit the ball right now they will do more. But just you might have to watch them both to balance yourself out guys thanks for watching we look forward to seeing you soon and hopefully you'll stop hitting the ball to the left.