Right guys the left shot straight left the horrible hook or the pull that we're gonna fix in this trilogy of videos we're gonna do three videos to help you identify what we're doing that would cause that shot. And we're gonna use the use of the gc2 with the hmt and the spots i've got on the club face here to actually show us what's happening so you've just seen the shot viciously left let's have a quick look at the figures to why that shot actually just happened so when we look on screen here you can see a couple of things you can see the strike location is actually really good pretty much smack bang in the middle the la the path on this particular shot is pretty straight i'm very impressed with that. So at the moment both those two numbers that ball shouldn't have gone severely left but the number one thing that's happened here is my this is the same as the shots that were going to the right this time my face angle to my path was closed quite a long way close. So 6.1 degrees closed now generally this is the factor that happens the shots that go to the left the face is left of target oh sorry the face is left to the path now the path might be going to the right. But if the face is too far left that's going to put you in a lot of trouble. So what what actually can cause the face to go. So far to the left the first thing that i look for is definitely the grip without question if the grip is too strong. So wrapped around the back of the club here the club face will have a tendency of shutting down quickly very quickly now you can do everything your full power to hit the ball to the right. But with that grip the club face is going to shut down. And you're going to see the ball going left. And the worst thing with that is the more that you actually start hitting it to the left the more you try. And hit it to the right and that makes the ball even go further to the left very vicious circle so the first thing you do is make sure your grip is neutral things to look out. For when you're taking hold of the club and if you hit the ball severely to the left you've only got to see one maximum two knuckles on that left hand if you're seeing too much of that back of that left hand the top hand you're in trouble from that then.

The right hand wants to sit much more on top of the golf club rather than round the back of the club so if you look down at your grip and you see a lot of knuckles on the back of that hand and your right hand is wrapped all the way under you are going to make the face shut. And you're going to hit that ball left make sure only seen one two knuckles maximum holding it in the edge of the fingers right hand sits more on top of the golf club. And then.

Hit shots from there now that will help your club face not aim anywhere near as far to the left that has to be number one thing that you look out. For you grip it's almost a steering wheel at a club face which can make the ball go viciously left because the face has to be left of the path that's number one go. And check that go and try that first guys at the driving range the next.

Couple of drills as well is going to be helping you enhance that even further. So if you're still hitting the ball to the left because you could still be doing the next.

Two facts next.

Two tips the trilogy of hitting the ball to the left will help you hit that ball a lot straighter first thing you need to check though is your grip the way you hit the ball left of target is if your club face is left of your swing path guys go. And try that driving range let me know get on check out the next.

Part if you're still struggling hitting the ball to the left and we will fix it even more thanks. For watching guys we'll see you next.
