Alright guys the shots that go way off to the left we're gonna fix this in the next.

Part of this trilogy that I've got set up. For hit and then.

Stop your hitting the golf ball to the left the first one if you've not seen it already is the grip you've got to check the grip because most of the time when the ball goes to the left it means that our clubface is aiming further to the left of our swing path now unlike if you've got a mega inside swing path. Or an over-the-top swing path the rules are still the same your face will be aiming left of those swing paths we look at that one actually let me show you on the GC 2 with the HMT attachment on this off that last shot. So that went a long way to the left nearly 66 yards left now my swing path was pretty good a swing path actually went off to the right by five point one degrees I struck it somewhere near middle which would be okay that won't be the end of the world. But my club face angle was five. And a half degrees closed five and a half degrees closed so that's that's the number that we need to fix that really is. And the way we fix that I still have to after seeing that first part would be the grip that would have the biggest factor if you have two stronger grip that would make the face shut down and you will hit the ball left. But there are other factors because I've seen a lot of players grip it almost perfectly. But still hit the ball ridiculously left rediculous left so that comes to the next.

Part of this why can we still hit the ball left even if we've got a straight grip. Or a neutral grip a lot of it is about the clubface manipulation as we're actually swinging the golf club. So there's a couple of check points as you go back in the swing I've seen players with a neutral grip but have the clubface incredibly short so the face is pointing down to the floor. And also at the very top of the swing the cool face to be very short again where the face is actually aiming all the way up to the sky. And the biggest factor that is that left wrist of my mark leading left arm. So as I take this club back if I shut that clubface down okay. So that I've got a big bowing my wrists big angle there as also if I get to the top I've got this massive big angle there and that would close the face something unbelievable and would make you hit the ball left I mean it hurts my wrist. And that's holding it with a neutral grip that's holding it with a correct grip so let me do that I'm assure that once. So clubface shot holding the left wrist that ball is left left left left. So how do we fix it there's a couple of things that we've got to work on it's about keeping that left wrist. And not our forearm and I'll the back of our glove much straight as we're swinging the club back and even at the top of the swing trying to keep that perfectly flat this is if you've got a neutral grip it really isn't if you hit the ball left. So going back in the takeaway you can see here I'm a forearm. And my left wrist they're all nice and tight up there and therefore. my face is nice. And straight I get to top I'm still keeping that forearm really straight in the back of my left wrist therefore. the clubface is still very neutral the last thing on that is to get the feeling that once you've got those positions correct that you're keeping the clubface further to the right even at contact. And I forget this is all videos to stop you're hitting the ball left if you are a chronic left hitter this is something that's gonna help you fix your golf shot without question. So much straighter left wrist straight a left wrist and then.

Feel like the clubface is staying pointed off to the right. And that will help you hit the ball much much further to the right than what you've previously been hitting it if anything I'll even a little bit straight like I've hit it there. So my clubface mum still might be left of my path and it pretty much would be but money sits it dead straight because I kept those angles and that cut that clubface much further to the right guys that's part two we've got one more part of why we could hit the ball left even if you've got a neutral grip even if now you've got these positions correct how can we still hit the ball left even though all those factors are still correct. And I checked out in part three coming very soon you've enjoyed the video do subscribe clicking the link down below comment love to hear what you think about that like the video. And that is all about keeping that clubface a lot straighter during the swing just stop you hitting that ball stupidly laughs thanks watching guys we'll see you next.
