Right guys shots that go to the right we're going to fix that in this series of videos. And we're going to fix that right shot because that is just not manageable it's not playable whether that's a shot that curves to the right. Or whether it's a shot that goes straight to the right these next.

Three videos i'm going to produce are going to help you fix that shot it's part of my driving range series because i do believe a move like this needs to be changed on the driving range because it feels very odd if you're trying to do it on the golf course. So what actually happens when we hit that right shot now it generally means that the club face is aiming to the right of our swing path. So our swing path would measure the general kind of club head movement through the golf ball so i don't even have to use that with a club head it could just be with the end of the club that is the swing path that's going too far to the left that's going too far to the right. And it generally means if you hit the ball to the right whether it even curves to the right or goes straight to the right your club face at some point at contact was aiming further to the right of your swing path let's go have a quick look at the gt2. And let's see what the first numbers produce for that first shot so we can see that is exactly what happens now i've hit low on the bottom now if i hit this section of the club the heel that's also a huge factor to why the golf ball would move off to that right hand side with a driver. So do check that first if you're hitting this side of the golf club check you need to be hitting over to the middle. Or towards the toe because here we'll make the ball go to the right i hit up on the ball which is fine i hit from the inside which i normally do anyway. But my club face so that that that can still play a straight shot that can still make the ball shape back towards the middle. And hit a draw but my club face angle to my path was 5 degrees to the right it's a further five degrees to the right of my swing path. And this is the number that i need to fix first now granted that that means my club face was to the right of my target on this particular shot. But not every right shot means the face is open to target it really doesn't it means a lot of slicers aim the club fake in the club face left at target. But the face is still open to the path. So these next.

Three videos are going to be talking about how we can make that club face aim further to the left of our swing path. And this first one is about grip. And how that can influence it. So grip if we're holding it in a weak position so a weak position would be the hand certainly for right in the golfer the left hand would be too far underneath the right hand would be too far over that can have a huge influence on where that club face points at the moment of impact. So we're going to strengthen that grip up. And i don't mind if you hit the ball if you are a chronic golf a club golfer who hits the ball to the right i don't mind you holding it in a slightly stronger grip. So when you look down at the grip here you should see two knuckles and if you really do hit the ball to the right i don't even mind you seeing a little bit of that third knuckle. So the left hand sits further on top this time the right hand and also importantly in the fingers holding it too much in the palm can influence where that golf ball shapes hold it in the fingers can help the hand. And the club work in the correct motion so we're seeing more of the back of the hand in the fingers that's in your glove hand the right hand then.

Can also go slightly more underneath. So further around the right side not too far on top so further around the right side now the number that we want to see now is that the club face aims further to the left of our swing path now. For me this ball is going to go left left. And i mean left left. But for you it may not do it may go perfectly straight. Or certainly less to the right so i've got this grip now in a much stronger position i'm going to hit a normal shot. And for me this is going to go severely to the left. But i'm just proving to you that the club face is aiming to the left of the path you can see there on screen like i said before this was going to go left left. For me but the one number that we want to see is that the club face was to the left of our swing path. So let's throw all the numbers back up on screen so we can actually see that. And yes we have done it. So that grip change that grip change that i just produced there and made my club face aim further to the left of my swing pass so i still hit the middle like i said before if you're hitting this side of the club you're probably going to hit the ball to the right i still hit from the right from the inside sorry. So i'm still my swing still moving to the right but this number my face angle to the path was left closed this dotted line is my swing path moving to the right. But my club face was aiming further left than that it was still aiming to the right of target which is as good we don't mind that. But it's this number we want the face angle to be closed to captioning not and we can we can available that. But get the get the grip in a slightly stronger position let the face aim left of the path and we want to see that golf ball going left guys join me next.

Video because i'm going to give you another drill. And a tip to help you not hit the golf ball to the right it's about the club face and during the golf swing stay tuned do subscribe click like comment down below let me know if that's fits you already if that's stopped hitting the ball to the right. And we're going to work next.

Time on that clubface control again to continue hitting that ball left to the right thanks. For watching and join me next.
