Okay we're going to fix that shot massive shots off to the right big slice up stay on the driving range actually missed the driving range big shots off to the right either pushes. Or slices we're gonna fix this in this series we're gonna fix that shot in the series of videos we've just done down here our traffic golf center for your winter program on the driving range i would advise to do it on the driving range because you need to bed these movements in. So that shot how does that shot actually happen. So i've already done one video about the grip and how it can affect that. But this time it's going to be about the club face going back. And the general gist if i show you the data from that first shot it's the fact that the club face aims further to the right than our swing path so i've hit the middle there a little bit low but off the middle if you hit that section of the club the heel that will move to the right. So you've got to be careful you're not hitting from there we want to hit either from the middle or towards the toe i've hit from the inside or to the right by 67 degrees which is okay it's a bit too severe. But it's okay. But it shouldn't make the ball go to the right unless my clubfaced angle is further to the right than that. And that's obviously what it is here i did that shot on purpose that's 6.2 degrees to the right therefore. it's nearly four 13. And a half degrees to the right at contact that's not always the case the face doesn't always have to point to the right of target to hit a slice but generally the face has to be to the right of the path to make the ball go to the right so the first video if you've not seen it already i would strongly advise to go and watch that first because that's talking about how the grip has a huge influence on that but let's now say we let's presume now we've got a neutral grip a good grip the ball could still be going to the right because in the takeaway. Or in the backswing the clubface control gets lost so if i was just to point that club up to that front camera we can see clearly here the toe. And the heel are perfectly in line if i was to turn that on to its side back to this back camera here that angle should stay exactly the same that would mean the club face has gone from a square position. But just tilted onto its side often we can see golfers sometimes who hit the ball to the right actually opening. And changing that angle so as they get to that point now the club face is leaning backwards. And therefore. it doesn't matter what swing we put on the golf ball that club face is always aiming to the right of our swing path unless you really work the hands. Or the club face over which is a recovery we don't want that we don't want that at all because that's not very consistent. So we need to make sure that when we take this club head back it remains in a really square position and again this series is all about not hitting the golf ball to the right. So i'm going to actually go on the extreme version of this i actually want you to feel like you're keeping the club face slightly closed. So slightly aiming downwards to the floor because again this is to fix the shots that go to the right. So as we set up and move the club back i want you to get the feeling that your club face is aiming down to the floor it'll feel odd at first it really will get to the top of your swing return it back in the position that club face is aiming down at the floor. And allow the golf ball to go to the left if you do it correctly the ball should go further to the left than what you currently hit it whether your swing path is going that way you'll hit the ball way off to the left. But you'll hit it well or whether you hit from the inside you'll probably curve the ball back to the left so this is what i want to say i want to go back keeping the club face down to the floor get to the top club face down to the floor. And then.

Hit and we want to see that golf ball moving towards the left in some degree whether that's because you've cut across the golf ball or whether that's because the clubface is aiming in the same direction as your path. Or to the left of your path we want that ball going left. So let's have a look at the actual data on that shot so that ball went obviously miles to the left we've hit towards a toe which is a good side of the club to hit the ball to the left we've i've still hit the golf ball from the inside. So i've still made the club travel to the right this is the most important number my face angle to my path. So my face angle in relation to this number was closed by 6.3 degrees. So my face now was aiming traveling to the left of my path. And that's because in the takeaway in the downswing my club face remained in a slightly more closed position and that's what i want to see the fair the fact that my club face actually aims to the right of my target doesn't really matter too much because it's it's about this number it's about this relationship between my face angle and my path so that's video number two about how to stop hitting the ball to the right i want you to practice keeping that club face pointing downwards pointing downwards and let the ball go to the left a little last tip on that imagine on the club face there is a mirror. And you're keeping the club face aiming at the golf ball for as long as you possibly can keeping that face downwards that's what i want you to do your swing path might be over the top your swing class might be from the inside. But if we can make the club face aim left of your path with a relatively centered hit you will hit the ball to the left guys thank you much. For watching we've got one final part this series about how to not hit the ball to the right stay tuned join me then.

And we'll stop that horrible shot to the right do subscribe click the link down here like comment down below let me know if that's fixed your shot to the right. And i look forward to you next.

Time if it's not to try and finally fix that shot to the right thanks for watching guys we'll see you next.
