So i got sent this club a few months ago and i never got around to reviewing it but i've seen other channels review it and they got loads of views so i thought you know what it's my time to test it and it's this the mazel wedge the sand wedge that you can actually see through it's got these big cuts through the face. And it's designed to be most efficient out of the bunker it's supposed to glide through the sand and help pick your golf ball up almost like a a raking action so i'm gonna test it in the bunker but first i'm gonna hit some chips with it i'm gonna hit some shots from long range see how much it spins because this face feels like sandpaper it's crazy this comes from the same brand remember the gold driver that i tested a few months back and i thought it was actually pretty good it was from amazon this is from that same brand mazel um it is completely illegal. For tournament play the grooves are too far apart. And apparently in clubs you cannot have see-through gaps like this because basically i can look straight through you through the golf club. So it is deemed illegal. But hey let's have a bit of fun with it i've not hit it once yet i'm intrigued let's see how it performs let's see a few little chips unbelievably weird looking face it's got a massively wide sole on it which actually in some regards gives me a bit of confidence on the shot like this i have no idea how it's gonna react [Music] that is. So strange um let's give it a few more hits i'm not sure what i think on that first impression [Music] that's better it makes. And i don't if you can pick it up on the audio it makes like a bit of a tingy noise when you hit it it like tings off the face [Music] i'm not sure. So far [Music] they're okay this is not really what this club's designed. For any of those little short chips first impression it makes a very weird noise when you hit it like a really loud thing it looks very unusual even though it's got a big flat bottom that leading edge feels like it digs in a little bit they're the chip shots let's take some fuller shots because i'm sure this face is going to make the ball spin like crazy before taking it in the bunker let's hit some full shots is the 56 degree. So i'm going to hit it from about 90 yards away if you didn't hear that on the shot listen to the noise i'll try. And pick it up on the mic it's like a like a ringing bell it's like a cowbell it's such an unusual sound you know what before i do actually hit some fuller shots with it i just want to see if out of a more thicker lusher lie if these kind of gaps in the face make any difference then.

We'll hit some fuller shots because i feel like those chips were okay. But the lie was fairly uh you know normal these are horrible lies how does it perform out of a lie like this because that is a nasty little lie are these this grid like face will it cut through the grass differently let's see it's not a bad little shot i quite like that actually oh that noise is horrendous that was nice though weirdly i can see because of the the face honestly it is literally like sandpaper i'm rubbing my finger across it. And i can feel it almost cutting through my skin it feels like it should spin like crazy oh that was horrible that's his big issue that front edge as much as there's loads of bottom on the golf club that leading edge feels like a knife if you get it wrong it just feels like it digs into the ground too much let's just try. And open it up a little bit use that bounce [ Music] yeah you definitely just got to get used to it because that front of the club digs in. So deep right let's hit some spinners i'm pretty confident this club is going to spin like crazy. So here we go full shots with the mazel wedge i've come out to 90 yards because it's a 56 degree so it's a rough distance for this club now my guess on spin is it should produce a lot because honestly the face feels. So unbelievably rough my only concern is do i still get the same distance because effectively there's half the club face to contact the ball will that mean i don't hit it as far let's find out five shots let's see how much it spins it's such an unusual looking club [Music]. And the sound is horrendous [Music] okay that's a it's just a slight miss green to the right give me that one as a warm-up shot it honestly sounds like a cowbell when i make contact with it it sounds horrendous okay. And i feel like i've hit that shorter than what i would have done normally let's see if we can get it up to the flag [Music] keeps leaking to the right [Music] that's literally just plugged into the green no spin at all better. For distance that time gotta be honest with you i'm not exactly overwhelmed yet with the performance of this wedge i feel like uh it's not particularly impress me will it do out the bunkers we'll shall see you next.

Let's go three more come on let's get to the green get to the flag [Music] the better golf shot [Music]. So this is my development. So far it definitely doesn't go as far as a normal sand wedge i would easily be getting to the flag from here with my 56 degree sand wedge and i am absolutely struggling to get back to that flag and every one of them has leaked to the right [Music] this is terrible okay last shot couldn't show me any level of spinning to screen because. So far it's performed horrendously i feel like i have to aim left and hit it as hard as i can [Music] [Music] um how to summarize the full shots quite simple actually terrible. So out of five shots there i hit the green twice this one and the one a bit further up but that flag was only 90 yards away where i was hitting from these golf balls has literally traveled 75 yards tops seems to go absolutely nowhere. And i'm not the greatest wedge player in the world but i'm better than that every one of them seemed to be weak everyone seemed to leak to the right let's get it in the bunker because that's really what this club's designed for does it cut through the sand any better it might be the only thing it can actually do well. So now we're in the bunker apparently the natural home for this mazel wedge and it reckons because of the design of the face it stops this is normal wedge you can see sand just kind of rest on the face where apparently the muzzle wedge as sand hits it it just goes through the face if it was lighter straight through the face. And apparently that's an issue that's what they say let's hit some wedge shots with the muzzle to see how effective it is in a bunker will the sun just glide through the face that makes it easier to take out the sand let's find out right here we go. So i wasn't massively impressed with the chip shots and certainly was very unimpressed with the full shots can the mazel wedge make up fit in the sand will it glide through the sand. And make it easier to hit let's find out well the ball came out it went a little bit too far but it came out i didn't really sense a different feeling than normal i'll be honest [Music] it seems to be going a bit too far okay let me just ease off the power of touch maybe just maybe the muzzle wedge is going through the sand easier. So i don't have to hit it as hard let's see if that's the case that was actually quite nice it might just might just give it a reason. For this wedge's existence because that was actually quite nice through the sand i'm not sensing that the sun's just going the club's going through the sand much easier. But it does definitely feel different [Music] oh. But if you don't hit the sand and guess what the face the sand can't go through the face that wasn't the best one right two more i'm gonna hit way too much time this time it definitely comes out well when struck let's go one more [Music] [Music] well what can i say got every ball out the bunker. But honestly i think there's absolutely no purpose of this wedge did the sand go through the face easier maybe did it improve performance much not really. For me there's no reason this wedge should exist thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come and that was the mazel wedge we'll see you next.
