Hi guys my name's rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester and this is one of the top tips this is how we're going to strike you irons awesome every time. And just understand how to switch your irons really really sweet strike them just fantastic um this is a series of videos i'm doing uh about my kind of best tips if you've not seen them you can check them out in the playlist just up in the corner here right striking your irons awesome it is absolutely crucial you do this you see the guys on on tour they all have different golf swings all of them. But they have one thing in common they can all strike their eyes fantastic by controlling the lowest point of their golf swing. So what i mean by that imagine a big circle around my swing here now the bottom of that circle is the low point where the golf club is positioned now we can control the low point by either moving the body. And the low point move back or moving the body to the other side and the body the blow point would move forward now the question is where do we want the low point at contact to strike an iron really good to strike it awesome we've got to hit the ball first. And then.

The floor after so we want our low point to be beyond the golf ball to be to the closer to the target than behind it that's really important if your low point is behind the golf ball you're going to fat it you could potentially thin it because if the low point is that far behind as the swing starts to come up as that circle starts to raise you're going to hit up on the golf ball with your iron. So how do we control your low point this is the next.

Question a couple of ways you can do it you've got to think about your setup position. And also your ball position with an iron so i'm just hitting a seven iron here seven iron is just middle of the range. And we're going to talk about where it wants to be positioned in relation to our feet. And our body mainly our sternum the middle of our swing middle of our body that the middle of that low point and how we can control that during the golf swing. So with a seven iron we would like to see the position of the golf ball just to the left of your sternum just to the left so as you're looking down from here now that's positioned almost closer to my left foot which would it naturally would be if we have an even width of stance now during the golf swing if we keep our sternum over the top of the golf ball we're going to keep our low point in a very consistent position which is over the top of the golf ball. So where we're going to hit is going to be the position in line with the ball if we swing back. And move that low point to the side so if we move it all the way to the right laterally move it to the right our lowest part of our golf swing now is more likely to happen behind the golf ball that doesn't mean it will do it's just more likely to happen on the flip side we don't really want to move the low point too far to the left too far if we get the low point moving too far to the left it almost has to backtrack a little bit to get a consistent strike. So the top tip keep your lower point over the top of the golf ball during your backswing and then.

To guarantee our strike is fantastic. And really good we would like to see the blowpoint moving slightly to the left as we make contact so i'm going to show you that from this front front view. So low point staying central low point slightly moving to the left and then.

As we hit we're going to hit the ball first. And then.

The floor after it's a low point over the top of the golf ball keep the low point over the ball and then.

Slightly move it towards the left hand side so that you guarantee hitting the ball first and then.

The floor after i'm going to give you one last thing on this one last little touch-up if. For example you're a golfer and you go well the low point feels like it's going to be you know over the top. Or even too far to left some of you might feel like it's too far to left that might be an indicator that you actually move too far to the right side now i can still strike a good golf shot here. But i've got to move an awful long way to the left that's not consistent enough so again if you're a golfer who struggles with consistency of strike that might be the reason why so quick recap golf ball for a seven nine just to the left of your sternum middle of your body keep that over the top of the golf ball during the backswing and then.

Slightly to the left during the downswing and you're going to hit the ball. And then.

The floor straight after that's my top tip for striking your irons awesome guys thanks for watching you can subscribe to the channel by clicking the link down here below. And also do check out the playlist i'm doing loads of top tips to help you improve your golf thanks. For watching.