[music] hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford gold central manchester. And we're going to talk about the importance of knowing your swing path. And how you can actually find out what your swing path is by using all sorts of different methods one of the ones that i use quite a lot of is barriers. So either placing something in the way or the golf balls baskets i use quite a bit of driving range baskets hopefully not metal ones i don't want you to smash them all about but something that's gonna highlight whether your club is coming into the golf ball too much from the outside. Or too much from the inside therefore. massively affecting your ball flight and i'm sure many of you out there you know if you shape the ball from right to left you know that a swing path an incorrect swing path might be happening or if you shake the ball too much from left to right another incorrect swing path might be happening so it's fixing those and being aware of those when you're actually practicing that's one of the big things i'm just trying this this product at the moment this is a product um that kind of uses those barriers to the best effects uh it's eye line speed trap. And it's basically it's a quite simple plastic board that you can actually stick um these little inflatables too almost they're kind of the kind of thing that you get a kid's play center where if you hit it's just a float in a spongy float that will just come off. And it won't hurt your club it won't damage anything and there's kind of four points on this board there's ones where you can put it if you're coming into the golf ball too much from the outside. So you place one on the outside of the golf ball and on the inside of the golf ball that way when you swing you know as long as you miss those two red floats you're not swinging the golf club from out to win if used to make contact with them as i'll try and do this time this feels like an odd swing to me because i don't normally come in from outside if i was to hit it i would hit the float. And it would come detached i'll give that a go this could end up horribly wrong there you go so the float comes off and do you know that golf club then.

Came in too much from the outside. And that's why it hit the outside um kind of float inflatable thing it's not it's like a little squishy thing um so then.

You can set it up in different ways as well you could set it up if you were too much from the outside anyway if your club. And your arm's got too much on the outside normally causing too much of a shank you can put them both on the outside. And hit golf shots again making sure you miss them because if you know if you're hitting those things up right over there you've got to be doing something seriously wrong to be hitting those things over there you can also use them in the opposite way now the board itself has got some really clever features to it as well when you're looking down at it there's three markers there's a chipping marker a pitchy mark. And a full shot marker the idea of this now the plastic board is obviously set behind that if swinging correctly that plastic board shouldn't get hit from behind. So if you're a player that would early extend early flick or if you're a player to lean back too much and your actual weight would generally cause you to fat it this little item here again is helping you eliminate that feelings your your allowance is you want to hit over here more hitting beyond the golf ball better. And that way the the board doesn't actually get hit if i was to lean back. And flick that board would probably get hit and it's just a plasticky board it's not going to do any damage. So it's important to use some level of barriers when you're actually practicing whether it be things that you create yourself whether it's more specific things that you can calculate. And measure like this highline speed trap um then.

You know that's down to you guys what you use to help improve your golf i think this is a fantastic product because it's one of those ones where you can take day after day each kind of one day to another. And practice the same actions over and over again it doesn't damage your club and it's got a couple of really cool features it's available from strike right you can go. And check it out on the website and it's one of those products that will help improve your golf. And certainly give you some indication whether your swing path is incorrect thanks. For watching guys you can check out my channel by clicking the link down below. And also check out my other videos in the window next.

Door thanks for watching and that was the eyeline speed trap. Or barriers that could help you fix your swing path thanks for watching.