I grabbed my name's Rick shields down hit traffic girl central Manchester and today.

Will be a review on the swing plane perfect - this is a device that I've been using maybe. For the last few months of my coaching and seeing huge improvements with many clients it has loads of different uses I'm going to highlight some of the uses in this video. But I'm going to also do a series of videos show how it can help improve your golf in. So many different ways from your swing play into your path to your lateral movement to your stop shanking it even it it hasn't loads and loads of different uses it comes in three or four different components it has the main structure which I've just placed down here underneath the map for the purpose this video that comes as one big solid block and it has a degree setting on the back so you can set an alignment stick to a certain degree depending on the shaft that you're hitting the vendor on the club that you're hitting sorry the shaft angle wants to be as level to the golf club angle as it possibly can now this can fix over the top swings it can fix swings that are too far from the inside by GT Utley placing it in a position where it will stop you from doing it. So it's almost a barrier it's a blocker it can be used indoors. And outdoors it can use outdoors by these little teeth that you actually screw into the bottom of the device house four of them in here you screw them into the bottom then.

They almost plug straight into the floor. And so that you can be using hitting off grass as well. But it's a a great tool to use in conjunction with your lessons in conjunction with a coach because the coach can set it up to a certain angle. For you to say right I want you to go and practice that movement I went to practice swinging this golf club underneath this alignment stick set at 64 degrees let's say and then.

You know that you're practicing the correct thing you know that you practicing the thing that your coach has worked on with you because many times I've seen it either a client or someone who sent me a video saying I'm sure I practice the same movements that are doing a lesson well sometimes you don't. And this structure this training it helps your practice those movement in the best possible way I can get this from their website you can only get this from their website swing playing perfect to go on there if you're interested in buying one. And just the unsexual net says check out if you stick my name in you'll get a little free gift as well so just where it says did where did you hear about us. And one of the biggest ambassadors for this is Michael Berman who is Rebecca Rose coach. So not a bad ambassador really I'm not sure if you use it with Rory but I was really used it with many of his clients. And and he says it's just an amazing trait superb piece of equipment and I completely agree with that and it comes with three quite sturdy solid alignment sticks and believe me the need to be quite sturdy because sometimes if you do catch it it you know the power of the golf club you don't these things to break easily these these aren't breakable at all easily. And you get three of those one to place in a inclined angle once a place for an alignment angle another one to be able to support the base I've just got up one here at the moment but I can support the base if you're outside. Or if you using it for other areas where you can't slide it underneath the map now some legs that you can slide just under the base than the map. So that it's in a structured it's in a solid position all the time and and then.

You need to divide what you need to work out what you need to use it mostly for so if you're a slice or the golf ball you would put this in a position where it stopped you coming over the top and that's the first one that I'm going to show you here this is how I've got this got this stick setup at the moment. So as you can see I've got this took the swing plane Perfector on the outside line of the golf ball that way the barrier the stick is on the outside line of the golf ball. So that then.

If I do throw the club over the top there's going to be contact made with that stick now the beauty of this training aid is it has two cogs that if you do hit the trip the stick they just release these two concrete just completely release go almost in a state of relaxation. And the stick just Falls it doesn't there's no resistance. So if you come in to smack that there's going to be no resistance with the stick it's just going to just going to relax that's a good thing it's a very good thing. So this is placed outside of the golf ball you can tell about that by this line here. And I've set it to the after the same angle as the shaft of my golf club now depending on what golf could be using depends on what angle you want to set this device up severe in an iron or a wood that's going to be set differently. And also many golfers at different builds are set differently as well. But work in conjunction with your coach to work out that otherwise the only other way you could work out is stand back quite close to it. And the idea is to try. And get this white line to be completely level to this to your golf club when you're actually setting up to the golf ball so this is at the back of the map. So it's not currently hittable in a straight takeaway I just perhaps in it so if I if I take it back in a straight line that golf bat stick doesn't interfere at all that goes straight underneath that stick want to get to the top of my swing we see many over the top swingers come into it and would hit the stick there and the idea would be then.

To try and bring your club back on the inside of that stick so you practice in a more inside under plane swing which is going to help you fix your slice. And it simply sturm so once you feel comfortable that you can practice that you can hit some shots now the one thing that I have modified. And this is this doesn't come as standard one thing I've modified. For just ease of use and also for safety of golf clubs is I don't actually use the whites they can use that in practice. But I will generally use this one which I've padded up this has just got a quite simple toy at kids swimming new Glock. So when you place that in I don't feel now that I'm going to do any particular damage to my golf club I don't feel like I'm gonna do any damage to the stick. And again I can freely swing that underneath there's noodle making sure that don't hit it all the time. So let's give our test so that way you can practice the crap move consistently making sure that your golf club swings underneath the float. Or the stick all right so that's just a modification I brought into this you don't wanna hit it on the way back naturally but also you don't want to go too far underneath this as well so as a tip I would just make sure that you're going back only just missing the stick. Or the float and on the way down really missing it so that way you perhaps in the correct movement all the time so that's how you would set it up to fix it over the top swing a slice swing you would put on the outside of the golf ball you would set it the same degree angle as your golf club now on the severity of it whether you want to go really quite generous at first and start to move it back closer that would probably be advised don't go at it straightaway full full speed or don't go at it too much too close to that stick because it will get in your way too much. And another way you can practice with this you can actually get two of these things. So you could set one up there and one here so you've almost got a channel to swing through and down and that's another good thing that a lot of people when I've studied distict this swing playing factor online a lot of people use it as two of the devices to make sure that you're actually swinging on a very consistent channel but guys that's the first bit of the review of the swing playing perfect that's what its main job and uses but I've got many more uses for this tool this training aids so stay tuned and do some more videos on it you can check out my channel by clicking the link just down here. And also you can check out next.

Video in the window here please like the video. And do comment on the video as well I'm going to get the guys from swing plan Perfector to comment back. And answer any of the questions you've got so hopefully you got get the clear understanding of what this device does. And how it can help you improve you Gong thanks. For watching.