Right guys now taylor made aero burner testing with rob potter 13 handicapper uh we all we're going to do is test the speed particularly it might i mean it might go long we never know we're gonna hit five real golf balls on gc2 with the simulator software we've done some extensive driver testing already uh just basic driver testing not super custom fit just giving you an idea of what the club does. And giving rob's incredibly fierce take on this talk to us right it's white again so i'm not a fan of the look already i like the the actual design on the top of it the indentation that's fine uh i just don't like the white drive i'm a bit biased for that i just don't like white drivers white club i'm sure there's many people out there that don't what's the point i might as well just tip x my own club uh what about the kind of design then.

After that after that is interesting yeah it's bold the speed socket there will be interest here that's going to skip up against the titleist yeah. But they've got a similar design with that idea at the moment uh so yeah i mean i'm interested to see what this groove technology in the bottom here is it's got anything to do with direction because. For me that just says slice okay uh all day long there you go if you're looking at aerodynamics that says slice. So we've got we've got most aerodynamic driver they're saying it's got almost a dimpling effect you see that rob yeah right dimpling on the heel dimpling on the toner almost the channel here it's even got a fin see that's got a shark don't know where they've got that item unleash it is long this shaft. So just to compare it to the mizuno the one that you've hit best it's a good inch longer it's not quite what yama sandaling used to be though so who's that yeah i'm all sandaling not close no. So if any of you watching know who that is please do comment down below you don't know yeah i'm awesome who's that exit go ahead upload yourself he's a writer player man sorry before my time right. So kids okay. So this is this is this is in stiff flex it is it's the one that sent through to me as a sample. So it's not custom fit but we're just seeing what the club xp can actually do okay yeah yeah maybe the distance if you hit it well perfectly okay tell us about what the feel is rob yeah love a feeling a minute oh sweet jesus that seemed like a very religious i apologize that felt really nice i felt really really nice we're looking. For club head speed 93 three a little bit more so rob normally averages about 90. uh 219 carry distance not a bad start for a driver that's not completely custom fit for you let's go another one i didn't give that the beans how was it how did it feel it felt great i even have the clubhead it felt really nice i i've not given it you know the absolute you didn't go at it fully no no don't don't just. Yet let's hit let's hit five as close close as you match yeah because that's going to be one thing that might get pulled up you know it's built. For speed has he gone and given it a little bit more i honestly truthfully didn't give it more nice shot and this is not in the right loft. For you even though that's loft on that nine and a half nine half this is not the right loft. Yet it's launching pretty high very mighty fight nine off drivers normally there's ants that get headaches well you hit your calorie at the start of the series you've not seen the callaway go and check it out ten and a half it's a mega low yeah uh two two two yes 90.2 miles per hour not the fastest fastest no not as fast as you your first one again that wasn't me biasedly swinging slower no i didn't feel as good there's no bells. And whistles on this driver either it's just it is grip it. And rip it technology yeah which i'll be honest with you i'll be opening honestly since we didn't hit it well it's still big that's just ridiculous you're still big right we're gonna go two more off camera then.

We'll see what the averages after five are. So far this is looking surprisingly good good it isn't it yeah i said go too much see what it is see what the actual numbers are very nice very nice this is this is surprisingly good rob dobby long david there's there's hashtag hashtag that's a new one guys right let's have a look i'm very very surprised with those numbers tell talk let's i'm going to digest numbers you tell people what felt like right i'll be honest with you guys this is possibly the best driver i've hit ever this well sorry i'm going to tell you this the mizuno. And my sldrs are three fabulous drivers this. For the distance that was just a surprise bag. And the sldrs is accuracy uh. But yet this has been straight as an arrow that's that is mega megan megan surprise me i shouldn't be hitting this club as good as this 95 degrees in a stiff shaft that it shouldn't happen no it shouldn't it absolutely shouldn't. So why has it let's have a look let's have a look at the first off the carry distance this is averaged average to carry 222 yards of carry distance now bearing in mind we started this whole session today.

With an average of 208. no we didn't total distance was 208 total distance with the callaway it was 198 was it average. So we are 220 yards average carry distance. For a 246 yard total distance now believe it or not total distance actually just slightly less than the mizuno yeah just slightly what's it done club head speed is up 91.2 that's pretty good 91.2 is good brilliant. But for a 9.5 head you've launched it at 17.6 which is crazy it's outrageous 17.6 launch angle with a 9.5 head 2065 spin. So incredible spin with that launch smash facts was amazing. So you've hit the middle ball speed was excellent. And and to match your light it's one of you straightest you fit today.

Yeah he's yeah i'm i'm genuinely shocked i'm shocked today.

I am honestly shocked you know i really am genuinely shocked look at this i'm just thinking yeah no i didn't really like it much uh because of the white head yeah crazy i i would walk away from golf clubs that have white heads i don't like them it's like shoving up a driver is it swaying yeah he sees he's sweaty he's swimming putting him black uh he got me uh. But he it's yeah i'm i'll get just a rig i've been looking at the club just going this is just you weren't that impressed oh i wasn't when i looked there i was thinking no no i wasn't even gonna throw it into this mix of videos because i just didn't think that this club would suit rob i didn't honestly we got the rubber out of the air yeah last club. So guys that was our series of reviews. And tests with the newest equipment out there compared to it with rob's current equipment we've hit one two three four five one two three four five drivers that have not been custom fit all go further than the callaway that was custom fit the x2 hot. And all further than the sldr 16 degree they've all gone further yeah. So we've got a big decision to make you well you've got like this one on this one really well we got to make it now no. So i'm not going to give it yeah sorry enough not. Yet anyway get custom fit first get custom fit last video we're going to do subscribe to the channel by clicking the link down here last video we are gonna do a longest drive video we're gonna hit three with each ball see which one actually goes to furthest down the fairway. And then.

That is it's a nice little test let's just smash it see how far we can go two four two five seven has been your longest two five eight has been your ever's longest let's see if any can beat that i was with the mizuno guys thank you very much. For watching rob i appreciate your time amazing coverage again guys do check out rob on twitter uh we'll put his hat we'll put his name down here. And also comment down below rob will be on there commenting like crazy because he is a golf nut geek self-confessed golf geek. And he's going to ask him you know assuming the video with the dobby cam as well he's got a camera. For his head all right guys thanks very much for watching we'll see you all soon and stay tuned for the longest drive video.