Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at golf central in brisbane australia testing the new taylormade aero burner iron versus the taylormade rsi1. So we've got face slots against no face slots both seven irons. And we're hitting real golf balls the shrieks and zed star which they have down here in the kind of vip area here at gulf central um the members own the area i've got gc2 which will be giving me some really solid data um. And we're going to compare these two next.

Head to head. So give a bit of a spec they're the same length golf club exactly they're in a slightly different shaft but nothing much both stiff flex both 90 and 88 grams nothing much at all we've got a slight difference in loft so the aero burner well both these two clubs are strong anyway. But the aero burner has the taylormade by one degree so the rs tournament the rsi1 is 30. 30.5 degrees of loft on the server line the aero burner is 29.5 see if that makes a difference see if it makes a difference uh right let's go let's go rsi one first well i like these rsis they got into my top ten they were they're topped the rsi range topped my top 10 list at the start of the year just because the performance was excellent i think they look fantastic i think i understand the facelock technology quite well interesting how they've not brought that into the error burner i suppose there's got to be a bit of difference in the club in some way shape. Or form but i think these the. For me the rsi even the rsi ones don't look overly chunky they look like they've got a big forgiving head but they're not you know shovels they're as good looking iron all right let's get hitting some they just feel great off-centered hits they work they feel good they sound good they fly good they're long the rsi ones the rsi twos the rsi tps the right up there with i would say the best tailor-made irons they've made getting bitten by mozzies now someone did warm it would get like that this time of day i didn't listen i did not listen no mozzie spray. So hopefully i don't get bit too much right let's go two more with the rsi one okay a nice really nice i'm going to leave the data just. For the moment let me hit the aero burner next.

So one degree difference is it going to make a huge difference you would predict maybe about three to four yards should do. But there's more metal behind the head of this there's more chunk so that might might make a difference it's definitely a bigger head when you look down and with no face lots how about other face locks. For me even if they didn't do anything they frame the face. And they make it look like this there's a bit of a bump at either side it feels like there's protection which is good i set a couple of these aero burners slightly different sound slightly louder noise off the face i won't say it's as nice a sound i'd say it's a little bit more explosive off the face i wouldn't say it was a particularly nice noise not hit as good. But i'm going to keep them all in there i wasn't hitting quite as solid i think. For me just that chunky eye just doesn't doesn't suit my eye as much but i'm not that it's my opinion i'm not saying that that's for everyone that felt nice let's go one more then.

We've got a bit of a comparable bit of comparison let's go one more shot i can't see any difference at all between no shots out of any of them four of the rsi one. Or the four of the air burner i can't see a single bit of difference visually so that's where we've got these the numbers let's have a look i'm hitting these a lot straight now i know where my straight line is i wasn't quite as good with the aero burner before let's start off with the rsi one okay average carry distance. For the seven iron that i was hitting was 183 yards very good front to back i hit the the first three in a row 184 yards 108 484 184 which was good uh ball speed club sp look good nothing much you know difference in there um spin rates about six. And a half thousand for a seven is great. So 183 of carry distance let's go aero burner next.

Okay what do what i say before my prediction was three to four yards the average carry distance. For the aero burner was 187 four yards of difference. So that extra degree got four yards of extra distance the furthest one was 193. So when you when i did get it better it was a bit further the shortest one was 184. So even the shortest aero burner was the same it was longer than the average of the rsi ones interesting results very interesting not much difference not much at all i think the one degree probably just makes the aero burner longer. But for me the the rsi with the bumpers still has that massive appeal with the facelocks has that massive appeal for the bigger audience and they're just not as chunky interesting interesting which one do you go. For which one do you look at if you're looking. For a line that hits the ball a long way and forgiving both these two are in the same market of that it depends which one you like the look of. And i'm sure the ones that kind of fit your budget the most guys thank you very much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up let us know what you think i don't know what you think about this amazing facility golf central down here in brisbane is phenomenal i want to thank them. For letting me do some filming down here um because it's just glorious tricks. And zed star balls so perhaps similarly that's not bad click like let us know what you think subscribe comment. And we'll see you next.

Time oh many many drivers coming next.

Aero burn mini driver stay tuned for that guys.