So unless you've lived under a rock for the last 10 years you'll know that taylormade spider putters are incredibly popular well they've brought a new model out. But i'll be honest this time i'm a little bit confused [Music] so why does this putter confuse me well taylor made a saying that it looks like a mallet which you add great it feels like a blade. And it has the forgiveness like a spider i'm not quite sure what what that's kind of alluding to because for me you're either a blade style putter i've got quite a bladed style putter or you don't mind using more than mallet but they've brought this out to bridge the gap between the two so let me talk about the tech f c g stands for forward center of gravity and what they've done a bit like a blade putter a lot of the weight has been shoved towards the face so the big weight here at the bottom 7.5 grams there's a tungsten weight in the toe has tungsten weight in the heel bringing all of that mass closer to the face that's what apparently makes it feel more like a blade we'll see we'll see if that's the case but then.

On top because the benefit of the mallet is that you can actually have more effective real estate here on top to put things like this on alignment i like this t-bar this is good. For alignment and also it kind of infuses confidence when you've got a head this big but typically and this is why the spider has been. So good and so popular from all levels of golfer even to the best players in the world that when you have a mallet putter you can actually have the center of gravity further back you've seen on the original spider i've got an image of here the weight ports are right at the back. And that's apparently to improve stability so this is why i'm a bit i'm a bit confused. But i am willing to give it a go now one thing i think we definitely need to talk about first is the price. And hopefully not too much of it was spent on that fancy head cover this thing is 300 pounds that's right 300 pound. For for a new idea like it's not established this concept yet i think that's quite a brave price point it'd be interesting to see who goes. For that i've never hit this out here my first puts on camera and give you my live reaction and generally i actually quite like the look of the putter i love the white and black contrast on top that does help with alignment what's weird with it it feels like when i'm looking down at the putter the head of the putter feels like it should be heavier yeah that back bit just like a canopy there's nothing in it you can almost see how it's undercut that section there is just got probably no weight to it at all. So it almost feels quite light actually when i'm looking down the perception of my eyes to the head and the weight are different to each other either way let's give it a hit it's got this thinner super stroke grip on first put with the fcg spider [Music] it works it's pretty good um i like that i like the alignment a lot that's a big positive i really do like that t-bar on top i feel like i can line it up with the line on my golf ball. And then.

When i set up over the ball it feel i feel confident that's aiming nice and straight two in a row let's go one more i mean this might be the shortest review i've ever done on my channel who knows [Music] let's go one more see if we can get three out of three from this range i'm converted let's give it a bit more of a test. But initially i mean the proof is in the pudding that was three puts from decent range all went smack bang in the middle it does feel good i love the alignment i'm still a little bit confused about this blade idea. But wow what a great start [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so far i like it this spider fcg putter for me is rolling the ball really nicely i like the look of it i think that t-line on the top is. So good the feel of it is very good as well these cogs keep going around in my mind still about its positioning you know this whole line you know it looks like a mallet it feels like a blade. And it's the forgiveness of a spider like i just i'm not sure about that at the moment because it's a mallet like that is a mallet putter. And then.

What i don't quite understand the benefit of having a mallet putter for example the spider putter the red one which is massive forgiveness these big weights at the back that is there to offer forgiveness that's what a mallet putter does you can put more center of gravity back to offer more forgiveness. So like if you've got a mallet where's that forgiveness coming from and if you compare it to like a blade putter for example well then.

A blade you're not getting that mass like oh there's no weight back here. But the downside of a blade style putter is often it's harder to put some more obvious alignment on it it's an interesting concept. For me is it aimed at a golfer who has always used a blade maybe should use a more forgiving putter a mallet style putter is that who it's aimed at she can't see i i just can't don't know where it's going in in this kind of family of putters taylormade are known. For bringing out mad ideas i mean recently brought out that trust putter. And that again was all about it being a blade. But being a forgiving bladed putter and i'll be honest it was a ugly thing i didn't like it at all i tested it on it's very put in green months earlier. And i didn't like it um and i must admit i said it might not do very well out on tour dustin johnson proved me wrong with that he has actually one with the trust which is the more bladed style personally i prefer this over the truss it looks it i can tell the benefits even though it's not traditional shaped i can tell it's got benefits i do like it i'm just intrigued to know who what type of golfer's going to use it it's a it's a blade effectively with forgiveness. But also it is just a mallet let's be honest we keep getting told mallets are there. For forgiveness well are you not just taking that forgiveness away by putting effectively a canopy on it as i mentioned start the video it puts 300 pound like that is an expensive price point. For a putter that people might not be sure about just yet and if i'm honest i'm not sure it knows where it's supposed to be just yet i like the putter i do without question. But getting confused between a mallet and a blade is where i get a little bit lost. And confused and i potentially still am it's not working for me now guys that is the taylormade spider fcg i think it's good putter just don't get too lost in the story if you wanna if you like the look of it give it a try as i mentioned it's a pricey tool just to test thanks. For watching guys we'll see you next.
