Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And we've been doing some three we're testing today.

We've got the tail made jet speed against the cobra biocell plus both in 15 degrees both in staff stiff standard flex i've been testing loads of three woods already today.

I've got some winners. And some losers so far so you can check out my channel. For those all the ones that have been going the furthest have been going through the next.

Round i'm going to pick up pick them against other winners. And see eventually which one of these three woods is going to be the longest i'm testing it all on gt2 hitting real golf balls it's all about the carry distance that we're covering today.

Because obviously people watching all the way around the world the the total distance might be different depending on your climate. And your ground condition that you're hitting from so that's why we're doing it all on carry distance i've got all the three woods as close to 15 degrees as i possibly can um i'm gonna hit five golf balls with each they've got to be on on the fairway. So the fairway we're saying is 20 yards wide they've got to be on that fairway to count uh if they don't then.

I have to take another one to take a re-hit. But we're hitting five golf balls and working on the average of those five all that hit the fairway right tail made jet speed first so a club that i've tested in the past and liked a lot of it's got a nice shallow face lovely design on the top of the golf club great fitting off the floor and off the tee we are going to hit it off the tee just to help guarantee the strike of the connection really. So that's why we're hitting it off off the tee peg let's give it a go well that felt pretty nice it's gone low but it's gone oh it's got a long two four six it's perfect in the uh the fairway so that's pretty decent all right we've got four more it's a long one as well the average at the moment's been about two three five so that's pretty decent start for the jet speed it definitely comes out a little bit more lower and penetrating 247 and it's only one yard off target so so far so good for the taylormade jet speed pretty decent figure so far decent ball speed well it's gone a little bit higher but that seemed like it was hit incredibly well 247 again. So this is definitely right up there with one of the longest the cobra biocell plus has got a lot to kind of ask. For really what to answer for because this is going to be quite a a tricky one to catch up with really it's got two more well that might be a bit left of target oh it's safe two five three it's massive this is definitely the longest i've tested. So far the other ones the winners at the moment are getting a bit scared of this because this. So far has definitely been one of the longest let's go one more felt good lower two four four every one of them hit the fairway so we don't have to cancel any of the shots out we've got five on there and the average camera distance was two four seven pretty decent. For the taylormade jet speed i'll tell you what the cobra by ourselves plus has got a lot to kind of answer for really fantastic results so far for the jet speed pretty impressive right buy or sell plus good luck definitely a good look because that so far is is one of the longest the three was i've tested. So far let me just change this over so we've got the right setting it's got 247 to beat let's see what it can do. So 15 degrees still it's a little bit more adjustable than the jet speed it goes from anywhere from 12 degrees to 15 degrees but i've got it in 15 so it's like a three would like all the rest of them are let's give this a i've just got this in black even though it does come in different colors well that might be a bit right of target yeah it's mr fairway 237 though not a bad hit. But that has missed fairway so that's not going to count. So i need five more good ones to count this almost feels like it has to play catch-ups like that i think i might have missed the fairway as well two four five. But it's not a fairway finder so it's not going to count we need to get five in the fairway here cobra because at the moment we're not doing bad on the carry distance. But we need to get the fairway of being hit right come on next.

Five all on the fairway that should be on there all just just on the fairway but it's two three six carry distance okay i've got four more tip that fairway that felt nice 240 another fairway finder. So the current average at the moment taking those ones i've missed the fairway on is two three eight it's a good nine yards behind the taylormade at the moment let's go three more that did feel good two five one an arrow straight 0.9 yards off target line the cobra is definitely trying to catch up here it's another good hit from the cobra 2-4-1. So we need one more and to be fair it needs the biggest of the day to go through it's going to need at least a 250 to go through it's on an average of 242 at the moment which is that's healthy it's a healthy hitting 3 wood i would say the 3-wood average i've been hitting at the moment about 2-3-5. So that's a more than healthy uh distance for the cobra biocell plus it's got one more to go but it's just not a straight can't seem to get that connection with the fairway is good i'll tell it's not far away 244 yards of carry distance once i started hitting the fairway there it's producing decent numbers produced some very decent numbers. So we have a look at the average of these if i throw those on screen the average from the cobra biocell plus was 242 it's just missed out by three yards three yards it's missed out by i'll tell you what these the cobra biocell had tough competition today.

Because it was again pitching up against the taylormade jet speed it had very very tough competition don't be false this is incredibly good golf club. So guys if you've not tried that go and try it but unfortunately if it was tested up against another product it might have gone through. But this is about longest drive it's about battle of the longest. And taylormade jet speed on this occasion was the longest without question. So guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can check out my channel by clicking the link down here you can subscribe that way. And also in the window next.

Door you can check out my other battles that i've got. And it's now now down to the next.

Round where all the winners of that round are going to go through to next..

And we're going to see which one then.

Is longest. So finally we can get our longest three-wood competition done thanks. So much for watching my name has been rickshaws down here traffic all central manchester and that was the taylormade jet speed going through to next.

Round that was really harsh on the cobra by ourselves loss because it's an awesome club you.