Hi guys it's rick shields down here at quest gold studio in lytham and today.

I've got my hands on the brand new taylormade psi tour. So the forged iron uh two new sets that taylormade have brought out psi and psi tour these were underwraps when i tested the psi. So it's nice to finally get my hands on them very much tour designed they have taken inspiration from the greatest players in the world about what they want to look at in an iron and how it wants to perform and with that in mind you've got to think who this is targeted towards it's targeted towards your incredibly good golfer it's small it's forged it's got yes a bit of help a bit of padding with the speed slot on the face slot you'll have to do a bit more than that to make it a forgiving iron. But it's a bloody good looking iron it really is now this has come out to really replace the rsi tp. And the rsi2 so the psi normal psi one i think they called psis. And the psi tore there to replace the rsi 2 and the rsi tp did he need to bring this out possibly not do you want to go. And try them you possibly do because they just make them good looking don't they. So i'm going to hit them on gc2 i've only got seven iron we've got a sample seven just got it in standard stiff flex uh seven iron is 31.5 degrees. So not overly strong i would put my predictions carrying somewhere within the 170 mark i'm going to hit 30 shots 30 golf shots. And see how this club performs on the 10 best the 10 middle shots and the 10 worst performing golf shots to give you a bit of an indication of its kind of level of forgiveness as well um i've never hit this yet never so let's let's have a look at it behind the ball first it's small i almost said that before i put the club down it is a small head it's got a cute thin top line uh speed slots down the cross to fail face slots. And then.

The the speed slot across the bottom helping with off-centered hits to what extent i'm not sure but we'll soon find out after i hit 30 shots um just a really good-looking club i can tell i can tell why the tour pros have designed it in this way it just looks it looks sleek. And it looks friendly because it's attractive but it doesn't look forgiving it doesn't look like it's going to give you a help up up over a brick wall. Or a tricky 180 yard path three up the hill but it's off a tight line but it's a pretty looking iron so let's hit some shots i'm gonna hit 30 not all on camera i'll hit them so we can see them at the end i'll hit these first three on camera to get my first ever reaction i promise you i've never hit this golf club. Yet um right i hit the rsi tps and i was super excited about hitting the rsi tps i suddenly fell out of love with them because they sounded horrendous i don't know why. But they sounded horrendous the rsi tp's i love the rsi ones and the rsi2s i love that rsatp sounded horrendous that was beautiful that was beautiful much different to the rsi tpm performance probably not i've seen the first carry distance 176 just if you're wondering i'll give you some more data in a bit. But just felt wonderful and sounded even better mmm very nice right i'm gonna hit 28 more shots join me in a sec and we'll see how it's performed in all the ten different areas best shots middle shots worse shots let's say one more one more one more that was lovely sounds good right join me in a sec right all 30 shots been hit with the psi tour. And got some interesting results to show you very interesting so first off when hit middle absolute butter absolute butter it was beautiful the flight the feel the sound everything that you would get from it was butter when not hits are great that's the opposite to butter not not particularly nice at all when not hit fantastic out the middle you get punished. And the results show that let me show you so over the 30 shots the psi tour averaged carry distance now this is a 7 iron 31.5 degrees averaged at 167 yards of average carry distance now that. For me with that loft is short i'll show you why in a minute there are all the shots i found side to side movement wasn't much at all i missed very little side to side right. And left just front to back from my biggest misses but side side was okay not a lot of well no offset on this at all you see the strikes there across the face circulating around middle now if you're not a golfer that circulates around middle like that just turn off this video now don't even bother thinking about buying these clubs if you're if your stripe pattern doesn't circulate around middle anywhere like that turn it off. So let's let's have a look at some uh distances now on the let's go for the middle hits first the middle hits we're averaging expected one six seven the strikes were kind of dotted around the middle slightly high. And low but you know okay strikes pretty good hits flight wise amazing very very tight side to side dispersion on the 10 normal golf shots i hit 10 good golf shots the the strikes were good. And the flights were even better still okay um should we go. For the best 10. so the best 10 averaged at 171 so the best 10 shots that i hit averaged at 171 the furthest i hit was actually those first two you saw on camera at the very start which were which both landed one six seven. And they were two ridiculously good hits they were in hindsight now after hitting the other 28 shots half after they were the the best of the best they were great strikes i'm glad you could witness those two shots um strike wise again off the middle was dancing around middle as you would expect. And you know good solid numbers okay bad golf shots. So let me just see what i was averaging ball speed wise on middle on normal shot. So ball speed i was averaging one two one okay one two one on the bad shots i averaged at 119 average carry distance on the bad shots was one six three. So i lost four yards which thinking it back again in hindsight again isn't as dramatically bad as i thought the shots were when i hit them because they they didn't feel pretty they didn't feel particularly nice the good one's amazing the bad ones not. So great um you can see again the strike on the bad ones aren't that bad really not that bad they're somewhere around middle. But they're not they're not that bad you know they're not horrendous they're not missing the grooves bad so you can just see there there's not it's not a whole lot of forgiveness when not hit absolutely in the screws absolutely in the middle feel when hit in the middle is better than anything that i've hit. And that's even talking about my hogan's it's better than anything i've hit in the middle and that's why tour pros are probably going to love this iron because they hit the middle i'm glad i hit 30 shots because it gave me a real idea. And a sensation to what happens when it's not hit well and it's it's just not as good i mean to be fair yardage-wise i was quite happy with the front-to-back dispersion overall in the end one six three worst shots 171 best shots that's not far away you know if i was hitting into a green i'm not going to get that punished. So maybe some more testing required certainly i'd love to test the longer irons in these the four five irons got maybe even three i think the the shorter the iron the more precise you're gonna be with this set because the pitching wedge sand wedge they're gonna have the 99 pitching wedge you're gonna have that forged field they're gonna feel look great um. So far i've got mixed thoughts on the psi tour i think it's a step up from the rsi tp that they had last year was it a massive step up not really just acoustics it just sounds better. And therefore. you get a better feel when you hit it i think it locks the part i love how slim it is i love how small it is i love how they've had that influence from tour players is it going to shoot everyone no do you need to go. And try it yes is it going to go in my bag 2b can be continued we're going to see i'm going to do a bit little bit more testing guys thanks. For watching hopefully you've enjoyed the video a little first insight to the taylormade psi tour i'm sure they won't be the last you'll see of them at some point either doing heads heads or challenges i think pete's sniffing out a set as well guys thanks. For watching hopefully you enjoyed the video comment down below subscribe to the channel here hmm i'm gonna ponder driving home now i'm gonna ponder about these little bad boys and have a little think about little think about how they actually perform thanks. For watching guys we'll see you soon.