Right guys so welcome to rick shields golf tips we are today.

Going to be testing uh the r1 taylormade r1 new driver um i have done a review on this before. But i'm going to do it better on a newer one a slightly more advanced one i hope you've enjoyed watching the previous one. But i hope you enjoy this one even more now how today's going to work i'm going to talk about the the new features this r1. And what makes it good what makes it bad and what sort of driver standard this person this uh driver suited what sort of player this driver is suited to i'm also then.

Going to hit 10 golf shots with real golf balls. And tell you exactly how far i'm going to be hitting it on flight scope work out the averages. And then.

I'm going to compare it to other drivers i've got the rbz stage 2 that i've just tested. But this is the r1. So the taylormade r1 driver so we've got different features on this now taylor may say this is the most adjustable driver out on the market at the moment. And just on taylormade's website at the moment just talking through a few little points to it this apparently is one driver model okay listen to this that can be tuned to fit a tour pro. Or an amateur alike okay. So it's a bold statement how it backs that up is by lots of gizmos. And gadgets on this that you can adjust. And change you can change the loft. So you can change the loft very very quickly now on the club head it actually has no loft. So the club head can be can be sold as a separate piece. So you don't have to have different lofts or anything else now this has got this is just one piece of equipment that you can put into a shaft at a certain angle that will set the loft you've also got this compass type device here on the top of the club head that with using the taylormade wrench you can twist. And take out and set it from neutral closed one two and three and open one two and three so you can set it neutral open closed by certain different sort of gradients as well. And what that does that sits the golf club at a different angle. So the little bit here either gets further deeper down or it goes in much more and it does actually go in. And down quite a lot and i've got pictures here and here that show you that how the open one almost is flat. And the closed one is very very raised. So when you've chosen what shaft you want so this shaft here at the moment this is the ossic rule 60 it's in stiff flex it's 62 grams this is the tp shaft. So i've gone for the tp option in this but on the neck here you've got the loft options so you can go anywhere from 10 degrees to 10. And a half all the way up to 12 and a half degrees which is pretty impressive. And all the way down and to half degrees just by putting the shaft in at different angles which is is remarkable it's unbelievable engineer work. And it's fantastic way of being able to customize and change the loft of the club head very very quickly don't forget you can't do this in in play you must change it before you play you can't change it. Or tweak adjust the playing characteristic of the golf club during play but you can on the driving range when you're testing it when you're trying it take it out put it in at different lofts you then.

Can change the compass a bit at the top to hopefully make you hit the ball a bit straighter. And then.

You've got the weights as well in here and in here so you've got different weights that you can use now we've seen that from i think the r7 was the first one that did that. So you can check you pull the weights out. And you've got uh a black one here at 10 and a red one here at one which is a little bit toe heavy here at the moment. But loads and loads of different alterations and adjustments now the bit that i've not mentioned about yet is this new design on the top of the head now i like the rbz stage 2 they've got the yellow sort of arrow going forward this has got the big r1 symbol here at the back. And the red and the black and the grey with the white head it looks fantastic and this part this is a better way of aligning the club up um now i've hit this driver quite a few times already. So i'm actually quite used to that graphics now on the club head when i first saw it even the months ago when when it first got leaked onto internet i looked and thought i can't believe that a driver like that can be successful to the consumer. But so far the feedback's been pretty positive you make your own minds up let me know in the description below comment on the video if you do like this style of head um. But generally it looks it's it's a nice golf club but it feels good so what i'm going to do now i'm going to hit 10 golf balls. For you i'm not going to sit here. And let you watch and this is uh let's say this tight list i've got a strict sun got a few more titles in the in the tray here i'm gonna hit a few shots. For you um we are in manchester it's it's got a decent temperature i'm about five six degrees today.

And it's ever so slightly downwind it's ever so slightly favoring downwind i've currently got this at nine and a half and neutral so i've not changed anything on the shaft there or the head and i'm going to hit a few shots. For you so first off visually behind the golf club let's say this this sort of inver this cone shape at back i like it it does actually appeal to my eye a bit more now i didn't like it straight away at first i was like i said i did pull my face at it. But now it seems it seems quite natural to have on the golf club and it certainly will stand out on on the television when people are hitting you're going to know which one who which players are using the r1. And which players are using the rbz at stage 2.. So i'm going to hit these. For you so that's it let's hit 10 shots and see what the figures come out okay that felt really nice it had a great sound to it very loud louder than the rbz i would say uh felt fantastic it felt like a really good hit. And lower than the arby's had stage two quite noticed below i mean it's a one shot. But we'll see what happens that might reflect in the figures at the end set a few more oh very loud very loud tell you what you wouldn't you'd be uh you'd be hard done by to be missed on the drive range if you had this golf club one from the graphics on their head and two just from the sound of it really is very loud okay i'm going to hit this one more. And i'm going to speed through the rest. And come to the flight scope figures and see which one is performing the best oh that is good i can't be biased on this. But this does seem like the best one i must admit it it sort of really does fly off the clubface it feels great i hit this before the video i've started filming the video. And without being slightly biased this was my my personal favorite doesn't mean it's gonna be yours. But this was my personal favorite um i just love the the adjustability i'm going to hit the rest of these golf shots. For them i'm going to look at the flights cup figures. And see see which one wins really see which one is either longest. Or the best or the one that's hitting the most consistent golf shots i'm then.

Going to review it i'm going to tell you uh give it a rating out of five on looks performance price adjustability. And then.

Give it a total score as well right so hitting 10 shots there with the taylormade r1 we've got some decent results uh saw the ball flight here with little draws and a few little pushes that's my general shot shape anyway and if we look at the figures here on the uh on the board we're seeing some big long numbers we're seeing some 292 yarders 303 yarders but at average distance of 283 which is slightly longer than the taylormade rbz um on average the taylormade rbz was 280. um similar ball flights the rb z went a little bit higher than the r1. And i think that's potentially where it it lost a little bit of distance on the roll section. But when hit up in the wind when the ball flight was much higher it got a lot more distance. So if we look at rating this golf club distance wise five out of five accuracy five out of five very straight shots forgiveness nice and easy to hit but still not really forgiving so four out of five for forgiveness ball flight five five really penetrating really low feel felt great five out of five completely for that cost it's a little bit more expensive than the uh rbz so it gets a four out of five for that looks wise again with this uh design on the top i still feel like it's not gonna suit everyone so three out of five for that but adjustability five out of five completely nuts could not adjust it anymore and it gets a total score that matches the arby's out of 36 out of 40. as well all right guys so it looked like the r1 taylormade r1 uh was the longest uh we've checked the flight it's got figures. And this went i mean only granted only three yards longer um. But it had the slightly better ball flight a little bit more consistent but felt great i was a little bit more biased towards this one i'll be honest. But that doesn't mean it has to sway yourself you can go out. And either purchase one or not try them definitely try them i would definitely definitely golf clubs you want to try these two um great adjustability great golf club to use when you need to go and play different weather conditions let's say a bit windy here in manchester today.

So i'd probably set it up at a fraction lower loft so you can do that in an instant obviously before the round thanks very much. For watching guys the video i really do appreciate it you can find me about me. And my other videos and tips down below in the description i am on facebook and twitter and i really would love you to subscribe to the channel i'm going to be doing many more videos many more hints tips reviews. So please subscribe and you can watch it right. So my name is rick shields he's down at trafford golf center the rb's head as hard as i possibly can three golf balls each. And i'm absolutely trying to find the longest drive of each and i'm not holding back i really do give these a smack check out the description below the link is there check out my channel it will be under there somewhere hopefully you'll be able to click on this bit as well. And you'll be able to take take that to taken to that stage thanks for watching hope you enjoy it check out the longest drive please subscribe and look forward to seeing you soon you.