Hi welcome to rickshaws golf tips today.

I've got my hands on the latest tailor-made golf clubs the new rb dead stage 2. And the r1 latest taylormade golf clubs obviously i've got shafts to them as well so we're going to test them get them on flight scope i'm going gonna give you my thoughts. And my opinions on it and uh see if it sways you to go out and buy right guys so we've got the r1 taylormade r1 the new driver from taylormade it's um visually from looking above it's not as uh it's different let's say it's it's got this new design on it it's got this new alignment tool it's got on the back of it um i'm gonna see how it performs down flight scope uh we are in manchester it's a bit cold. But i am using real golf balls today.

So we're going to use real golf balls real tease simulate it as much as we possibly can to get the best figures i can possibly give to you guys on youtube facebook. And twitter and we're going to test it i'm gonna give you my review. So this is brand new out the packet never been hit before. So this golf club i'm gonna it comes in obviously the head now interestingly the head doesn't not have a loft so there's no loft on this head apparently the the loft comes from the shaft. And where you insert it so this can be range from anywhere from eight degrees all the way up to twelve. And a half degrees just by spinning it and turning it and adjusting it this driver is supposed to be the most adjustable driver that taylormade have ever made. And so far so good it seems to be like okay. So i'm going to set it at the moment at nine. And a half that's normal the the uh the loft that i play with now this shaft that we're playing with is the tailor made it's the matrix taylormade it's the ozik rule 60. And it's 62 grams so it's a nice weight and it's a stiff shaft so we've got it set now in at nine and a half degrees uh stiff shaft 62 grams we're going to hit it we're going to see what it can do i'll put this little toy in my in my pocket i say we've got real golf balls weight enough real tease we are at driving range. But that's all that matters flight scopes on and when we're sorted so as we've got the golf club behind the ball straight away visually it looks incredibly different this idea of the design on the back of the club head is all supposed to be about helping you line this golf club up better. And so it works i mean it's an interesting way of thinking about it. So it doesn't really put me off too much it sits nicely behind the golf ball very tailor-made looking head very tailor-made look a feel to the golf club as well let's give it here and see what it can do whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay. And that's pretty good that's pretty good i like that one a lot let me hit that one again as i say at the moment i've got this set up put nine and a half degrees it has got more adjustability on the bottom this little compass type gizmo here at the bottom you can adjust you can change you can tweak you can put weights in it you can do all sorts of crazy stuff this goes from all different types of opening clothes. And all this don't do that come. And come for a golf lesson or go and get a golf lesson don't mess about with this too much but anyway we're on the driver review so second golf ball this is like a real golf ball realty that first one felt great oh wow that was really nice really nice i love the feel of it that was a healing shot. So it did just turn off a little bit sat right inside. But felt great let's hit one more oh very nice i like that a lot so let's hit one final one with this golf club i must admit the first two were pretty impressive. So this third one's going to uh going to hopefully live up to the first one. So visually great looking club felt great oh wow bloody how that is good that is a good driver. And i've got something really the other taylormade driver i've never really seen that big of an appeal with them they've obviously brought out the rocket ball they've brought up predecessor which i've got the video down in the description so you can see that i might at the end of this video compare the figures as well. So you can see that. But wow great looking golf club felt great swung it great hit the ball you can see there's like i'll get close up on that the strike pattern everything else great great golf club we'll look at the figures right now right. And guys so if we look at the figures here for the r1 first shot 247 a little bit left of target good club head speed 250 with the second not bad not a bad hit just leaked off to the right a touch and the third we got up to two five three all consistent club heads speed and really generating plenty of ball speed now guys if you've enjoyed the video please do check me out on facebook twitter. And youtube subscribe to the channel because there's plenty more reviews and tips coming your way right guys who wants a longest drive r1 vrb dead stage two stay tuned that's right right guys so the moment of truth the longest drive competition between the r1 and the rbz stage two i'm going to give these a right good batter. And a real good hit and we'll see which one is the longest out of these two both got the same shafts go got stiff standard shafts in um we're going to give them a smash bowl set at nine. And a half degrees well let's go arby's at stage two first so i'm going to really give this a good rattle to give it a give good hit we're using real golf balls i've got two titles pro v1s here in the uh in the slot we're using a real t-peg right here we go let's give this a hit oh that's gotta be good uh we are a bit cold in manchester. But that's gotta be good come on let's have you that's all right it's two five three that's not not a bad shot that right i'd say it's uh both both pro v1s both real golf balls no no modifying. Or cheating this they are one let's see if this gets a bit bigger. So we've got nine and a half degrees i'm gonna give this a real good smash that last one was two two five three with 108 club head speed muscle up a little bit here rick let's muscle it up oh i don't know if i hit it quite as good it was a little bit toei it's got a bit more right to left on it two six one the r1 is the winner. So that went another eight yard longer eight hours long was it i want. And i'll be honest i didn't hit it as good i felt like i hit the stage two better so for longest drive chaps r1 is the beast. For i don't quite know what the rbz stage 2 is. For really this has got adjustability it's easy to hit it goes the furthest you know what it's probably more expensive and i think that's why what you'll find if you have if you're happy with the rbs that you've got currently stick with it if you want something new something exciting something that's going to give you loads. And loads of adjustability and something that's long hey we're liking that cold manchester day pro v1 real golf ball i'm rick shields thanks very much for watching and you can subscribe to me down in the channels at the bottom like me on twitter facebook do the lot i'm going to be doing loads more reviews on golf clubs golf equipment tips videos everything that you possibly want thanks very much. For watching comment share thanks very much right now guys thank you very much for watching really appreciate it the rbz stage 2 video is in the top left corner at the moment please do follow me like me. And subscribe.