All right guys we are down here tonight testing the new taylormade r15 this is the 430 head version. So the smaller head it's got a bit more depth to the face of it and it's generally a little bit more spinning i'm going to take that slightly slightly uh awful head cover off. And to unveil unveil this beautiful club this is the taylormade r15 430 with loads of tech now if you've not seen the r15 review already go. And check out in the window up here this is the smaller version the one that i think would suit me best now i've still not been absolutely custom fit. For this golf club yet but in initial testing you'll see you'll see on gc2 on simulator software some real good good data what they've changed is they've brought the track this sliding track further forward closer to the face they've dropped the center of gravity lower. And further forward which always begged the question how then.

Did he make it forgiving because that was the big thing. For the sldr it wasn't forgiving i've had the sldr430 it's the head that i currently use and it's not the most forgiving when off-centered it's not great what they've done they've introduced two weights into this sliding panel now and if you separate those weights outwards away from each other as much as you possibly can without affecting too many things the club head twists less. So on off centered hits this driver now is performing better i like it this the 430 only comes in white also at the moment anyway it does. And i've actually put in my current gaming shaft which is the diamana kylie shaft stiff flexed 70 gram this is the shaft i've been using in my sldr i've popped it straight into the head. And set this head at 10.5 because that this new r15 head launches a little bit higher a little bit higher than previous models the sldr so you don't have to loft up as much let's get him so i think my predictions lower spin than the 460 greater distance than the 460 if that's the 460 head. And i was hitting that well whether then.

It doesn't whether it performs still on off-center hits anyway let's get cracking. So big white head i've never had a white head driver but it doesn't look too unappealing it's got a nice subtle little line along the alignment tool let's give this a rip oh it feels good it does feel good a little bit drawy i've got the weights currently one in the oh my goodness me get big 302 302 yards spin rate that's more like it. So with d that's 2100 with the 460 head i was getting a little bit more spin than that. So i knew the 430 would have been a bit less so i was saying before i've got one weight all the way into the toe to stop me hitting it massively left. Or helping it and then.

One more centralized and i've tried to separate them as much as i possibly can to offer forgiveness. So that's the only thing if i could do anything to that 460 the sldr i would make it more forgiving. But still the same numbers and to me so far this is producing that when i've initially tested it even even. For that first shot and we'll hit some more and it's just awesome it feels phenomenal off the face oh wow 316 yards wow 316. less than 2 000 spin i mean this now we are now in manchester late at night i've stayed here because i've been. So excited to show you guys what this driver does um wow 316.. And i've still not been absolutely spec for this driver this is not fully custom fit. For me just yet so far so good right let's say a couple more i want to see if i do catch one off center what happens i'm not gonna do it on purpose because i'm enjoying hitting it i must admit oh different class it just feels phenomenal off the face oh. And these numbers are good these numbers are really kind of hitting me where i like it you know 2 600 spin a little bit higher not quite perfect i'm averaging currently average total distance 307 big hits low spin easy to hit all the technology that taylor made of using other drivers have smashed into this. And i love some of the ideas behind it i love the facts of separating those weights i think it's genius that they've managed to make the club forgiving by doing that i do i honestly think that's really clever because i wasn't i was really wondering what taylormade were going to do how are they going to make the driver low spinning. And forgiving i couldn't work it out for me they've done it i mean look at those three shots already i've hit those really nice let's go two more i'm not going to purposely off one. But let's see if it does happen i don't want to i'm hitting too busy enjoying hitting it oh i'm enjoying hitting it wow i really i'm enjoying hitting it is it in the 300s again oh my goodness i've never hit certainly any drivers that i've tested not carried it consistently up to 280 not been total distance in over 300 i don't think ever not with the gc2 anyway maybe we'll fly itself when it was tracking the ball. But not with gt2 this is good this is nice this is. For me it's offering more than my my current driver my sldr and my g30 because it's offering me distance and forgiveness this is going to be an awesome match up against the titleist awesome match up against the d3 wow that would be tasty right i'm going to go one more i'm going one more golf shot. So we've completed the five let's see how this gets on oh i don't know if i caught all of it that time that'll be interesting that's the worst one i've hit out of all of them that is the that is the worst one oh come on 296. And i hit i did not hit that well the spin numbers are still great let's rope the data up on screen. For you there so we can actually have a look at it let's say to show you that last one wasn't quite perfect. But it also showed to you guys that that was often off the heel. And i didn't lose that much distance so we've got some clever speed data 130 miles per hour i'd expect that smaller head that's the kind of sweet swing speeds i've been getting into ball speed 163 smash factor 1.44 that's good it's good numbers spin rates that's where we need to look right backspin rate 2 300. 2 300 backspin rate that's good not perfect not absolutely optimum so maybe when i get custom fit for one of these that might come down a little bit carry distance 282 yards of carry wow that's good i'm really happy with that uh 303 yards of total distance wow i'm happy with that five shots and the dispersion i've drawn all of those inside left corner maybe maybe i could toy with bringing that secondary weight over a bit more towards the toe to help me cancel that shape out maybe but i quite like it there quite a lot of draw some awesome awesome data guys honestly for me taylormade have brought all of the correct adjustments this drive that we we wanted to see taylormade have always been a nightmare bringing drivers out we know that the last time they brought a real big mainstream driver out was last summer now it's a 2013 summer. So they've waited all the way to the end of 2014 to bring out this and i understand why they've brought out all the technologies of the heads from the latter years that they've used and smashed it into this and performed produced for me two great great drivers we're going to do some reviews on this against the taylor titleists certainly the 915 it's got to be pitched up against that i'm looking forward to seeing the numbers there. And we'll test it up against anything let's say if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up it's late at night it's nearly midnight actually nearly midnight i'm doing this video because i'm so excited about hitting this driver give it a thumbs up there's a little thumbs up video down click up there go. And click it show me some love uh comment down below let us know what you think about this do you think driver had been quite a tailor may have been quiet with the drivers. And then.

Brought out this are you looking forward to testing. So i'm sure you are guys thanks. For watching stay tuned to all the rest of my videos by clicking the link down here subscribing we'll see you all soon i think i could probably get used to the head cover you know what i think i could i could get used to it could get used to it stay tuned guys.