Right guys teller made ar-15 fairway wood time we're back in I'd love to say sunny Manchester but it's not it's windy it's cold we're gonna review on gt2 so it doesn't know about the weather conditions it's gonna give real factual data of the ar-15 fairway wood now I've actually took this out to Orlando and I played with this and I really enjoyed playing with it it's got the kind of leathery silly boxing-glove head cover but it's not the underworld white had white design adjustable sliding weight at the bottom black face finish I've just got it in neutral you can go up. And down lofts by one and a half degrees but I've run it at 15 degrees so that typical 3-wood I'm gonna hit it with real golf balls on gt2 before literally the world ends because it's it's really windy here today.

So first off I'm gonna it's off I mean it off the floor anyway mainly. And I might jump out on the golf course on the sim if if these things are going well on the driving range. And looks-wise behind the ball yeah it looks great it's got a nice big back to it. But yet is still very shallow yeah what's great a little simple teleme symbol on the top I've not messed about with the change we'll wait just too much at the bottom. So at 15 degree I expect to be carrying about 240 maybe 250 carry I like I said I used this out in when I was in the States. And had really nice success with it yeah 240 on the nose carry. And I don't know what it is about it I think it's just because of the shallow profile it's what I like about it when it's a slim face of a 3-wood I always feel like they'd perform much better on the floor just because you can get to the bottom of the ball much better. And I start yeah. And do feel good I've toured with the r53 with a couple of times with now. And again changing but I think. For three would like this it'd be one that would kind of stay in the back for quite some time just because it does everything I needed to do without being too crazy over the top it just feels like a 3-wood that I would want to use on the course just cuz it's it's it's I tried the arrow burner. And I like the arrow burner because if it's distance whether it was a sound that was quite out there it's quite bold where this one doesn't feel like it's got that that ridiculous noise to it feels like it's more of a classic sound right I'm gonna jump on the golf course. And they hit a couple on there let's go out about 240 so it reacts when it's hitting into a green as well okay. So I've just I've just which was out onto the first hole here at the brothers at the belfry. And I'm 260 yards away to 262 yards away from the green I'm just gonna see how it reacts if I land into the front of the green and then.

See how it runs on so again off the floor I should be online I should be right online don't we at the bunker again oh that's good carry it over the one because you can see once it lands it's kind of skips harpes jumps stops relatively quickly. So I can a good connection good hit you could put the loft up a little bit more if you have to a bit more I asked why would a bit more height. But I was really hurt. But I don't think you need to masturbatory about with it yeah I don't think you need to master the mess with the loss too much unless you're trying to fill a gap that in youth in your set of gap. And distance rise that's good it's gonna be a good good sign how it's gonna react on the green one more we get one straight down this neck so it goes all relatively well maybe the third one not so great Oh second one not so great but it's 260 yards away I'm not getting too punished for this it's out windy is guys it's really windy. And not on the simulator but out in real life is go wreck last one last one last one I'm definitely hit the grade. So tell them an ar-15 3-wood it's got nice a bit of adjustability it looks good it sounds great and it's a 3-wood for me that's not going to hit the ball ridiculously long just a nice solid 3-wood once I hit the green it's a sham okay that's it straight laughter put it in in fade mold guy sucks watching if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up that's not what you think about the r15 TaylorMade we're not showcase that hit into a green great there. But you can see the general ball flight very easy to hit it's just directional I need to probably tweak maybe tinker with moving the weight more towards the fade setting which is not trim which is good change the lofts what's good - feels good - sounds great do subscribe by clicking a link down below check me out on Facebook. And Twitter we've seen si hopefully hit this a little bit straighter out in the golf course thanks for watching guys we'll see you soon.