Hi guys my name is rick shields down here traffic girl century manchester we've got some new clubs to test brand new golf clubs taylormade golf clubs um some new irons. So they've brought some new ones out but at least they've changed them i reckon a bigger step biggest change certainly visible face technology we've seen yet so it's not just a speed blades two they're bringing a brand new range of irons out and these are called rsis you've got rsi ones bigger head rsi2 slightly medium head size. And rsi tor which is the bladed version i already love the name you know rick shields you can't get that much better than that rs. And also my daughter ivis so rsi rsi perfect thank you taylormade um right what these golf clubs are offering what they're supposed to be doing is it's all about the off-centered hits that's what it's all about that's what they're absolutely targeting that they've done some research 76 of shots are not hit out the middle that's that's a huge percentage you'll see a lot of um tour players over the next.

Few weeks i'm sure getting face tape. And seeing where they're hitting from i've seen a picture of justin rose recently with that and it's all about where they're hitting off the face and how they they're trying to make a golf club that's more forgiving the further even if you don't hit the middle of the club the further away from the center it's still going to offer forgiveness ball speed they're never going to get the direction perfect just because the club's still going to twist. But it's they're trying to get that that shot to still at least get towards the green or towards the flag on off-centered hits visible face technology they've got face slots so you've had the speed speed slot before in the in the bottom speed pocket in the bottom it helps the trampoline in the face off bottom hits but now they've got these strips on the toe and on the heel so whether where the chrome section is normally completely uh blank you can see these new speed. Or face slots i think they've actually called them um that's going to help the trampoline effect off dispersive shots across the face let's let's give it a test that's all we can do we're going to hit real golf balls down here on gc2 i'm going to hit some lights out the middle first i'll try. And then.

And then.

Experiment hit some from the toe and from the heel and see what they have to offer this is the bigger version this is the rsi one check out my channel up here in the corner. For rsi2 i'm going to be an rsi tour very very soon. So bigger head doesn't look super big not really you know it's the it's the kind of um speed blades looking head it's got a nice big chunk to it what i do like straight away from the face slots is that it frames the face slightly it gives the face a little bit of of right that's where you're trying to hit between not that you need remind that's why you're trying to hit be between somewhere between the grooves would be good. So it gives it a nice frame and they're not i think they'll take a little bit visually to get used to. But nothing major um they have strong lofts they have strong lofts this is. For seven iron 30.5 degrees that's quite strong so we should see that in the distance performance and then.

The distance film is off off centered hits that's what we're looking. For as well right let's get hitting some and then.

We'll talk a bit more about the golf clubs nice i felt felt like any solid hitting tailor-made iron there 176 yards of carry distance and felt nice just felt really good off the face that was off the center um produced a nice ball flight a little bit of a draw there nice ball flight. And it was it was yeah it's nice nice solid hit out the middle right. So that's not going to be its biggest pulling power it's going to be off-center hits let's set a couple out the the middle the 30.5 degrees of loft does not sacrifice height that's. For sure so that the height of that is still very very good i'm sure they've whipped the center of gravity right down to the bottom of this club head to allow. For that to happen uh right one more at the middle and then.

It's the real test you know this is the uh when we're hitting it off this not off the middle that's when it's gonna show up most that was 176 again that was a bit off the bottom of the golf club. So the bottom of the golf club is safeguarded with the speed pocket at the bottom you see distance one six nine. So i've lost a little bit of distance off the bottom strike there so that was the the effective trampoline effect at the bottom okay. So 10 yards off and not a fantastic strike it's it's a bit bit of a chunk but 170 yards still with the seven is not horrendous okay let's go toe. So i've got hmt here on my club and these are these reflective dots you might see on some of the images i would use tape the only problem with using tape is it generally reduces the spin certainly when measuring on gc2. And the ball seems to go a million miles so i'm doing it without tape but with gc2 so we can actually see where we hit from on the club face let's go toe first common shot of mine i hit the toe more than i hit the heel let's hit the toe first i'm going to try. And hit not not in the actual face slot but somewhere towards the edge of the grooves yeah that was really toeic. And that's the shot you should see that's gone left that's the shot you should see from a towie strike with an iron 174 yards so it's hardly lost anything and that's that was really out of the toe that was really out the toe it actually performed better than the one i hit out the bottom okay. And that was honestly right in the toe you'll see some of the images up on screen there it's right on the edge of the grooves let's go let's go heal obviously it's not safeguarding the hosel the shank you hit the shank it's not going to go very far. But it's when you just catch it heel side or center oh that felt really good 176 again not lost any distance that was a little about the heel not massive out the heel. But enough out the heel i don't get too close my camera's a bit you know in in danger there if i catch it a bit too healy let's go one more at the heel that's more like it i was more in the heel let's see what actual distance up if there is much of a change 168. you know. So that's not a great deal of distance lost at all at all i know for example from with my bladed irons if i catch it from the toe i lose vast amount of distance a lot of distance hit from the heel i lose a lot of distance way more than 10 yards for a 170 yard 180 yard shot way more you know that's that's less than 10 loss in distance from an off-centered hit and i mean proper off-centered they're really bad hits. So there's certainly the towie one so these like so this is this is it's i don't think they've made a golf club if you've got a speed blade club i don't think they've made a golf club that's going to hit it better than speed blades i'm going to test that theory. So i'm going to i'm going to pitch it up against the speed players they are long the long hitting clubs. But it's a golf club that's going to perform better when hit off than from not the middle of the golf club 76 of golf shots are not hit in the middle 76.. And to be fair i think that the 24 are all tall players that hit the middle i really do i mean that one. And justin rose that image i don't think that's a warm up shot. Or anything but he won't be that spread normally but it'd be interesting there's going to be i'm sure there's going to be loads of opportunity to be able to see where you hit from on the club face over the next.

Few weeks if you're going to be testing these golf clubs i think they maybe even come with some face tape. So you can actually see where you hit right one more out the the middle bottomed again ah it's gonna be interested that wasn't very very fantastically hit 176. 178 sorry 178. So i you know looks wise it looks slick i love the name how could i not love the name um the visible face technology i understand why they've done it um they've brought out another club they have but i think they've brought out another club. For a reason this time i do i think they've brought out another club these speed these face slots they've come out with a club that's going to perform better. And off centered hits and that's the biggest message that you can get from this video go. And test these club don't just take my word from it they've come in slightly different grapes and different shafts etcetera but i'm more bothered about these today.

And now i'm going to test the rsi ii the kind of intermediate iron. So for your mid handicapper and see how that performs the face slots are slightly different on that they're not quite as pronunciated on this they they flare at the ends. So they open up at the end so they go slim and then.

From the bottom and the top of the facelocks they open up on the heel and the toe it doesn't happen that on on the other one there's just straight lines i'm going to test that i think they look slightly better guys thanks. For watching if you've enjoyed the video do subscribe click the link down here below comment let us know what you think you know these are golf clubs that would appeal to you do you hit the middle of the golf club ask yourself that you know ask yourself serious question do you hit the middle of the golf club if you don't. And you have a recurring problem go and have a look at these golf clubs go don't think they'll lose that much distance when hit off centered hits i'm gonna do loads more tests. For these over the next.

Couple of weeks guys tailor made rsi rsi one irons two and tour guys thanks for watching we'll see you all soon.