Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And we're going to do a head-to-head comparison we've got the new tailmade rsi 2 iron it's a slightly smaller head than the rsi one got face slots. But thinner face slots and it's all about design off-centered hits that's what it's all about against the club that's really only just come out the tailgate sldr iron so they almost look identical absolutely identical both got speed slots on the bottom but the rsi2 in the mid to high longer irons has got the face slots we're going to be testing the two seven irons up here head to head um i'm going to take you to the 18th hole at the robbers in the belfry i can use now simulator software with my gc2 show you where the strike location is. And see how the ball would actually perform if hitting into a proper green um i'm also then.

Going to hit one out in the middle at the end to do a bit of a closest to flag. But this is all about off centered hits i'm going to purposely be hitting him off center. And see if the ball still carries the same distance guys i've also just done the rsi one iron against the ping g30 go and check that out up in the window up here in the corner it's definitely worth watching the ninth holiday was in. For that and it's definitely worth watching seeing the results interesting results on that right let's go taylormade first because this is what all the hypes about the face slots with the rsi2 it's thinner face slots one from the toe one feel if you've not seen my review already go. And check out to tell you a bit more about the information of that and how it kind of it almost trampolines the golf ball off off centered hits that's what it's all about i'm 175 yards away from the flag uh it's this the big three tier green you might have seen the brothers in before i've done a course video on it actually quite recently and also it's where the oh the ryder cup's been played a couple of times as well so uh this is on the the middle tier. So we're going to see if a 79 can actually reach the middle tier off centered hit let's go toe first okay direction might be jeopardized just to let you know i'm gonna try. And still keep the ball relatively straight but if i hit from the toe it generally will move offline towards the left let's go toe first rsi two first. So that was right in the toe that felt dreadful dreadful dreadful dreadful as it still reached i tell you what that's done really well to carry that far 166 yards look at the strike location 166 yards of carry with that strike location is pretty impressive i would say i carry this out about 176 normally. So it's probably lost me about 10 yards of distance um yeah i'm i'm pleased with that i'm happy with that right let's go sldr. So i'm sure a lot of you out there might be watching you might have just bought the um and you might be a bit miffed off that the new rsi irons have come out let's test the theory let's see if off-center if there is any value in it you know i can only do what i'm going to do when testing this i'm going to hit this from the toe again just like the rsi iron that was from the toe again seems to produce almost similar golf shot has it carried just as far a little bit less 161. So i've lost five yards there strike location from the bottom of the toe again so i've i've lost a bit of distance there five yards or so but that could be huge when hitting into a green over water over a bunker etc um let's not just take one shot for it let's do it again. So i'm gonna go toe again rsi two iron from the toe oh wow that's that felt really nice i don't know if that's quite as toei that's confusing that because i didn't feel super super toe it's got on to the middle tier 167 yards of carry distance oh it's right in the middle between middle and toe right in the middle but it's not centered for a non-centered hit yeah it's just just toe side of center um. But that's still where you want forgiveness from you know that's probably a common myth for myself i would generally hit a little bit tone from the toe middle side of things let's go sldr iron again okay that was right in the toe i don't know if that's going to carry it's going to be doing well together oh it's not doing bad it's not done by the tour really to get on that front tier still 159 yards now. So shane the strike location hasn't come up on screen there rest assured that was from the toe don't know why the strike location has not come up. But that you can see actually the mark here right down at the bottom i think it might have even kind of obscured one of the dots down the face. But that was from the toe rest assured it really was um right let's go one from the middle this time let's go closest to the flag just. For a bit of fun out the middle rsi two iron against the sldr iron 175 yards away from this flag so i don't think it's an out. And out full hit one let's see how close these can get. Or if it stays online that could be good oh no he's just turning look at the distance though when hit from the middle it's a long hitting club that's a shame oh i hit that well as well 176 right in the middle of the club i've just overdrawn it my path is too inside then.

I've just overdrawn it which is a shame right come on sldr even though you might be getting a bit hit from a bit stick from miss hit shots let's see from the middle if you can win this challenge. So let's go right in the middle of the sldr iron here oh that should be good that should be very good carry the green carry the second tier up up up up up oh not as far it's on the green though guys so i don't think potential i mean not. For look at the backspace i just actually hit the slope there and it's coming backwards which is a bit of a shame. But it's on the green winner you know that's all it needs to do something why the strike location is not quite picking up that i was in the middle. So guys i wanted to give you a little bit of an idea about what these face lots are potentially doing are they gimmicky from that evidence i would say they're not from that evidence we see a there is a difference of five six to ten five to ten yards difference on carry distance when hit off centered with the rsi2 iron that's that's the fact. So where a shot might might sneak into the water because you've not hit the middle potentially you'll get over the water you'll be pin high more often or close to it um i said these two clubs are identical looking. And i've been hitting very very very telly there so you might not hit as toei as that and if you don't brilliant but that was my experiment of hitting right towards it. So so it's still the the jury's still out are the facelocks doing what they said from the evidence there i would say yes i would are they doing as much as they should be compared to previous models you know it's that's down to you guys to decide whether you want to look at upgrading. Or parking with your cash for some new golf clubs guys if you've enjoyed the video new idea the new concept out on the golf course with the simulator hitting golf balls into real green so we can't say it reacts give the video a thumbs up want us to hear what you think about i want to hear what you uh you think about this new kind of style of videos please do subscribe by clicking the link down below do go. And check out the rsi one against the pink 30 iron i'd like to say i'm going to be set next.

Week i'm going to be testing the rsi 2 against the title stay p2 i'm gonna be testing against the uh the rsi one against the speed blade. So that's gonna be interesting match up guys thanks for watching hope to see you all soon you.