Hi guys my name is rick shields down here back in manchester traffic gold center. And i'm testing the new taylormade irons these are the rsi tp i would be lying if i said i wasn't excited about testing these only because when i tested the rsi ones. And the rsi twos they performed incredibly well and therefore. topped my top ten list at the start of the year and i was looking forward to these as soon as i saw them as soon as i saw the image of them because they look really sleek the design is fantastic. But for the better player it's a smaller head they're kind of bladed version but they're not real blades they're not like the uh the m b's that the taylormade have the two preferred ones they're kind of they've got a bit of cavity a bit of forgiveness i'm gonna do a tester i've got this in seven iron 99. And three iron depends how well i'm hitting it whether i hit the three but we're going to see how they perform using gc2 using real golf balls um. And and see how they fly see how they feel they're definitely longest because the lofts are more true. So for example a 34 7 iron is 34 degrees 99 is 42 degrees. So a bit more true to their kind of loft true to let's say let's say better players lost and not after maximum distance they've obviously got the speed slot at the bottom on the longer irons not so much on the short iron so from eight downwards they haven't and they've got the face slots the two slits the toe and the heel on seven iron all the way up to three iron and an eight iron down it's just a plain face let's start with seven first let's start with our lovely severed iron so the forged head and you'll see the image on screen now i i don't know that just really to suit my eye it might be my initials as well that always helps so rick shields i even i for my daughter so you know they've named him well for a start for me but joking aside they do just look like a really solid nice iron um let's give him a smack got him on gt2 the simulator software is on real golf balls back here in uh not. So sunny manchester right looks wise behind the ball they don't scare me they're not they're not mega bladed i reckon they could go even more bladed with these but they've decided not to the 7 has got the face slots 34 degrees i would expect about 165 carry the first thing i'm not expecting to see is a huge amount of distance i would say in about the 160 high range 160 that's actually gone further expected one seven three that felt forged what didn't sound forged weirdly. So it felt like a really soft feel but sounded much louder than what i would classify as being a forged iron felt good respectable distance i say 34 degrees on a seven so it's not incredibly strong it's not as strong as some other tailor-made golf clubs out there or other brands out there it's more of what i was classified as a true aloft yeah it's odd they feel forged they just don't seem to sound it they don't sound as soft as what i would have uh envisioned them when i was hitting them. And but still producing good numbers one six 166 carry distance felt good felt easy to to hit not too demanding not ridiculously difficult let's go one more find in the middle of the club then.

We'll just test it off the toe that was a nice hit that was a really nice hit yeah just on that 170 mark again. So i would say a couple of yards longer than maybe my current seven iron but not much in it not much it's all i'm saying i'm not expecting huge amounts of distance for these i'm not expecting 180 or 90 carat distances right let's hit off the toe so i'm going to purposely just aim to hit this off the toe edge of the club with the face slots that should give you a little bit protection they're just not as big as the face slots on the rsi one. And the rsi two so whether they're going to give you as much much forgiveness. But again the clubs these clubs are more designed. For your lower handicapper anyway so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go towards the toe edge of the club oh that was right that was right on the toe wow. So let's see what it does uh that's incredible that felt awful i felt like i nearly missed that shot i'm going to show you just quickly on the image there just let me show you where i've actually hit that one from. So bottom and towards the toe side of center you see that on the screen and it still got to 165 yards worth of carry distance that's quite impressive it's quite impressive for what's targeted towards a bladed kind of good player's iron they feel great right i'm going to move up to 9 next..

And then.

We'll see if we can do the uh the fearful three iron felt good felt you know they're just nice the looks wise. For me already sold it to me they look fantastic and then.

The feel off the face is good numbers aren't going to be the longest in the world let's hit a few nines. And i might brave the three stay tuned so nine iron there's no face slots it's a slightly different design on the back of the head it's not got the criss-crossed pattern. But that's pretty much it there's no there's no speed slot either just taking all of those power elements. And miss shot elements out of it she's got a bit of chunk at the bottom end and it's again it's to me the classifying this is a blade would be wrong they're just kind of a a smaller cavity back. So nine iron looks nice behind the ball 42 degrees aloft so very generous loft with a nine yeah good felt great such an odd the sound doesn't seem to match the feel. So i'm hitting them they feel much softer than the sound is actually feeding back to me 143 carry distance. For a 9 which i pretty much expect i've been about the 145 region normally you can tell windy is down here in manchester today.

But the simulated software doesn't know that so that's all good yeah just under that 140 mark again it's not an iron that i'm expecting a million miles away it feels soft. But yet the sound is really quite loud which don't seem to match up. But it doesn't really matter it's not offending me right let's brave it let's go to the three five three let's do it. So first off what i noticed straight away is that it's not. For me for three iron it's not it's not scary throughout to look down on i don't know whether those face slots just give you that little bit of protection it's almost like if you go to the bowling alley and it's got the bumpers up the side that kind of same idea with this i feel like i've got a bit of protection and it's not a lot it might even just be in my head that i've got this protection but i feel like i've got more confidence with this drowning straight away 20 degrees it's got back on the speed slot back on the face slots let's give this a hit now i would say roughly 3 iron would be about 215 so it performs i'm not expecting huge distances again oh that felt good yeah i felt great just under that 250 mark. And again i'm not i keep stressing this i'm not expecting the longest hitting world if you're after the length of rsi ones rsi tps are more. For the feel which it gives ample it gives great feel look at that ball flight love that real stinger yeah two just under just over 220 i can't. For me for a golf of where i'm at the moment with these clubs they would definitely be ones that i would look at playing with just because i don't feel like they're super bladed enough from to be too hard to hit that's just my bag falling over don't worry they're not ridiculously hard to hit they've got forgiveness they've got true lofts they look sexy as i might need a new set now my bag's just falling over i might be breaking more clubs but yeah good right let's hit one more before we get blown away before the world ends yeah absolutely great i've got no no issues with them at all i think they offer a small level of forgiveness they feel fantastic they sound quite loud i like the idea of the face slots it seems to give me a little bit of a visual buffer. And then.

Should go in short irons to get rid of that which is great tps taylormades if you're in the market. For if you're a low handicapper want something that's not going to travel the world it's not going to go a million miles you still want the feel you still want a little bit of forgiveness these are the ones to try thanks. For watching guys if you enjoyed the video down here in very windy cold manchester day give it a thought this is dedication this early morning i'm doing this. For you guys uh early morning i'm hitting the rsit fees and i'm gonna do some more reviews next.

Stay tuned see you soon thanks. For watching.