Right guys so we are going to do a head-to-head video today.

On the taylormade rsi1 iron. So the new one with the face slots and the speed slots to help with maximum forgiveness and one of the nation's favorites the ping g30 i put a question out yesterday on my facebook and twitter what do you want pitching up against the rsi one the g30 came out an awful lot of time. So did the speed blades i'm gonna do a speed blade video next.

Week guys. So stay tuned for that but it's all about forgiveness on these shots okay. So the new taylormade irons that's just come out you might see my review face slots it helps still generate plenty of ball speed when hit off center we're going to test this theory today.

And we're going to test it up against the club that's not got face slots that is just you know marketed towards forgiveness a nice big sole on the bottom big chunky head. And we're going to test it i'm actually going to take you to the ninth hole at the brabusine as well at the belfry um a shot over water to a green. So we're going to see the actual simulation using my gc2. And the simulator software it's 166 yards to carry the water 172 to actually hit the green and i'm hitting seven irons now my normal 79 carry distance would be about 175 to 180 in that region so we're going to see off center whether they still get that same distance at the end of the video i might probably hit one from the middle as well just to see how it all works i'm hitting with uh foresight. And gc2 reflective dots this helps the machine pick up where the club head location is hitting from i would use tape. But in testing the normal the spin gets reduced and the ball still goes quite a long way i'm going to put a disclaimer on this direction might not be great because i'm hitting from the toe direction might not be great at all the face can rotate. And twist and and for me mainly hit the ball towards that left-hand side with a bit of gear effect happening so let's go for it no wind on the golf course i'm going to hit right from the toe. And let's see if it can still reach that green. Or get at least pin high if that was in towards the toe that that wasn't the best strike at all just gonna go down the line of the target it's landed on the green it'll zoom in in a second. So it's actually landed that's not a bad shot at all it's landed 174 and look at the strike location the strike is severely from the toe there. So i've hit that right in the bottom club and the ball still traveled 174 yards let's give it a go with the ping g30 this time so g30s time this time so i tell you what it's got some beat in that because you can see clear evidence says that was from the toe. And it still carried 174 right these two clubs are in almost identical lofts let's go off the toe. And see if that can let's see if the g30 can reach the green as well. So that was right in the toe of the golf club it's down the line of the pin must admit slightly turned to the left oh only just carried the bunker carried one six five it's hit the green again which is great. And you can see the strike location low. And from the toe so right almost in the identical position there is the tailor made. But lost how many yards in total did that lose that lost uh nine yards on the tailor made there nine yards is a big deal when you're hitting into a green over water let's go taylormade again that was right off the toe like what we wanted that is down the line of the flag is it gonna carry oh not as good that time one six one carry uh see strike right in the toe again. So it's not gonna didn't seem to get the full projection that time and i'm in the bunker it's not a good shot for me you know i've got to now it's not got pin high it's lost a little bit yards but it's not gonna be nice right after so these are the rsi one irons which has got the biggest face slot on as well the rsi two irons i'm gonna be pitching up against uh probably gonna pitch it up against the sldr iron. So check out my channel for that guys because that's going to be a meaty meaty matchup right let's go g30 again off the toe. And i'm going to try. And get closer to pin out the middle right off the toe oh bottom and from the toe that's going to get that's going to do really well to get to the green oh oh oh it's managed to get there. So i didn't hit that well at all it's carried one seven two look at the strike right off the bottom not just toei let me hit one more from the toe with the ping g30 that was more kind of probably a bit more thin than actually um from the toe. But you can tell the big chunky sole that still managed to get there oh that was from the toe that was right from. So is it going to carry oh he's in the same bunker 159 carry. So the strike location is right in the toe right in the toe. So i must admit that they tell me put it in the same bunker but it did also hit the shock where it carried on to the green. So whether there's a little bit of of evidence in that whether it's actually going to carry that distance because of the face slots because of the extra trampoline right one from the middle this time let's go closer to the pin i said the pins one seven four away. So it's probably going to be a quite gentle seven nine. For both of these two let's hit it from the middle this time so you can get closest to the flag that should be good that should be very good is it going to get close not a bad hit at all. So nicely out the middle carried it 174 pretty much bob on and 12 feet away from the hole you see there actually even that's not in the middle of the face still quite low off the face that time so for 174 yards i'm pleased with that considering it wasn't flush out the middle right 12 feet it's got to be can the pin get it inside it that felt amazing this could be good oh it's just turning a tiny bit left a bit draw good carry distance again it's safely on the green i don't think it's going to beat the taylormade there. For distance away from the pin 10 yards away you know not much in it at all so guys that was a very different comparison i've done on these two golf clubs i've not done a sh we're hitting on the face forgiveness test on an iron i'll be honest i've been guilty the mainly distance. But now with the forgiveness coming out of these golf clubs let's start doing a bit more forgiveness so it's going to be a close one between these two there was a definite evidence when hit from the toe this one still managed to reach the green not on a super consistent level though with the ping it's almost reaching the green. But i reckon you're just losing a little bit more distance with the ping uh connection when hit from the toe so off center i would love love do this test off the heel. But i'm slightly concerned about the safety of my camera so off the toe is the simplest way of doing it guys thanks. For watching if you've enjoyed that little comparison with the new software being able to see the ball flight and see how how it actually still travels and relates on a golf course give the video a thumbs up subscribe by clicking the link down below i appreciate that and check out my next.

Video which is the rsi2 against the sldr iron i'm going to go to the 18th the bell street. For that guys thanks for watching we'll see you all soon.