Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford gold center in manchester i'm going to put the new taylormade slider sldr i can't say slider to the test today.

I'm going to be changing the lofts of it because a lot of people have been saying well it's suited on much higher lofts this actually goes all the way up to 11 degrees i've got it in nine. And a half as standard and it can take all the way up to 11 i can also drop it all the way down to eight. So i'm gonna test it i'm gonna see which loft is going to be best suited to getting the maximum distance out of your golf shots i've got gc2. So i've got a new launch monitor so it's going to give really accurate figures. So regardless the wind or the temperature this is going to give the most accurate carry distances as well. So i'm going to give you all the data at the end i'm going to hit three golf shots in each loft each kind of uh eight degrees nine. And a half and 11 degrees to give you guys the best insight to which loft best suits the longest shot not my honestly might only suit me so you guys have got to go and test that as well um and most most ranges that have these you can test them get down to american golf we've got a great one down here at trafford where you can actually come down. And actually test the product in hand so you can give it a bit of a whack unfortunately i can't use my gc2. But apart from that you have to book a lesson for that so i've got a 9.5 first let's give this a bit of a crack try to hit all the same shots with each one t-peg nearly took the camera man out but apart from that so 265 carry distance not too bad so we'll see how the other two fare not a bad hit it's got a nice penetrating flight 266 so pretty uh pretty average at the moment i would say i carry my driver about kind of 265 in that range really and then.

Runs it out to kind of 280 266 on that launch angle 12 degrees that'll be important when we look at the other data that was a nice hit that felt good yeah it felt much better. So 275 on that uh much more solid hit so that was in 9.5 i'm going to crank it down loft first we're going to go to eight degrees first join us in a second. And we'll see what the other figures are gonna be like [Music] right. So i've changed it to eight degrees um if i set this up behind the ball now it doesn't really look that much different which is is a massive advantage as the technology. And the engineering work behind this is unbelievably accurate. So once the net goes in it actually sets at a slightly different angle so whichever angle you put that um tip of the golf club in or the shaft then.

Alters the face and even the loft as well so it doesn't actually look 2d lofty we'll have a look at the figure so i was launching that on average about let's see what the average one on that was. So i was carrying that 269 the old one. And i was launching that at about 13 degrees. So let's see what eight degrees does oh it's a very different fly i mean i shouldn't sound two sharks. But it is a very different flight 270 yard carry came out lower 11.9 degrees it spun less. So low launch less spin went 278 let's hit a couple more not the most accurate shot a little bit down that right hand side but we should still get good distances on it so 265 13 degrees lost that time spun up a little bit higher so that wasn't might have just been a bit of a human error on that so let me delete that one because i don't feel that was quite as good as the other ones that was more like it that was better. So 273 carry distance 12.1 launch angle and 2600 rpm of backspin let's go one more with the 8 degree that felt nice so 277 carry distance on that so that's that's very interesting that's actually given me already seven yards more carry distance it's spun slightly less and it's launched much lower 12.1 degrees of launch that time so interested very interesting now a lot of players now have been saying that the slider the more you crank it up the loft it's supposed to produce better distances a lot dustin johnson recently just won out and i think it was an asia where he cranked it up all the way up to kind of 11 degrees that's where we're going to go now. And sldr have also just brought it out in 14 degrees so less weak than a 3 wood they've just brought out a driver in 14 degrees so we're going to crank it up to 11 degrees. And see what the kind of carry distance i'm gonna get all that so currently eight degrees is winning join me in a second to see how the 11 degree does i've been playing with the wrong loss all this time [Music] get on that camera right guys. So now we're in 11 degrees of loft um not a lot that i would tend to use i must admit but we're going to see how it performs on gc2. And if it goes further i could be tempted to get him more loft on it i've also forgot to mention before guys the actual sldr slider setting at the bottom is set as neutral i've not changed this at all. So the only thing i'm actually changing is the loft which is the adjustable neck which most drivers have on these days. But sldr the taylormade guys are saying that this launched a little bit higher spinning less should travel further. And it kind of makes sense that would happen so real golf balls gc2 technology not worrying about that the wind because it's a horrible day here in manchester but we shouldn't need to worry about anymore so let's hit three shots for this that's an awful lot higher well to be fair i've just gone from eight degrees to 11 so i've looked it by quite a bit launch angle on that was 14.8 carry distance was 271. And it spun at 2800. probably not the best golf shot that i've hit but it was still a decent hit okay let's have a look at the others oh i've just caught that one a little bit at the bottom now just to be fair to the 11 degree loft i'm actually going to delete that one because it wasn't quite as good as the others unfortunately. So i'll just whip that one out the way okay. So i need two more shots with the 11 degrees that really is launching an awful lot higher 16.8 degrees of loss on that now as a as a fitter if you guys if you've been custom fit out there normally that's way too high normally looking. For about 13 13 and a half degrees of of launch angle 2 300 reds per minute is not too bad. And that only went 273 so it's still not quite going as far as the 8 degree which would kind of make sense really that's it one more now whether they're saying more loft. And launch because these guys are playing in much hotter climates. So the ball will maybe hang up in the air. For a little bit longer but this certainly doesn't seem to be the case not on the gc2 giving those spin and launch that wasn't a great one i'll just hit one more to be fair i don't actually like it in this 11 degree setting as much i definitely prefer it in the 8 degree i don't know it just feels like it's going to shoot off the face way too high in this 11 degree setting can't quite get my head around it that was a better shot. So on that one was 270 carry distance. So it's given me an average there of 271 which is actually further than the 9.5 degree setting. But nowhere near as far as the eight degree setting so if i was just to put those eight degree settings back on again let's have a quick look at what i was giving me. So that's giving me 276 so the eight degree setting was much much stronger. And flew further you know it gave me better give me actually give myself better launch angles because the other one was just way too high up in the air the spin rate was looking good it gave me more carry distance. So for myself personally i think lowering the loft of the club will actually suit my game better guys that's only me you guys go. And try that out as well get down to an american golf get down to a fitter and see if which of the loss in the sldr are going to best suit you guys that's only my opinion i wanted to do a video on it because a lot of people say well you've got it in the wrong setting it should be much higher in loft i personally don't think it should be i prefer the 8 degree loft. And the lower degrees of loft rather than the 11. even though the 11 did actually go a little bit further than 9.5 degree of loft i didn't like it it felt like it was going to launch up far too high. For my game guys thanks so much for watching that's been my review of the different lofts of the taylormade sldr still an awesome golf club give it a go i've also got to do a review uh on the jet speed soon. So you can check out my channel. For that thanks so much for watching you can check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to the channel guys if you've enjoyed the new gc2 technology. And enjoyed the new kind of format of the of the reviews give it a like comment below i always endeavour to try and reply to as many as i can thanks very much. For watching [Music] you.