The TaylorMade SLD are what a club I've been hitting it a little bit already today.

My name is Rick shields down here at traffic golf Center in Manchester. And I want to do today.

Just a little intro video first about the TaylorMade SL d arm the features. And what it does the next.

Video I'm going to look at some flights video 5 scope data what it's capturing what it's given me distance wise. And then.

I'm going to actually test it up against probably its best rival the r1 the TaylorMade r1. So stay tuned for all those videos please do check them out on Facebook Twitter. And do subscribe to me the channel if you've enjoyed the video. So the TaylorMade SL d up we've got this new sliding kind of weight at the bottom adjustable you can take the neck out you can change your different angles you can give it more loft less loft. And apparently you can make you draw more fade more despite you moving this weight a little bit lovely-looking club really nice it's got this kind of grey effect which a tell me I haven't done. For a great deal of time and with a 300 series and 500 the 300 series at the TaylorMade did they were all kind of got grey effect. And it looked really kind of classic very nice touch a little bit of a silver feature on here it kind of looks quite digitalized in the way that they've actually fine-tuned this back edge and they're obviously going off this slider thing with a little notches. And on the back here they've got these little notches along the gray the back edge it's got slider with the little notches along the back edge even down here it's just tuned at distance and all them kind of little notches so 460cc head as most things obviously are these days you got to deal with it. And it's all about this little bad boy all about this weight at the bottom you can unscrew it. So this is in neutral at the moment now surprisingly the weight doesn't actually feel that heavy when you move it it just slides from side to side at the bottom. And it doesn't actually feel like it's got a great deal of weight to it which is surprisingly actually difficult to measure because it is actually in that chamber. But if I cite it from one side to the other I can feel a little bit of weight transferring. But not the absolute loads it's got stuck there actually in that corner but not loads and loads of weight transfer in in fact it's got up and draw at the moment so I'll leave it in dross I've moved it all the way towards the heel here I'm going to screw it in. And it just says at the bottom dead simple you don't need a manual you don't need a chart anymore it just says draw fade so whatever you feel like you need to correct in your swing apparently so this is the tool to do it I'm slightly skeptical that because of technique. And all that but apparently if you move it more towards the heel the weight obviously now everything else will move that way towards a toe it's going to fade a little bit more interesting this kind of little corner stone here. And I believe recently at all event this fell out and kind of called the players to get disqualified which hopefully they've resolved that and it doesn't feel like it's going to move that might I just been a prototype one that they were trying that time I've got this in nine. And a half at the moment on TaylorMade future chorus shafts there are 57 grams. And I'm going to hit some real golf balls kind of give you a bit an idea of what I feel with the club first I'm gonna do feel first. And then.

We're going to talk some flight scope figures in the very next.

Video. So set up behind the golf ball now I've changed that to ultra draw and it doesn't sit any differently so a bit like with the r1 you can change that compass. And it shuts the face down or you can you can move that compass too. So it's it's flat and it'll sit a little bit open this visually from above now I put that an ultra draw doesn't change which is nice a lot out features are quite a nice touch. So let's see if this now ultra draws apparently it should do. And it has done that's it that's the nice little draw down that left-hand side I hit fairly neutral swing with that and I just move from right to left a little bit I'll get a flight scope image up on screen for you as well as you can see that. And it just seemed to fly I'll leave that for everyone for the for the flights built test is your real balls on trying to keep the good ones. For the the data feels great that the flyer fit is very very solid. And had a nice sound nice acoustics to it sick one more I just put a little bit of a cut kind of Swing on that and that's they stayed very neutral where normally I know if I was having hitting my normal i-15. Or this was in neutral probably would have faded a little bit more than what it did right I sprang it in fade let's move it all around inside I think drawers going to be the most common place that people put this weight most golfers have the tendency to kind of slice the golf ball. So putting in that draw will actually help that this doesn't feel very smooth it feels a bit kind of I don't know I think this should have made that a bit smoother maybe a bit more cushioning inside. So when it does move it does kind of slide it easy I'm really kind of struggling to move that across. And the noise it makes you can hear like it's quite a it grates on you a little bit. So anyway let's take it in fade it's all different kind of there are I mean you can put this weight literally anywhere. But are one two three four five neutral four five before neutral. And then.

One two three four five after Neutron the other side so apparently it's now is in fade let's try. And hit draw see weapons again doesn't set any different which is great try to draw a nut skull dead strike. So it has corrected my drawer swing there so I'm presuming it's working I hit that very slide right up the middle try and hit just try and hit a bit of a hawker let's try and get this one moving from right to left a little bit mmm interest that stayed really straight interesting that I can't feel the weight doing anything there but like would have honestly been a hook golf swing before I get the flight scope hemorrhage up on screen in a minute and it's stayed pretty much dead straight a long line so as far as I'm aware that is working to help my kind of purposeful swing really. And great bit of kit whether it's going to shoot off as high as the the Iwan did. And the successful r1 and the Arby's ad y-you TaylorMade bring it out so any drivers as the only question I asked if you've got a tailor-made driver and you feel like you're being a bit hard on by please comment in the in the below and they can't just keep bringing out driver after driver after driver obviously you guys are interested it I'm interested in the technology with it. But where does it stop what's next.

I know Mizuno did this kind of concept a few years ago. And it's interesting now that it's coming back into fashion it's kind of moving wait at the bottom interested if you enjoyed it please do subscribe like like the video I'm going to do a bit of flight scope data on it now. So please do check the next.

Video it's in the link description. Or on my channel and after that I'm going to compare it do a longest drive against the TaylorMade r1 my name's Ben Rick shields thanks very much. For watching and that was a brief review on the TaylorMade SL dr you.