[music] hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic girl century manchester. And today.

We've got head to head we've got two very similar irons on the market we've got the taylormade sldri. And the brand new one from taylormade come from the family of the very successful driver in the fairway woods they brought out an iron now um it's got big kind of speed pocket at the bottom lots of forgiveness and packs a fairly decent punch they say it's the fastest iron they've ever produced against the callaway x2 hot so this is again callaway's flagship club this is the one that they're claiming is the longest out there without question when i've done reviews on it before it's proven that to be the case as well this is a very very long hitting golf shot uh golf club i've got these both in seven iron. But two quite different lofts now the reason why i've chosen these two golf clubs to compare up against is because they're aiming. For a very similar market for your mid to higher handicap who wants lots of forgiveness and ample amount of distance the loft in the seven iron for the taylormade is 32 degrees. And the loft in the callaway is 30 degrees okay. So there is a difference there is a two degree difference. So we'll like say that's just how it is you know i'm hitting seven hours no point in hitting the six iron one. And seven ironing either they are both seven irons i've got them in both steel shafts. And the only thing that the taylormade has in its favor is ever. So slightly longer shaft so it's ever so slightly longer so that might just help the tail made close down the deficit on the loft i've just done a review on the sldr so if you've not seen that click on the window here there's an independent review of that first but now it's a head-to-head we're going to see which one goes furthest. And straightest the rules are we're going to hit five no three golf shots each three goal shots with each. And they have to be within a 10-yard radius to count okay i'm going to hit this i'm gonna do i'm gonna hit two normal golf shots okay two just normal the third one we're gonna unleash something we're gonna smash it we're gonna hit it as hard as we can just because i wanna see how far they do go. So i'm really gonna put the accelerator down and see how far they go um hopefully you understand why i'm doing that because i want to show you how average how long it is normally. But then.

I want to see how far this these bad boys go because you know that's what you're really looking for when you're looking for a big chunky forgiving iron you're going to want a golf club that offers loads of forgiveness. And distance i'm almost certain of it i wouldn't be doing this with blade clubs put it that way so i'm going to go a taylormade sldr iron first what i'm going to do i'm going to hit alternate shot. So we can make it nice. And fair i'm hitting real golf balls down here on gc2 um 10 yard radius they have got to be inside that to count if they don't want to retake the shot because obviously if i hit a big pull it's going to go further it's got to be within that 10 yard radius um let's go i'm looking forward to this matchup i think this is going to be interesting uh we'll go tailgate first it's a nice start oh it's a nice distance as well 174 yards of carry distance that felt really nice i said the big thing with the taylormade it just seems to be up into space forever. And it's way inside our radius of 1.8 yards offline perfect right callaway x2 hots 30 degrees to 2 degrees stronger not quite as long in the shaft but that's its only kind of uh downfall right i know when i've tested this in the past this is long hopefully i'm not bigging it up too much oh now that felt good that felt really good 180 yards of carry distance 180 yards one two nine ball speed. For the callaway and that wasn't me crushing it that was me hitting it what i would class as being fairly normal i said these this was long the callaway right. So six yard difference so far let's go back into the taylormade the one thing about these two golf clubs they're so easy to hit 178 oh just outside the 10 yard radius so that shot is going to be deleted because it's just outside that radius i say normally a pull would go a little bit further my tendency is just to hit a bit of an overdraw there's no point in comparing comparing it with my my tendency of over drawing it i might as well get it in some sort of radius. And again i hope you understand that right retake for the tailor made that's nice that's way inside our radius that looks dead straight 176 yards yeah. And inside our aid it's not quite straight but it's straight enough it's inside our 10 yards right we're gonna go one more normal one with each club and then.

I'm gonna smash them see how far they go when they get hit hard so go one more with the callaway and then.

We'll smash both of them that might be a little bit too far right 179 and it's 10.4 yards off line 10.4 i am going to hit that taylormade that callaway again i just want to make it fair you know i want to keep it in that 10 yard radius right let's go one more 179 as well that felt awesome yeah that's dead straight 177 3.5 yards. So it's not not too much difference that's that's good i'm happy with that right one more shot each this is the power one this time this is kind of me gonna hit it quite hard gonna see how far the maximum distances of it can go i think the record. So far stands with the taylormade um which one was it now i think it was the speed blades which seemed to be the longest when i hit it full. So let's go tell me first i'm gonna hit this hard oh i've hit that that just looks like it's gone super high though i don't think that's gone that far because it's gone high 170 what's interesting there i hate that well. But it's just gone straight up into the space it's got 8 000 spin on it 170. that's lost distance the harder i've tried to hit that and again i think it's just because of that height deficit on it anyway it counts it's a it's a counting shot it's inside our radius right that's the shortest one ain't that hard i felt like hit that really well the ball speed was the fastest out the i don't know if it was actually that's about the same fastest speed wise right callaway see what this does if i unleash one that looks like it's gone miles if it's inside the 10 yards we are flying wow it's got 187 yards of carry distance 187. And it's six yards offline so it counts it's a counting golf shot so let me now collect all the information up let's get the three counting shots from each club and then.

We can have a look at which one of these two like say is offering not only the the average longest. But also the actual longest goal shot out of these two golf shots out of these two golf clubs um right we'll start from the terminal first so we had the tail made up first and it had an average carry distance of 173 yards which is pretty good you know that's respectable. For a 7-9 no question about it um the interesting one was the one that i tried to hit hard. And it's a it's a stiff shaft that nothing different in the shaft but it's gone up to space and it spun up way too much you spun at 8 000 revs the harder i've hit that so it's lost distance because of that so only carried 170 so that was a little thing that happened with the taylormade there whether because that big um power socket. And then.

Speed pocket at the bottom maybe that helps generate a little bit more power and spin if it's hit off the bottom but i felt like it was really crushed right let's have a look at the callaway the callaway is really interested if we look at the ones that have counted. So the three shots that's counted there for the callaway that's averaged at 181 yards 181 so it's massive it is a massive hit in golf club the two that hit normal carried at 180 177 the ball speed was nearer to 130 now the last one the last one had something really big about it at the ball speed was 134 miles per hour ball speed with a seven iron that is unheard of that is fast that is really fast. And it carried 187 yards the difference between me hitting it hard with the callaway compared to taylormade is the callaway didn't spin up as much. So the spin rate for the callaway stayed consistent throughout where the taylormade one just spun up a little bit too much so huge huge difference distance for the callaway there we kind of thought it would be you know i'm sure a lot of you out there would say well it's two degrees difference yeah you know it is i i kind of would imagine that the callaway would be longer no question about it just because of that. But i wanted today.

To give a head-to-head just to give it an idea of perspective of where the taylormade sldr sat in this market of middle to high handicappers who have the forgiveness. And distance that's why i wanted to put these two clubs head-to-head i think they offered both of them offer a high level of forgiveness i've hit a couple offline there you know it's not not the end of the world 10 11 yards offline that's not bad. But the ones that were in the 10-yard radius were pretty long. But the ta the callaway today.

The callaway x2 hop row x2 hot sorry not the pro on x2 hot as beat as beaten the taylormade sldr iron on distance. And on maximum distance as well guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up. And also comment down below you can subscribe to my channel by clicking the link just down here where it says subscribe check out my next.

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You can follow me. And share me on there do loads of questions quizzes giveaways. So you can all find out on there guys thanks. For watching that was my review. And head-to-head from the taylormade slvr and the callaway x2 hop thanks for watching [Music].