Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford goal center in manchester. And today.

We're going to be putting the new taylormade sldrs through its paces we're going to be hitting some golf shots on gt2 we're going to be talking about how well it performs on the t. And on the floor and talking about what this golf club is supposed to be doing. And why it's different to the old one so this is like the sldr driver range the sldr taylormade drivers have been super successful you know they've been you know one of the most well the longest driver on tour currently under one of the most used. So what they've done now is they brought out a almost a sister side of this brand. And kind of model they've brought out the sldrs and they brought it out with the driver and they've also brought it into the 3-wood what they've done with the three that's different to the old sldr is they've made a couple of adjustments cosmetically. So we've got a more metallic looking head we've got a black face a black finish which looks fantastic cosmetically it comes in they've dropped a lot and they've also added a loft different to what it would be in the normal sldr fairway wood so this now this is in the three wood this is the 15 degree. Yet it goes all the way up to 23 degrees which is simply a 7 wood now. So they've dropped the 14 degree um loft on this and i think from what they're saying it kind of explains why they've dropped that one as well they're claiming that this wood is got has got a shallower face. And a bigger head so they've added 10 cc to the sides of the head so it's now 165 the actual size of the head but they've made the face much shallower to make it easier to hit off the floor so we're going to be testing that theory shortly on gt2. And give you some real data with some real golf balls and so that's why they've dropped the 14 degree loft because if they've made a club that's easy to take off the floor why make a strong wood there's no point in doing that. So they've made a loft that's much higher to help with the shallowness of the face so that 7 wood and 23 degrees will be up into space it's got no adjustability on this. So unlike the old sldr fairway wood where you could change the loft interchangeable lofts this hasn't got that option so once you get it in a set loft that is it. So you know a lot of a lot of brands have been doing interchangeable woods now i don't know if this is a good thing. Or a bad thing that the sldrs doesn't i think one of the big things that it does it kind of just concretes that club this club is a three-wood you know you shouldn't have to tinker with the loft too much um like i said before the cosmetically it looks pretty pretty nice it has definitely got a bigger head size. And even only 10cc you can really see how much more kind of i don't know generous it is behind the golf ball. And without question it's got a really kind of shallow profile so it should be much easier to hit off the floor um this retails when it gets first well when it first first got released was two three nine the recommended retail that's dollars two three nine dollars it's about 190 pounds um. So it's in a competitive market and i'm sure um a lot of the woods other manufacturers about about the same price really so what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna hit some golf shots using gc2 which is my launch monitor here i'm going to hit three off the t give you some data on how kind of my feeling is of the golf club. So how easy was it it is to hear how far it's going. And i'm going to test it then.

On the floor as well to see if it kind of lives up to its claim about being easier to to hit off the floor this comes also in the new uh this is the fujikora speeder shaft comes in diff four different loft options. And different weights i've got this in 65 gram and also they've made the shaft a little bit shorter than the normal sldr uh fairway wood as well again to give it that advantage to it be more controlled and easier to hit so let's give this a let's give this a bit of a crack so straight away behind the golf ball honestly it does look amazing i love the metallic look on it we're going to go on hitting some straight ones. And also direction as well that was really nice. So that sounded amazing off the face it flew really nice now that's big i would normally say i hit a 3 wood about 235 to 240 yards of carry distance that's giving me a carry distance of 252 yards off the tee two five two that's a really nice hit it's also gone very very straight only four yards off target which is great that felt fantastic really nice oh that's nice again 249 yards of carry distance that was really nice a little bit way more way with that time it didn't wasn't quite straight. So that's actually probably just missed our fairway there 24 yards to the right so that indicates kind of its level rough level of consistency let's give us one more and kind of direction but super easy to hit and very very long that was not a centered strike that wasn't hit smack bang out the middle wow that's gone 260 yards. And i caught it ever so slightly tow it so that's demonstrating how good the dispersion on across the face can be it's got a little speed pocket at the bottom here as well. So that's going to help project the ball fast 260 yards that's that's a really big hit the one thing what i'm feeling when i hit the golf club it feels very light i feel like i know where the club head is whether that's because it's got a slightly shorter shaft. And also it feels ultra solid when we make contact i'm putting that down to slightly the um a fact it's got a glued head it's not got an adjustable head it's not got a sleeve on it where you can move. So i always find that the the glued heads just feel a little bit more solid when you hit it right the big test off the floor so that was averaging currently at 252 off the floor 252 yards which is pretty decent um. So let's give this oh sorry two five four two five four it was average of that i'm losing that myself on two yards there off the floor now without question this looks much more confident building hitting off the floor just because it has got that super shallow face let's see how it performs in distance. And direction oh that was really easy to hit off the floor i felt like the bottom of the golf club just had such a big plate that as it swept through the golf ball it just never seemed to um dig. Or grab or take any surface it just seemed to sail through the surface that's long 264 yards of carry distance that's really long 264 felt super easy tip it's gone offline by only 15 yards so we would kind of claim that being a relatively straight shot okay let's give this another go i'm really enjoying hitting this ah that's an interesting one i didn't hit that one well. So these are the kind of issues that you're gonna get hitting a fairway wood off the floor i didn't hit that great i'll be absolutely honest with you there. Yet it still carried 239 yards i'm putting that down to a lot of the fact that this face is nice. And shallow so even though i hit that a little bit off the bottom i didn't get that punished really i have it more offline but for what i would class as being a bad shot that's not too bad of a result i'd live with that let's go one more oh that was really nice that felt amazing 257. And it's only just a fraction offline but the ball flight on that was just sensational seems to have gone super long. And it's only just offline so if we have a look at some of the data i'm going to throw up data up on screen. For you so if we look at the the data we got off the t first so this was just hitting off a really small tpeg with real balls using my gc2 we've got 254 yards of carry distance average that's long that is much longer than i would normally hit a 3 wood without question i've hit two pretty much dead straight i've hit one a little bit to the right. So that's just highlighting that it is a relatively straight shot second one grandson didn't hit super amazing. But i didn't really get that punished you know only 24 yards offline that's not horrendous for a golf ball that's traveling 250 yards if we look at it off the floor now i feel like this is where it's really coming to its own. And this is what separates it to the normal sldr. So we've got 253 yards of carry distance here so this off the floor so there's only one yard of difference off the floor but yet there was that one in the middle which i hit really bad i hit off the bottom of the golf club i didn't feel like i executed the strike amazingly. Yet i didn't really get super punished it still carried 239 yards i've granted i've lost 20 yards but i did hit it bad. And it has gone a little bit further to the right i wouldn't say super accurate direction wise off the floor but for ease of hit it's way up there so i would say without question this is the golf club guys that are gonna certainly kind of suit the golfer who who demands a wood to be hit off the floor a lot. So if you're a golfer who demands hitting a fairway wood into par four long par fours or par fives there's options in this where you can have it in obviously the 15 degree loft they've dropped the 14 all the way up to 23 degrees of loft which is a 7 wood which would be a really nice addition i don't feel like enough manufacturers brands make seven woods anymore they kind of go more with the hybrids. And looks great performs fantastic it's a reasonable price point so it's not too ridiculously expensive the only couple of downfalls i feel like it's got is that it's even though it's i was quite a big fan of the glued head i think a lot of people will miss out on the adjustability of this golf club i do i feel like with the adjustability option if you're playing in different conditions different courses you can slightly tweak it set it. So it suits you perfectly and also it keeps the added value when you're selling it on a little bit as well if it had the adjustability i would say that's his only massive downfall and apart from that i think it's a golf club that performs well performs well off the tee off the floor gives us some massive numbers massive length of shots. So out of the five stars there that i could offer this golf club i'm going to offer this as four stars i feel like it gives us lots of distance i feel like the forgiveness level isn't as good as it could be. And i feel that the adjustability option just lets it down a fraction the big things that i feel like it's got the four stars from i feel the looks are amazing i think the metallic look the black finish just look absolutely superb the performance with its shallow face. And its bigger head are absolutely amazing. And with the options of having um the 15 degree loft all the way up to 23 i think that's a massive bonus as well. So guys that was my review today.

Of the taylormade sldrs fairway wood definitely want to go. And try if you're in the market of a club to be hitting mainly off the tee off the floor sorry but obviously you can hit it off the t as well it performs nicely off the tee. And looks great performs good and hopefully you can give this a little bit of try. And it will help improve your goal guys thanks. So much for watching you can check out my channel by clicking the link down here below. And also you can check out my next.

Video in the window there thanks. For watching we'll see you all soon.